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Obsessive CEO’s Sinful Wife by Lil’ Bamboo

Chatper 674
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Chapter 674

Serenity dragged her sore body into the bathroom and took a quick shower. She was about to go downstairs when

her phone rang. It was a call from Lynette.

As soon as she picked it up, she heard her cousin’s voice ask, “Are you free today, Serenity? I’ve got something to

talk to you in person about.”

Serenity considered it for a moment then answered, “Okay, let’s meet up.”

What a coincidence. Serenity was just thinking about asking Lynette about Locas’s nickname and asking her why

she had said she used to talk to Serenity about saving Lucas when they were younger.

Afterward, when the two met up, the first thing Serenity noticed when she saw Lynette was how she was wearing

expensive designer brands from head to toe in the latest style, complete with a pair of seven inch high stilettos, and

how she was carrying a handbag made of crocodile skin. Her hair was luxuriously curled, her face was delicately

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made up, and she was even wearing a pair of sunglasses.

At a glance, she looked just like all the rich socialites in Solaria. Who would have thought that this same woman was

just an ordinary housewife from a small town nearby not too long ago?

“Ah, you’re here, Serenity!”

Lynette walked up to her cousin, took off her sunglasses, and smiled

“Come to think of it,” she said, “we haven’t gotten together like this a long time ago, haven’t we, Sis? I’m moving to

Solana soun, so I’m sure we’ll get more chances to meet up in the future!”

Serenity stared at Lynette. She knew that her cousin had not invited her out today out of sisterly love. In fact, they

had never been close even when they were young, much less now when they were both grown up.

She even heard that after she was sentenced in prison, Lynette had often made fun of her about it in the small


“If you have anything to say to me,” she told Lynette, “just go ahead and say It.”

The smile on Lynette’s face stiffened. She quietly took her seat and then said, “I’ll be blunt with you, then. I asked

you out today because I wanted to talk to you about Laras.”

Serenity pricked up her ears. It truly had been a marvelous coincidence.

“You acted out of line the other day, Serenity. How could you call Lucas by his nickname out of the blue? You’re

Jackson Valor’s girlfriend now, so you shouldn’t be acting so friendly with Locas anymore. It could’ve easily led to a


“Have you really told me about saving Lucas before when we were young?” Serenity asked, being just as frank in

voicing her suspicions as Lynette had been with her opinions. “Also, did you really mention his nickname to me as


Lynette froze in shock. She tried ber best to suppress the terror welling up inside of her as she defensively replied,

“What kind of questions are these? Are you accusing me of lying to you?”

“All I want to know,” Serenity persisted, “Is that if you had truly told me all those things, why don’t I remember it at

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all?” “Because we were children!” Lynette answered. “Children say silly things all the time! How many people can

actually remember the things they heard when they were young? We forget must of it, anyway! Or are you

claiming that you can remember every conversation we had when we were lails?!

“So,” Serenity’s eyebrows furrowed, “it was really you who saved Laras Gonex’s life back then?”

“Of course!” Lynette snapped angrily, seemingly alfended that she was daulted. “How could you even question it?”

“Then why don’t you tell me again exactly how you saved his life?”

Although she was irritated by the question, Lynette still recounted the story to Serenity, then added, “It happened

so many years ago now that I must’ve forgotten some fine details about it, but that was more or less how it

happened. I’ve told you

Chapter 674

everything you wanted to know now, and since you’ve already got Jackson Valor, I hope you’ll keep a distance from


from now on.”

Serenity eyed her cousin coldly.