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My Substitute CEO Bride (Nash Calcraft)

Chapter 1361
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Chapter 1361 “Winnie...” Eric's throat clammed up, his eyes wetting as he released a large burst of spiritual energy to sweep the debris and rubble to the side.

“Cough... Eric...” A weak voice cfrom the ruins. It was Winnie's voice.

Eric was utterly shaken and started moving the huge blocks of concrete even more forcefully. He quickly found someone wearing cute cartoon pajamas pinned under a fridge that had a broken concrete slab on it.

Eric jumped over, grabbed the concrete slab with both hands, and threw it aside before carefully moving the fridge away.

Winnie gasped for air. She immediately burst into tears and threw herself into Eric’s arms. Sobs overcher.

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Eric felt extremely sorry as he held Winnie tightly. “Winnie, I'm sorry I'm sorry!” Winnie was not seriously injured. She just had a few bloody scrapes on her fair arms from the concrete. She was not able to breathe under the weight of the fridge.

Winnie hugged Eric's neck tightly, lips pouting as she said grievously,” | thought I'd never see you again!” “No, we promised to grow old together!” Eric's eyes were also red.

Chapter 1361 Winnie regained her composure and asked, “Was there an earthquake? Then, she shook her head and muttered to herself, “No, it couldn't have been an earthquake. There should be tremors if it were an earthquake. It felt more like stremendous force suddenly crushed the house.” Eric did not know what had happened either. He carried Winnie out of the ruins and then looked at the collapsed houses in Royal Bay. “Dear, I'm going to go help rescue the survivors. You go to the ambulance to get your wounds treated first!” Winnie obediently nodded. “Okay, you go ahead, quick!” Although she wanted Eric to take care of her, there were still so many people buried in the rubble there.

Eric ran forward a few steps, suddenly sensing signs of life underground. He retreated five meters, then used much of his spiritual energy to move the rubble in front of him and dig through soil and cement fragments on the ground.

He eventually dug a 20-meter-deep pit and found more than a dozen inspectors lying inside. Angelica weakly opened her eyes. Seeing the light, she felt much better. She looked around her and saw her team members as well as a body whose head had been cut off by cement blocks.

That headless body belonged to Jupiter. “Captain Holt...” Angelica’s expression was full of bitterness, her tears streaming down like rain.

Jupiter's wife had just cto the office this morning after finding out that she was pregnant yesterday to share the good news.

Chapter 1361 Eric jumped down into the pit and rescued everyone. Angelica stopped crying and immediately led her team in the rescue operation. The governor, Leigh Maurier, and the chief of the Inspection Office also personally rushed to the scene to command the rescue operation.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, the rescue operation ended. There were 156 residents in Royal Bay. Of that number, there were 86 fatalities, 55 seriously injured, and the rest suffered minor injuries.

This matter was quickly reported to the National Martial Bureau and the Special Security Department.

The National Martial Bureau ordered all major departments to contain news about Royal Bay. Thus, major media outlets only reported that changes in the geological structure near Royal Bay led to the collapse of buildings.

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At the Jonford Grand Hotel on the second day of the Royal Bay incident, Robin, Jasmine , Finn, Ken , Yellow Crane , and several o had mostly recovered from their injuries. Under Nash's care, Hera also almost recovered.

Fortunately, Hera only had a slight displacement of the placenta. Had her condition been a bit more severe, she would have miscarried. Her sleep had been plagued with nightmares the night before, which left her sleep-deprived.

Nash brewed some calming and nourishing herbal medicine for her to drink. Hera's nose wrinkled as she complained, “It's so bitter...” Chapter 1361 “Here, have this candy.” Nash fished out a candy that he had procured when he was buying medicinal herbs through an elaborate sleight-of- hand trick.

He peeled off the candy wrapper and put the candy into Hera’s mouth. She smiled faintly, grinning slightly as she said, “How sweet.” Nash smiled slightly in return. “Lethave a taste.” Hera hugged Nash’s neck and kissed him.

Suddenly, the doorbell rang, followed by Melody’s voice. “Nash, you've got people from the National Martial Bureau and the Special Security Department here to see you.”