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My Wife Is An All-Around Expert by Elton Joe

Chapter 372
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Chapter 372 Violet was not stupid. She naturally knew what Robert was talking about.

She blushed and said nothing.

When Patrick saw that Robert was deliberately teasing Violet, he could not help but glare at him. “I'll throw you down if you say another word, okay?!” Robert immediately stood up with a smile. His beautiful eyes were filled with smiles. “Alright, you don’t have to throwdownstairs. I'll go down myself to wait for the others!” Robert smiled and left. Violet glanced at Patrick and said in a low voice, “It is all your fault. | told you not to mess around in the parking lot, but you did not listen!” Patrick glanced sideways at Violet and realized that her lips were a little red even though she was not wearing lipstick.

He must have kissed her too hard just now.

He felt a little guilty and said in a low voice, “It is okay. You look perfectly fine. If anyone dares to spout nonsense later, I'll chase them out!” Upon hearing Patrick’s words, Violet could not help but chuckle. “You asked people over to eat but now you want to chase them out!” Patrick smiled when he saw her smile. “It is precisely because it’s our treat that we have the most power!” Violet smiled and shook his head. “What a twisted logic!” At this moment, Patrick's Whatrang.

Patrick picked it up and took a look. [x] Willow: [Patrick, what are you doing? Have you had dinner?] Patrick took a look and a trace of coldness flashed across his eyes. He directly placed the phone on the table face down.

Violet was a little surprised. “Who is it?” Patrick’s tone did not change much. “No one. Someone just posted a scam [11] 0 10:27 Thu, 14 Mar Chapter 372 advertisement!” Violet nodded and did not think too much about it.

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In the end, Patrick’s phone rang twice more.

81% Willow: [Patrick, | know | was wrong. | should not have acted like a child in front. of Violet in the afternoon. I did not know how to keep a distance from you, which made Violet think too much.] Willow: [Patrick, do not worry. | won't do this again. | want to apologize to you and Violet. Do you have time? Letbuy you dinner now, okay?] Patrick looked at Willow's messages with a gloomy expression. He did not expect this little girl to be so persistent even though he did not reply.

Violet looked up at him with an indifferent expression. “More advertisements?” Patrick did not dare to say that again. He did not want Violet to think too much. If he deliberately hid it, it would make Violet do exactly that.

Therefore, he simply told the truth. “It is not an advertisement. It's Willow. She said that she made a mistake this morning and wanted to treat us to a meal. | ignored her!” When Violet heard Willow's name, she frowned slightly. “Has she still contacted you?” Patrick nodded and subconsciously held Violet's hand. “Don’t worry, | won't contact her. I'll delete her number now!” As Patrick spoke, he went to get his phone.

Violet stopped him. “There's no need. As long as you ignore her, it’s useless no matter how many messages she tries to send. Also, she’s the little sister of your big brother's friend. If you delete her, you still have to explain to your big brother after that. It's troublesome. Just ignore her!” She really did not like Willow. She felt that she was still clinging to Patrick. The feeling that Violet gave her was especially terrible.

Violet was not in a good mood because of Willow's text messages.

0 Chapter 372 Patrick held her hand tightly as if he was afraid that she would be angry. Only then. did Violet's expression look a little better.

At this moment, Patrick’s phone rang again.

This time, someone had called.

Patrick took the phone over. Violet glanced at the caller ID. It was Willow.

Patrick’s handsface darkened. He subconsciously looked at Violet. “Violet... | will reject the call!” With that, Patrick hung up the phone.

Violet's expression was a little complicated. Was this Willow just an insensible child? Or was she onto Patrick? However, two seconds later, Willow called again.

Violet said with a dark expression, “Pick it up and put it on speaker!” Patrick looked at her and nodded. He picked up the call and put it on speaker.

Willow's clear voice sounded on the phone. “Patrick, why aren’t you replying to my message? Are you busy?” Patrick said expressionlessly, “I'm having dinner with Violet. What's the matter?” Willow was a little disappointed. “Oh, you guys are eating. | knew it. Why did you ignore me? It's nothing much really. | just wanted to apologize to you and Violet. | seriously reflected on my actions in the afternoon. Violet was right to be angry. | want to see you guys and apologize in person!” Violet was so angry that she almost laughed when she heard this.

She was indeed very angry at noon, but she did not throw a tantrum in front of Willow! Willow's words were a little misleading. Besides, did she need Willow's apology? She really did not know what this girl was thinking.

Patrick saw that Violet's expression was a little ugly and said with a cold expression, “Watch your words. What do you mean by Violet was right to be angry? Did she hit Chapter 372 u, 14 Mar you or scold you in the afternoon? Please do not casually blothers for everything. Please respect yourself!” Hearing Patrick’s words, Willow immediately beca little listless.

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Through the phone, he could hear that her voice was quite sad. “Patrick, that’s not what | meant. | just want to get along well with you guys. | still have to go to university in Summerwood City in the future. | don’t know anyone else here. Don’t say It’s not that Violet is angry, but it'swanting to that about me, okay please you guys. You should understand what | mean now, right?” Willow spoke pitifully. Violet did not want Patrick to speak to her so stiffly as if they were bullying a little girl.

She said directly, “Willow, I'm not angry about this afternoon. You do not have to apologize. Also, you have your own life. After school starts, you'll have your own circle of friends. There's no need to curry favor with us. Lastly, we are treating our friends to a meal today. Can you not disturb us?” After Violet finished speaking, she thought that Willow would back off.

In the end, Willow said in a soft voice, “You are treating your friends to a meal. Then... then can | cover and eat with your friends? | haven't eaten dinner yet!” Violet's expression was complicated. She had never seen such a shameless girl. since she was born.

She shook her head speechlessly and pushed the phone to Patrick.

Patrick took the phone and said with a dark friend!” After saying that, he hung up.

tion No, you are not u Violet did not expect Willow to be so shameless. Patrick simply did not give her face.

Originally, she was quite annoyed. When she saw Patrick hanging up after saying that, she could not help but laugh.

At this moment, the door of the private room was suddenly pushed open.

Robert walked in angrily. His expression was especially terrible. “Patrick, why did [e] 0 SEND GIFT 0 Chapter 372 14 Mar you invite that Skylar Brown?” He was playing with his phone downstairs as he waited when he saw Skyler drive past him to the parking lot.

He guessed that he was invited by Patrick and Violet.

Seeing how angry Robert was, Patrick knew who Robert was talking about! Other than Skyler, who did not get along with him, no one else had the ability to anger him to this extent.