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My Substitute CEO Bride (Nash Calcraft)

Chapter 1344
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Chapter 1344 Upon Amos’ order, the disciples of the Righteous Immortal Sect drew their swords and rushed toward Cliffton.

The six sect leaders attacked as well.

The fox demon mistress hesitated for a moment and then exclaimed, “Suppress Demon Lord Cliffton!” Although Nash added more lines, the plot still had to follow its original trajectory.

Cliffton slowly raised his hand. A staff member in a green uniform and a hood ran over to hand him a prop sword.

Cliffton grabbed the hilt of the sword and was immediately lifted into the sky by the wiring device.

According to the action guide description, Cliffton would break the extermination formation and then fight against the six-lea the fox demon clan.

Nash was speechless when he waved the long sword. The sw actually soft. He injected spiritual power into the sword to hard and then repeated the choreographed movements taught b choreographer.

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and The sword energy designed in advance by the special effects tea was projected, destroying the Heaven and Earth Extinction Formation in an instant.

The six leaders were dumbstruck while Cliffton laughed and rushed toward them. All six actors had learned ssword skills. They had free reign to improvise.

The action choreographer taught Nash ssword skills as well. However, Nash did not use those sword techniques but the Profound Sword Techniques. As long as he did not inject spiritual power, he would not need to worry about hurting anyone.

The more Jupiter fought Nash, the more frightened he became. He thought, ‘Mr. Calcraft truly knows his way around a sword, and I've never seen these moves before.” Sampson and the action choreographer were speechless as they looked at the scenes on the monitor Sampson turned around and asked, “Buddy, is this your own sword technique?” The action choreographer’s mouth twitched. “Do you think so highly of me? He's not using the moves | choreographed at all!” Melody chirped from behind, “I forgot to tell you that Nash is a aster swordsman!” She knew that Nash had obtained the inheritance from the lat Bladesman Divus. To call Nash a mere swordsman was an in Bladesman Divus’ Profound Sword Techniques.

Sampson smiled bitterly and then sighed, “Now I finally know why Calcraft doesn’t want to be an actor!” The action choreographer was confused. “Why?” Sampson said solemnly, “Mr. Calcraft is not an ordinary person. From the pill that could speed up recovery and the superb swordsmanship he’s showing now, Mr. Calcraft is a hidden martial arts expert!” Sampson was a highly sought-after director. He had a wide network of contacts. He knew about real martial arts experts. They were a group of otherworldly beings.

Cliffton quickly defeated the six leaders. With a wave of his sleeves, he knocked down a large number of sect disciples. The warriors of the fox demon clan were all seriously injured.

When Cliffton was about to kill the fox demon mistress, she grabbed Lindsey and stood in front of him.

Cliffton put away his sword and frowned.

Meanwhile, Amos and the five leaders summoned the Demon Destroyer Sword. A giant sword appeared before them, filled with countless sword energy. It rushed toward Cliffton.

Sampson's voice cfrom Nash's headset. “Stand still. The special effects team will complete the next step!” Nash stood still.

The Demon Destroyer Sword flew toward him. A replica of Cliff made by the special effects team turned into black mist and teleported. The sword could not harm Cliffton at all.

Amos narrowed his eyes slightly. The fox demon mistress nodded, then pushed Lindsey while she stepped aside.

Amos bit the fake blood capsule hidden in his mouth and sprayed out a mouthful of blood. He lifted his hand and pushed forward his palms abruptly.

The sword flew toward Lindsey at lightning speed.

Nash knew that it was his turn to take action now.

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In the script, Cliffton used his body to block the sword in order to save Lindsey.

Cliffton’s figure turned into an afterimage and appeared in front of Lindsey.

The special effects team was dumbfounded.

Who created these special effects?

Most of the special effects they did for Clifton were back mist What were these atterimages?

The action choreographer and Sampson looked at each othér? With shock in each other's eyes. “No!!” Lindsey's hysterical wailing came.

The Demon Destroyer Sword penetrated Cliffton’s body.

The prop team immediately pressed the button to burst the blood pack prop hidden in Cliffton's clothes.