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Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

Chapter 2227: Dearest Love
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Chapter 2227 Dearest Love

The word “okay” made Li Jinnian’s eyes suddenly become moist.

He almost lost his mind. He adjusted his breathing secretly and then said, “Okay, when his drip is done, we will all go home together…” The way he said “go home” showed how much he was looking forward to later.

It was also at this moment, Ye Jian’s heart trembled slightly.

Dearest loved ones… Did she really have loved ones besides Uncle Chen and Grandpa Gen?

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Did she really have anyone else?

What if she made a mistake? What if all of this was not true? What if it was all nothing in the end?

Ye Jian, who was sitting in the car, was anxious due to the various uncertainties; she was not happy at all.

“When you meet the old gentleman, say hello respectfully. Since Li Jinnian didn’t say much about other matters, you don’t have to worry too much. Recognizing your ancestors is a big matter; he will not just do it casually. He will surely make the arrangements for everything.” Xia Jinyuan held her hand. It was a little cold; she was a little nervous. His handsome face smiled as he continued softly, “Don’t think about other things, just think that you are going to visit the great scientist.”

This was to tell Ye Jian not to regard Sir Fu as her grandfather but treat her visit as to pay respect to the great scientist.

With him accompanying her, Ye Jian was really calm.

Li Jinnian thanked Xia Jinyuan for his help. Without his help today, Ye Jian could not have nodded so easily and agreed to go home with him.

His sister should trust her closest relatives the most, but now she trusted Xia Jinyuan so much. Li Jinnian was happy but also felt bitter at the same time.

He was very happy that there was a man next to his sister who understood her, loved her, and took care of her. But he also felt bitter because he didn’t accompany her through many of her difficulties, and he didn’t even know how many difficulties she had experienced.

Looking behind from the central rear-view mirror, he saw that all Ye Jian’s attention was on Xia Jinyuan; there was no joy on her face about going home. Li Jinnian turned away, feeling a little unbearable.

In her opinion, was family affection a kind of nothingness that did not exist?

Had she never thought about getting the care of her closest relatives?

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Or was she completely disappointed with family love to the point of never longing for it?

If that was the case, what kind of environment did she ever live in? How much hardship did she suffer that made her look so cold and made her feel so insecure?

He thought about their first meeting; her maturity was beyond her age. Li Jinnian’s heart suddenly hurt.

His younger sister, who should have grown up like a princess and loved by her family, but because of her destiny, the Fu Family didn’t even know of her existence.

Li Jinnian, whose mood had been experiencing ups and downs, was not able to calm his mind until he drove his car into the depths of a park in the hustle and bustle of the city.

“When the capital was planned, they preserved the original appearance of the entire mountain here. On the left is the Beijing Suburb Park, and this here is the place where old scientists enjoy their retirement. It is guarded by armed police; ordinary people cannot enter and leave at will.” To make Ye Jian relax, Xia Jinyuan began introducing the places, “The scientists who developed the first generation of computers in our country also lived here. Your small bungalows behind the trees are all homed by national treasure-level old scientists. Taking a stroll here, if you encounter any old folks, you’ll surely be shocked by their identities.”

The car curved up along the winding mountain road. Through the window glass, Ye Jian saw several small red brick western-style buildings with only one corner exposed. She thought about all those scientists who dedicated their lives to the country living in those small western-style buildings, and the tension that built up was long gone, leaving only immense respect.