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Obsessive CEO’s Sinful Wife by Lil’ Bamboo

Chapter 56
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Chapter 56

Chapter 56

In the past, Serenity would always come here for a meal with her colleagues at the law firm after work.

Back then, eating here was nothing more than a normal routine after an ordinary workday, yet now,

having a meal here felt like a rare treat and an extravagant one at that.

“It looks pretty good!” said Jackson, trying to distract Serenity by changing the subject. “I’ll let you order,

then ”

Serenity then ordered some dishes for bath of them. She only chose the cheaper dishes, and the most

expensive one, a shrimp dish, cost about a dollars. All the dishes added up to about 25 dollars, which

was not that much at all, but it was still the most expensive meal Serenity had had in a long time.

Jackson urged her to order more food, saying, “Don’t worry, Sis, I can afford it.”

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However, Serenity merely replied, “This is more than enough for both of us to have a nice meal.

There’s no need to order more food.”

Not long afterward, the waiter brought all the dishes to the table, and they both began to enjoy their

meal. The food there was much better than all the simple dishes they had been eating together all this

while. As they tucked into the shrimp dish, Jackson very thoughtfully peeled the shell off the shrimps

before placing them onto Serenity’s plate

Stunned, she stared silently at those shrimps

“Why aren’t you eating?” he asked.

Serenity smiled gently and replied, “I just realized that you’re a really sweet guy, Jack Anyone lucky

enough to date you would be a very happy woman!

Having said that, she stuffed a shrimp into her mouth. She remembered a scene in a television series

she used to watch where the male protagonist had peeled the shrimps for the female protagonist, and

how it used to fill her with a warm feeling inside.

The gesture might seem small and insignificant, yet it could make someone feel treasured and


Back when she was dating Zeke Shaw, not once had he ever peeled any shrimps for her. In fact, she

could now clearly see that wwen while they were dating, although Zeke had repeatedly told her he

loved her, his actions proved that he never cared much

for her at all

It should have been no surprise then that when she had gotten into trouble, he had immediately

distanced himself from her! “Is that so?” Jackson responded in a soft voice. Dating, huh? To him, it

sounded like such an immature thing to do. He figured he would probably never do such a thing with

any woman in his life.

As for marriage, he thought he might consider it, but only as a means to advance his career.

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Once they had both finished their meal, Jackson got up from his seat to pay the bill. Serenity was about

to get up ton when she suddenly recognized a few familiar faces cutside through the glass wall, and

they were heading inside the restaurant.

She turned her back almost instinctively, not wishing for them to see her. Alas, it seemed that the more

she wished against something, the more likely it was to happen.

Those familiar faces were now inside the restaurant, and the waiter was leading them toward a table

near her. They were now

heading her way,

Serenity’s heart pounded in her chest.

She could hear Jackson’s voice asking “What’s wrong, Sis?”

Without thinking, she wrapped her arms around Jackson’s waist and huned her face in his chest

Jackson was stunned but said putting, and he just let her bug him like that

After a while, he finally asked, “sis?”