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Obsessive CEO’s Sinful Wife by Lil’ Bamboo

Chapter 6
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Chapter 6

“I don’t need your favors,” Serenity said.

Heiden was drunk, and he rushed to Serenity, slapping her hard. “I told you to drink, so drink. You’re

just a poor woman now, so how dare you refuse me?!”

As Heiden spoke, he took the bottle and poured the liquid into Serenity’s mouth.

Serenity tried to push him away, but she was unable to. A man’s strength was much stronger than a

woman’s. Besides, Heiden had Aria helping him.

Heiden was pleased by Aria’s help. “Oh, Aria, you’re smart. I’ll talk to the director about adding more

screen time for you later.”

Naturally, this made Aria work harder as Heiden’s accomplice. “Thanks, Heiden. My sister isn’t

behaving, so I’m really sorry about that.”

Serenity did not know how much alcohol she had been given. She was not a very good drinker, and

she was already feeling a little drunk, so she struggled to control her remaining consciousness. “I-I

want to go home…”

“Yeah. I’ll take you back later.” Heiden took Serenity into his arms.

Heiden did not find Serenity extremely attractive, but he was excited knowing that she had once been

Zeke Shaw’s girlfriend.

Just then, Heiden’s phone rang abruptly. Heiden wanted to hang up the call directly, but he picked it up

upon seeing who had called.

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It was Director Hudson, who was also his brother whom he relied on, and his brother was the only

reason he had managed to land his position as the assistant director.

Shortly after answering the phone, Heiden’s breathing became rapid. He suddenly paled, and the

director’s phone call seemed to have sobered him up.

“Impossible… How?! She’s just a sanitation worker with no background. Zeke Shaw was her former

boyfriend, but he now has a fiancee and no longer cares about her.”

Otherwise, how could Zeke let his ex-girlfriend be a sanitation worker?!

“Anyway, get your hands off her and let her leave safely. I’m telling you now, the company boss called

me directly and talked to me. He also warned me that the production crew will be disbanded tomorrow

if anything happens to her tonight. As for you, don’t even think about working in Solaria ever again,”

Hudson warned. He was terrified as he recalled the boss’s stern warning earlier.

“How can that be!? The investment of several hundreds of millions can be so easily disbanded?!”

Heiden said incredulously, “Who the h*ll is she?!”

“How would I know? Anyway, you’ve caused a huge mess. If you dare lay a finger on her, I’ll make sure

you regret it!” Hudson then questioned him fiercely, “How is she now? Is she okay?”

Heiden wanted to cry in regret. He did not dare to tell Hudson that he had slapped Serenity and forced

her to drink half a bottle of red wine.

Serenity stumbled as she tried to open the private room door and leave. Aria, however, went over and

tried to stop her. She did not mind sacrificing her half-sister, and she would do anything to become a

popular star. However, Heiden’s reaction was beyond her expectation.

Heiden rushed over and slapped Aria hard, causing her to stagger and almost fall to the ground.

“Don’t you try to stop her!” Heiden despised Aria intensely right now. After all, he was in this mess all

because of her!

Aria watched in shock as Heiden respectfully opened the door and let Serenity leave the private room.

“Heiden? What are you…”

“Are you trying to screw me over? Who the hell is your sister?! Who is behind her?!” Heiden snapped.

Aria was confused. Was it a big shot? Did Serenity have someone powerful behind her? Why did she

not know?

Serenity wobbled and stumbled out of the private room. She was feeling uncomfortable and dizzy from

the alcohol, and her vision became increasingly blurred.

‘I have to go back…’ Serenity thought. ‘I have to go back quickly!’

It was dangerous for her to get drunk outside like this!

Serenity’s mind desperately tried to tell her to go home, but her body was not listening.

Go home? Where was she supposed to go? Where would she…

Just then, a blurred figure came into her view. Somehow, the familiar figure made her feel reassured. It

was as if she was safe as long as the figure was there.

Serenity walked toward the blurred figure with much difficulty. Step by step, she finally reached him,

and she looked up at him with blurred vision as she smiled in relief. “Jack…”

Serenity had been struggling to keep herself awake. The very next moment, she wobbled and

collapsed with her eyes closed.

Jackson caught Serenity’s falling body with one arm, and as he held her, he stared at her rosy red

cheeks and gently stroked his fingers along the obvious marks on her cheeks, his eyes turning cold.

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“Mr. Valor.” Connor put away the phone in his hand. He spoke carefully about what he had just learned

about the situation earlier. “Ms. Lewis was forced to drink, and she was also slapped in her face.”

“Is that so? Whoever hurt her will have his hand broken,” Jackson spoke coldly. Then, he picked

Serenity up and sat back in the car.

Connor was stunned as he thought to himself, ‘Is Mr. Valor trying to stand up for Serenity?’ Mr. Valor

did not do anything for his fiancee when she was killed, however, he’s treating the perpetrator of the

very same car accident in such a way.

Meanwhile, inside the car, Jackson found himself getting more annoyed as he looked at the bruises on

Serenity’s cheeks. She was obviously just a game to him, but why was he getting upset from seeing

her bruised?

Was it sympathy? When did he ever sympathize with others?


When Serenity woke up, the ceiling of her rented house and a familiar face came into view.

“Jack!” Serenity sat up with a jolt. As soon as she had shot up, her head throbbed in pain.

Serenity drew a breath in pain, and it took a while for the pain to ease. After that, she asked slowly, “I…

How did I come back? I was at the club…”

The memories of what had happened in the private room replayed in her mind. Soon, her face

gradually turned gloomy.

“I saw you walking out of the club, so I brought you back,” Jackson said.

“But I didn’t tell you I was there.”

“I heard the address when you answered the phone,” he explained. He asked, “Sis, would you like

some water? You’ll feel better.”

Jackson then handed Serenity a glass of water, and she took a few sips, gradually feeling better.

Serenity could not help but ask, “Did I do anything strange when I was drunk?”