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Obsessive CEO’s Sinful Wife by Lil’ Bamboo

Chapter 52
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Chapter 52

“Are you falling in love with him because of what he just told you, Sis?”

Jackson asked the question in a soft voice, but there was a flash of jealousy in his eyes that even he

himself did not realize.

His breath brushed against the tip of her nose, and such close distance disconcerted her. A sense of

danger washed over her. It felt like if she failed to give him the right answer, she would instantly be

bitten in the neck by a savage beast.

Good lord, what was she thinking?!

Serenity silently scoffed at the thought that had just crossed her mind. She reminded herself that the

man in front of her was Jack, not anyone dangerous at all.

“I don’t have any feelings for Peter,” she told him. She knew that she could never reciprocate Peter’s

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feelings. She could only apologize to him.

Her short response cheered Jackson up instantly. He looked at her and asked, “Are you sure you

haven’t fallen in love with that guy?”

“Why would I lie to you about it?” she responded. Ever since she was released from prison, she had no

desire to ever fall in love again for the rest of her life. Love was just too perilous a feeling. Tying her

heart and soul to another person meant that she would be at risk of seeing her whole world come

crashing down when that person abandoned her, and she did not want to ever suffer such a

devastating blow ever again.

“Then don’t forget to make your rejection clear to him,” Jackson told her with a glint of pleasure in his

eyes. “Otherwise, a guy like that would wait for you indefinitely.”

“I’ll definitely do that,” she replied. Since she had no intention of getting into a relationship with Peter,

she certainly would not drag this matter out any longer.

Besides, Peter was a decent man. He deserved true love. He should not be wasting his time on her.

“By the way.” Jackson abruptly asked, “How did he find out that you used to be in prison?”

Serenity’s Cave darkened.

“Someone at work discovered the news about the car crash, so now everyone at the Sanitation Office

knows that I used to be In prison.”

“Okay,” she continued, changing the subject, “you can let me go now. I’m going to clean up the room.”

Only then was he willing to let go of her. As she walked past him, it felt as if she was taking a trace of

warmth away with her 100.

Without realizing it, he rubbed his lunds together and raised his head to watch her walk away.

This was all just a game to him, yet now, he was getting more and more attached to her. She now

gradually meant more and more to him. He even felt that it would not he had at all if he could have this

woman by his side for the rest of his life.

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For a few days after that, Serenity could sense that people were whispering beltind her back at work.

Most of her colleagues would keep a distance from her. She had long been prepared for this to happen.

After all, there was nothing she could do to change her past

Luckily, Kyla still treated her the same as usual. She would watch over Serenity whenever she was at

work, and Serenity was Immensely grateful to her for it.

As they were chatting during a break, Xyla asloed curiously, “Serenity, why are you wasting your time

doing this job when you’re actually a college graduate? You’re not planning to sweep the streets for the

rest of your life, are you?”

Serenity replied bluntly, “I have a criminal record, so it’s pretty hard for ine to get any job.”

Whenever a prospective employer found out that she had a criminal record, they would ask for the

specific detalls, and when

Chapter 52

they discovered that she was the one responsible for the death of Mila Hall, Jackson Valor’s fiancee, all

of them would reject her application without exception.