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Reborn In a Murderer’s Embrace

Chapter 27
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Chapter 27 Stella's glass shattered on the floor as she stood up abruptly. Even her lips were ashen when she asked, “What... who does this fingernail belong to?” After asking. Stella started to lose control. Throwing her coat aside, she ran towards the door, frantic with the dual fears of me being dead or, alive and suffering.

Tears streaming down my face, | opened my arms wide to stop her, “Don't go, Stella, please don’t go.” She's the only one | had.

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Robin, quick as lightning, caught Stella by the wrist, “Calm down... maybe, maybe it's just a red herring by the killer, maybe she’s still alive. Don't be rash.” Stella collapsed to the ground, clutching at Robin's legs and sobbing uncontrollably, “Please, please find Phoebe quickly, I'm begging you... | can do it. | can lure him out; just please hurry.” Stella's cries echoed my own as we both begged the police to solve the case quickly.

Around one in the morning, Dexter arrived, looking worse for wear, probably called by Robin.

“We f found another victim with Phoebe's fingernail,” Robin said with detached calm.

Dexter furrowed his brow, “So, the body isn’t her?” Robin looked at Dexter, “Do you really think Phoebe is the type to pull off her own fingernail and place it on a corpse?” | was curious too—had | become so unhinged in Dexter's eyes? Dexter clenched his fists, his voice low and tense, “She’s a lunatic...” | watched Dexter in shock. Even now, with my nails torn off, he still didn't believe | was dead! “Dexter! Have you got no humanity?” | screamed at him, rushing forward to grab his collar. “You bastard!” | slapped him, and that was something the old me would never dare to do. But it was useless; it didn’t hurt him at all.

“She could push Melody down the stairs to marry me, drug my drinks, and put rat poison in Melody's cake... there's nothing she can't do.” Dexter's eyes were bloodshot. It seemed that he was somehow losing control.

“What nonsense are you spouting? Even now, you are still slandering Phoebe! It was because you said Phoebe wasn’t missing that the police delayed the investigation until now. Don’t you know that? It's all you!” Stella cried as she charged at him, her slap landing sharply on Dexter's face. “If anything happens to Phoebe, you're as good as her killer! An accomplice! A bastard!” 15:02 Chapter 27 “You did so many disgusting things to Phoebe and | won't call you a man!” Stella continued to lash out at Dexter.

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Dexter just stood there, accepting Stella's blows.

“Stella, why are you hitting Dexter?” Melody burst in, pushing Stella away.

| tried to protect Stella, but Melody was so forceful that Stella stumbled backwards.

| reached out to catch her, but could only watch helplessly as she fell through my hands.

Thankfully, Robin was quick to catch Stella.

“Mr. Fitzgerald, do you have any evidence for your claims?” Robin asked, frowning.
