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Rebirth of the Wife in Despair by Tess Munoz

Chapter 293
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Chapter 293 Laying Low

Upon returning to the hotel, Nancy provided Oliver with some basic first-aid. He had cried all the way

back and was completely exhausted, falling into a deep sleep.

When Oliver woke up, he felt an intense chill.

“Mommy, what are you doing?”

In the bathroom, Nancy poured cold water over Oliver from above. Shivering from the cold, Oliver

struggled to stand up from the bathtub, but she pushed him back down with one hand.

“M-Mommy, I’m s-so cold.” Oliver’s body turned blue as he shivered uncontrollably. He hugged himself,

trying to keep warm.

Nancy gently stroked his hair with a smile. “Be good, Ollie. Just endure a little longer. Daddy will come

to see you soon. Our family will be together, and you’ll have a Daddy soon.”

The little one opened his innocent eyes wide and nodded. “Okay, I’ll listen to you, Mommy”

“Good boy. Later, I’ll get you your favorite ice cream,”


The room service attendant brought another bucket of ice cubes, which Nancy dumped into the


“Mommy, I don’t feel well…

“We’ll be done in a moment.”

After half an hour, Nancy finally lifted him out of the icy bathtub. Without even drying him off, she let

him sleep on the couch, completely naked, facing the window.

During the night, Oliver developed a high fever, with his body temperature reaching thirty-nine degrees.

He fell into a state of unconsciousness, his entire body burning hot like a furnace.

Nancy took him to the hospital overnight, and the doctor immediately gave him an acetaminophen


Oliver’s condition began to improve at six o’clock in the morning.

The nurse told Nancy, “The child’s fever has almost subsided. You can go downstairs to settle the bill,

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

and by the afternoon, you can proceed with the discharge procedures.”

“Alright. Thank you for your help, nurse.”

The nurse found her somewhat familiar but couldn’t remember where she had seen her before.

Once the nurse left the ward, Nancy’s expression returned to its icy demeanor. Her gaze was fierce

and cold as she looked at the child still attached to the IV drip. She murmured softly, “Don’t blame me

for doing this; I had no other choice. I can’t just stand by and watch him marry another woman. If we

want him to come back to us, this is the only way.”

With a heart of stone, Nancy left, leaving no one to watch over the lonely and helpless child. Time

passed, bit by bit, yet the hospital room remained silent.



In a luxurious private room in Primas Plaza, Will should naturally sit in the main seat due to his

seniority. However, they were discussing business now, and in the business world, familial relationships

held no weight. Moreover, everyone who came to Hulbury had to show respect to the Smith family,

regardless of

their status.

“Is there really no room for negotiation, Mr. Smith?” Will’s fingers moved rhythmically over the rosary in

his hand. His facial expression remained steady, a hint of a smile playing on his lips, betraying no sign

of any unusual emotions.

Will had always been like that. When he smiled, it appeared sincere and honest, making him seem.

harmless. He truly appeared like a benevolent man who would save the world.

But beneath that facade was nothing but a disgusting, evil man, enough to make one’s stomach churn.

Even the most ferocious wildcat was nothing when it encountered a tiger.

Jasper wiped his hands with a warm towel. “As I’ve said before, Mr. Swan, in front of Eileen, I call you.

father-in-law because we are family, after all. I’m doing this for your own good. Having Caerulus.

Corporation become a subsidiary of Smith Corporation is a win-win situation. Currently, Caerulus

Corporation’s annual income is around fifty million. Once Caerulus Corporation joins Smith

Corporation, the projected annual income will be at least three hundred million. To the Smith family, this

three hundred million is insignificant. Furthermore, under non-essential circumstances, Smith

Corporation will not interfere with Caerulus Corporation’s decisions for any reason. You will still hold

your position as director, Mr. Swan. It’s just that the position of CEO needs to be filled by someone


Will’s temples throbbed with visible veins, his eyes blazing with anger. Yet, he maintained a smile on

his face. “Mr. Smith, over the years, everyone in the company has witnessed Eric’s management. If we

suddenly replace him now, what about the projects under his charge?”

Jasper answered, “There’s no need for you to worry about these matters, Mr. Swan. I will arrange for

someone to handle the transition. Of course, if there’s anyone else you trust, they can also be involved.

Oh, by the way, I heard that Caerulus Corporation has been facing some financial issues lately. Xuereb

Bank has been slow to release the funds you need. It seems that the successor you’ve been grooming

is somewhat lacking in ability, I think it would be better to dismiss the person who brought crisis to the

company now to avoid causing bigger troubles later.”

Turning to shoot Will an indifferent gaze, the corners of Jasper’s mouth lifted slightly. “After everything

that’s been said, I believe you should understand, Mr. Swan, my only intention is for you to sign this

contract. The benefits Smith Corporation offers to Caerulus Corporation will not be taken back, not

even a single penny. Furthermore, we will provide you with a check to ensure the projects continue. I

wouldn’t want to have my wedding with Eileen without seeing my father-in-law there.”

If the development of the land in Newcove wasn’t completed as scheduled, there were two

consequences. Firstly, there was a tenfold penalty for breach of contract. Secondly, if the penalty

couldn’t be paid, Will faced the risk of imprisonment.

Before he could speak, Jasper stood up, his gaze fixed on him as he began, “I’ll leave the contract here

for you to review at your leisure, Father. If there are any shortcomings, we can discuss them at any

time. You have half a day, no extensions!”

After saying that, he left immediately.

Fabian left the attached contract in front of Will.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

After a half-minute of silence, Will kicked over the table in front of him. The waitress who was about to

come in and clean up was immediately stunned on the spot upon seeing this.



The waitress nervously stammered, “Um, okay, sir.”

Irst, and dont tell anyone what you saw.”

Before she could get a good look at him, the waitress hurriedly left the area.

“Jasper’s intention is simply to undermine my authority. There’s no need for you to get so upset,

Father,” Eric poured a cup of tea and walked over to the couch to offer it to Will.

Will scoffed coldly, taking the teacup. “Did you hear everything that was just said?”

Eric nodded. “He simply doesn’t like me being part of the family. My presence is nothing but a threat to

him, especially because of Eileen…”

It seemed that the matter he had investigated had truly upset him greatly, to the point where he had

lost. his composure!

But for Eric, this was just the beginning.

Will took a sip of his drink, his anger subsiding considerably. “I told you to consider going abroad with

Ms. Friedman. What’s your decision? This is a good opportunity for you to leave. It would be a chance

to learn and also to lay low for a while.”

Eric stood to the side, chuckling lightly. “Father, are you really taking a young woman’s words

seriously? Our alliance with the Friedman family is nothing more than a public declaration of opposition

against the Smith family. You saw what happened at the engagement banquet. Now is not the right

time to align with the Friedman family.”

Will glanced at him. “From what you’re saying, does that mean you have your own matters to attend


Eric replied, “There have been some issues at Raven Gang recently that need to be addressed.”

“Alright, once the company’s issues are resolved, I’ll find a way to get you back in. For now, take some


to rest.

“Yes, Father.”