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Obsessive CEO’s Sinful Wife by Lil’ Bamboo

Chapter 669
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Chapter 669


“A year?” Lisa repeated in a low voice, then asked, “Does that mean that you’re going to postpone your wedding

with Jackson?

Serenity nodded, “I haven’t told him about it yet, though. I’ll do it tonight and see what he thinks about it.”

Still, she had a hunch that he would agree to it because ever since they had started dating, he had always agreed

to everything

she asked.

Lisa studied her friend’s wearied, worn–down face and then suggested, “Why don’t you come with me to the mall,

Serenity? Terry wants me to attend a gala with him, and he told me to pick up a dress he ordered for me in a

boutique at the mall nearby.

To be frank, Lisa had never had any desire to attend any banquets or galas at all because she hated to be the

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center of people’s attention, but Terry seemed to have gotten addicted to dragging her everywhere with him and

just would not take no for an


What was even more exasperating was that when she gave him an excuse of being too busy having to work

overtime, the guy just smiled and told her not to worry about it, that work was more important after all, but then

she soon received a call from her boss at work, telling her not to work overtime anymore.

Anybody could tell that it was clearly Terry who was behind all this!

Soon afterward, Serenity and Lisa arrived at the mall in the neighborhood, and Lisa led her friend to the boutique

where she was supposed to pick up her dress. Unsurprisingly, the dress Terry had chosen for her was not of any

ordinary brand, but rather, a first–rate luxury brand whose cheapest item could cost as much as thousands of

dollars, and the more expensive ones could go up as high as millions, all of which were available in this boutique

Lisa mentioned Terry’s name to the lady at the counter, after which the lady’s face instantly bloomed into a bright

smile and very politely showed Lisa the dress that had been picked out earlier so Lisa could try it on and tell them if

there was anything about the dress she would like to alter.

“Could you wait for me here for a little while, Serenity?”

“Sure,” Serenity nodded.

She then browsed casually through the other items in the boutique, and just then, she heard a voice coming from

behind her at the entrance of the boutique.

“Are you sure the things here aren’t too expensive for ine, Lucas? I don’t mind the cheaper stuff, you know.”

“Since we’re already here,” replied a man’s voice, “let’s just buy the best stuff. You can choose anything you like.

Lynette smiled sweetly and said, “You really are so nice to me, Lucas!”

“You saved my life before, so it’s only right that I’m nice to you.”

Lucas turned his eyes away from Lynette as he spoke, but when he caught the sight of a familiar figure in the

boutique, his whole body instantly tensed up.

Even just seeing her back was enough to make his eyes sting.

Then, through the glass display window of the boutique’s storefront, Lucas’s eyes suddenly met with that beautiful

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pair of almond–shaped eyes.

He was looking at her! As soon as Serenity made eye contact with lacas through the display window, she could

clearly sense that Lucas had been staring at her. As she kept her paze on the man, the Image of that dream she

had had last night flashed in her mind. That boy in her dream. She had never gotten the chance to take a good look

at that boy’s face, yet what the little girl and little boy had gone through in the dream plus the fact that the boy was

called Laloe convinced her that the boy was definitely Lucas!

Lynette followed Lucas’s gaze and saw Serenity Too, and her expression made a dramatic tum.

Chapter 669


Yet only a fraction of a second later, Lynette quickly forced a smile and approached her cousin.

“Serenity! Is that you? What a coincidence! I never thought I’d see you here!”

Serenity turned toward Lynette and replied, “You’re right. What a coincidence.”

“Are you shopping for clothes here as well?” asked Lynette. “That’s great! Lucas told me he wanted to buy me

some clothes and handhags here. Why don’t you help me choose which ones to buy?”

As she spoke, Lynette very cordially held Serenity’s arm, acting as if they were doting sisters. Any onlooker would

have thought that the two women were very close with one another.