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Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

Chapter 2215: This Is Her Life Experience
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Chapter 2215 This Is Her Life Experience

The story was too complicated, full of parents’ sorrow, and how tough it was in that era.

Li Jinnian wanted to tell Ye Jian the story, hoping that she could change her mind after listening to it and stop resisting.

“The story is a bit long. It is related to the affairs of several elderly people. It may take about half an hour. Please give me half an hour and listen to me, okay?”

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Ye Jian was resisting hard, it was the resistance that obviously meant she did not want to hear a word from Li Jinnian, so she said with cold eyes, “I don’t want to listen, and I am not interested in listening, let go, Major Li!”

“Why don’t you want to listen? Is it because you have the answer in your heart, so you don’t want to listen?” Li Jinnian didn’t let go. From her eyes, he saw not only disgust but also deep sadness and hatred.

She really should hate it because everyone didn’t know that before her aunt left, she actually had her uncle’s child!

Ye Jian looked at him calmly, “Major Li, why should I listen? The story you want to tell has nothing to do with me; why should I listen?” Why should she listen to a story that had nothing to do with her!

Her father was Ye Xinfan, no one else!

“If you are here to visit Major Xia, then you have to come back later; he needs to rest now. I don’t have the time to accompany you, sorry.” She refused the topic, let alone discussing it in depth.

Seeing her insistence on this, Li Jinnian flashed a trace of grief on his cold face. After that, he stepped aside and said indifferently, “I’m sorry to disturb you.”

“Because you look too much like my aunt and like my uncle. My grandparent’s family has never seen my aunt, and this photo is the only photo left by my aunt to my uncle. My grandmother grabbed my mother’s hand before she died, she said she hoped my mother would let my aunt come home, but unfortunately, my mother did not find her aunt until she passed away.”

“Sorry, I was too impatient and disturbed you.”

Ye Jian, who was holding the handle of the door lock, paused lightly, turned around, and gave Li Jinnian a slight nod, “It’s okay.”

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“You’re right, anyway; my aunt’s name is very different from your mother’s name. I might have made a mistake.” Li Jinnian took out the photo again, turned it over, and looked at the bottom of the photo; the word “Hong Mei” was written at a corner. He looked at it for a while, and at the moment Ye Jian pushed the door back to the ward, he said softly, “Our whole family only knows my aunt’s name “Hong Mei,” we don’t even know her last name.”

No, you’re wrong; you don’t even know my mother’s real name. “Red Plum” is just her code name, like you, “Devil King,” like me, “Blue Bird.”

You don’t even know my mother’s real name, that man… that man obviously never thought of marrying her mother!

Ye Jian, who closed the door, had no expression on her face. That man didn’t even mention her mother’s name to the family. He didn’t even say a word to her mother before he left. He left quietly, which showed that he only wanted to play with her mother’s feelings!

She knew that she was not her father’s biological daughter, and she knew that her mother was pregnant when she married her father, but so what!

Her father was Ye Xinfan, a simple and honest farmer who held her and loved her.

Li Jinnian was gone; his tall back showed a touch of sadness; he was sad for those things in the past, sad for his maternal ancestors’ past.

None of them knew that the original aunt gave birth to a child for his uncle; everyone did not know, including the uncle.