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Our Billion-Worth Twins by Velvet Antler

Chapter 160
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Chapter 160 That plate number was 999. Jamie bade this number from the auction market years ago. He

insisted on using this plate even if he changed his cars. Catelyn was not surprised to see Jamie and

Louella in the car.

The window was rolled halfway down, and the pale-faced Louella was just discharged from the hospital.

Jamie, meanwhile, was tending to her gently by her side. He placed the back of his hand on her

forehead, full of affection and care.

Catelyn stared at them for a long while. When the traffic light finally turned green again, she finally took

out the meds from their boxes. The park was bustling with noise and activity at this moment.

She was just about to pop the morning-after pills into her mouth when a hand grabbed her wrist,

forcefully stopping her. Catelyn looked up to the owner of the hand.

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There Cedrick was, standing behind her under the scorching sun, his figure overcast. His shadow was so

tall that it seemed to have engulfed Catelyn’s smaller frame.

His fingers dug into her skin as he growled, “You ran out just to buy this?”

“What is this?” Cedrick’s expression was downright intimidating at this point.

Catelyn held the box of the pills in front of him and said passive-aggressively, “Can’t you


Cedrick’s dark pupils bore into hers as indignation boiled within him. “I am asking you, what is this?”

Catelyn fell silent, knowing that he was asking a rhetorical question. She bit her lower lip and said,

“Contraceptive pills. Are you happy now?” Cedrick realized he did not understand her.

Many women out there would die to conceive his child, but here she was, trying to chug on contraceptive

pills! He snatched the pills from her and chucked them right into the bin at the side. Catelyn looked at

him and did not say a word but went straight to the pharmacy across the road.

He could throw away one box of the pills, but could he throw away all the contraceptive pills available in

Sapphire City?

She was determined to swallow those pills.

“Hold up. Where are you going?” Cedrick strode toward her with his long legs, stopping her as he stood

before her. His handsome face was stern, and it was evident how crossed he was.

Catelyn tried to calm herself down so that she could talk some sense into him.

“Cedrick, I’m begging you,” she pleaded. “This game is over. You have a fiancee, and I have a family. We

both know it’s not right, and we shouldn’t repeat our wrongdoings.” “I have revoked my engagement with

Maia, and your so-called solution to the wrongdoing is by taking contraceptive pills?” Catelyn was

embarrassed by his unfiltered remarks, and her face turned scarlet red. “What should I do, then? Am I

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supposed to conceive a child for you?” “Do I look like I can’t afford another child?”

“This isn’t a problem of whether you can afford to or not. You were Maia’s ex-fiance, and I was your

nephew’s ex-fiancee. My son should even call you grandpa! Do you understand?” Catelyn felt at a loss

for words at that moment and decided to stay silent. She was adamant to continue shopping for

contraceptive pills. Cedrick’s temples pulsed. “If your concern is about the generation by blood, that’s

one small matter. Jamie doesn’t deserve to be my nephew.” “Stop talking to me. We have a generation

gap!” Catelyn turned her head away. Cedrick frowned and said nothing else. With his large palm still

encompassing her arm, he forcefully tugged her into the car. Catelyn’s effort to resist was in vain. The

more she struggled, the more forceful Cedrick was, so she could only give in and went back into the car.

It was so quiet in the car that they could only hear each other’s heartbeats.

Cedrick sent Catelyn back to her place in Ocean Park Residence. Catelyn said her thanks, ready to hop

off the car, but Cedrick was faster and pulled on the door handle before she could open the door. “You

don’t have to take the pills anymore. You won’t have my child.”