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Obsessive CEO’s Sinful Wife by Lil’ Bamboo

Chapter 38
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Chapter 38

What kind of pain did one have to go through before one could talk about these things so casually?

“I won’t forgive anyone who hurts you from now on,” he said, as if he was swearing an oath.

She rubbed his black hair and said, “Alright, enough about that. Let’s eat.” She lowered her head and

continued eating.

His eyes flickered as if he was thinking about something.

The incident indeed caused quite a stir. However, Jenny could not believe that her company failed to

suppress the news from trending.

The internet was now filled with the news of her losing her ring and the sanitation workers having to

help her rummage through trash to find it.

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The accompanying photos showed her standing next to garbage piles in glamorous clothes with

several sanitation workers nearby bending down to look in the garbage.

Such a huge contrast made many people upset. They accused her of having character issues and

being snobbish.

Some netizens commented, “She lost the ring, but the sanitation workers had to look for it? The

sanitation workers have been working hard to clean the streets all day. Why didn’t she rummage

through the trash herself?”

“Is she superior to normal folks just because she’s a celebrity?”

“Why should she take up the city’s resources? She doesn’t pay the sanitation workers, so why should

all those people look for the ring for her?”

Even though Jenny’s fans tried hard to defend their idol, they could not stop the torrent of negative

comments, especially since there were quite a few people at the scene, and many of them took videos

which they later uploaded onto the Internet.

“Why is this still trending?” Seeing more and more negative comments on the Internet, Jenny could no

longer sit still.

“We don’t know. The major entertainment accounts are also refusing to take down the relevant

content.” Her agent paused for a moment before he asked with some hesitation, “Jenny, did you offend


“Of course not!” She was backed by the Hall family and was about to marry into the Shaw family. Other

people should be the ones who were scared of offending her, except….

Jenny’s body stiffened. Could it be Jackson Valor?

The major entertainment accounts and media outlets adamantly refused to withdraw the content. They

would rather offend the Shaw family and the Hall family. Not many people in Solaria had the ability to

make them do that. Jackson Valor was definitely one of them.

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Was Jackson Valor mad at the Shaw family for her sister’s death? But in the past few years, the Valor

Group was not hostile to the Shaw family. They were also doing business as usual with the Hall family.

And when the two families extended a wedding invitation to Jackson Valor, he accepted it.

But he also took down the advertisements, so Jenny was not so sure anymore.

The next day, the police issued their investigation result. After analyzing some surveillance footage that

they managed to obtain, they confirmed that Jenny actually did not lose any ring that day.

The surveillance footage of Jenny on the way to the site of the incident showed that the only ring she

wore was the one on her pinky. There were no other rings besides that. The ring was still on Jenny’s

finger when she asked the sanitation workers to look for the ring she had supposedly lost.

Jenny’s reputation instantly took a nosedive. The fans who defended her at first were powerless to do

so anymore. What else could they say? The police had issued a detailed investigation report.
