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Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

Chapter 2211: How Could She Be Willing
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Chapter 2211: How Could She Be Willing

Why did he refuse the promotion ceremony?

How could such a solemn ceremony be omitted?

No matter how soft his voice was, she could hear him. Before she finished cleaning the things in her hand, Ye Jian smiled and said, “Major Xia, I want to watch you be awarded with the title, can?” Her dazzling eyes were looking at him as she continued, “You’ll be promoted to Lieutenant Colonel, right? We need several years in order to be promoted, how can you delay such an important ceremony? I haven’t seen what you’d look like in award ceremonies.”

There were three times when enlisted soldiers could show their military charm the most.

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First: On the first day after enlisting in the army, when they put on their uniform.

Second: The title and gun receiving ceremony.

Third: The rank promotion ceremony.

She could no longer see the first day Major Xia was enlisted in the army, nor could she see him be awarded with title and receiving guns. Now that she could see him being promoted, she would surely not want to miss it.

“Is it that you don’t have time to participate in the rank promotion ceremony?” Ye Jian was very interested, so she couldn’t help asking another question. In fact, she also wanted to ask if it was because of the Elite Platoon rules.

She knew the rules of the Elite Platoon. Before leaving the Elite Platoon, the soldiers’ ranks would never change, just like Pigeon and J5, they wore formal attire, and the epaulettes were the rank of Major.

If, after graduation, she could be lucky enough to enter the Elite Platoon, if she could be promoted to Major in about three years, then her military rank would always be Major when she wore her formal clothes. Her archives might be like the ones Major Xia had, secretly being promoted to Lieutenant Colonel, but their title still showed Major.

She didn’t quite understand why he wanted to do this.

Xia Jinyuan glanced at Ye Jian. He at first wanted to hold down his military rank, but because of what Ye Jian said, he was relieved, “Okay, I agree.”

“Okay, come to the meeting by yourself tomorrow. Some of your comrades will be there as well.” Commander-in-Chief Xia nodded. He rushed over early in the morning mainly for this matter. Since he agreed, there was no need to stay any longer, so he said to Ye Jian, “Little Ye, come with him tomorrow.”

The nurse who happened to be responsible for treating Xia Jinyuan’s inflammation came over, Commander-in-Chief Xia got up and left, and Ye Jian quickly got up to see him off.

The Commander-in-Chief would definitely not let Ye Jian send him off, but this time he did not refuse. Instead, he said, “Little Ye, you can send me to my car. I have something to talk to you about. Let’s talk along the way.”

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“Okay, you first, Commander-in-Chief.” Ye Jian didn’t notice that the man behind her was glaring at Commander-in-Chief Xia. She respectfully sent the Commander-in-Chief out of the ward.

Xia Jinyuan still wanted to chase after them but was “nailed” back to the bed by Commander-in-Chief Xia’s stern gaze, so he could only watch Ye Jian leave the ward.

What did he want to tell her outside? He could probably guess it too.

Ye Jian, who heard the whole story earlier, was trembling. She didn’t know that Major Xia was able to be promoted to Lieutenant Colonel last year, but he kept delaying it because he wanted to be promoted with her.

“Old Six is very stubborn. I was very worried before I came here. How can you make him change his decision with just a word, Little Ye? I will leave you the responsibility of disciplining that kid. If there is something wrong with him, you just teach him a stern lesson, don’t worry; I will take your side if anything goes wrong.”

Ye Jian, whose heart had “flown” back to the ward, felt terribly palpitated and said seriously, “Don’t worry, I will definitely watch him grant the rank of Lieutenant Colonel, I will never allow him to delay further because of me.”

She was very touched. Her man secretly did a lot of things she didn’t know about for her. Everything he did for her could shock her for a long time. He paid too much for her; how could she accept that he would even delay his military future for her sake?