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My Substitute CEO Bride (Nash Calcraft)

Chapter 1332
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Chapter 1332 The next day, Sienna had to shoot a few more scenes.

Nash, Melody, Elsabeth, Austin, Tina, and Jupiter went for a stroll in the mountains.

When night fell, Sienna invited them to a picnic near the Path sanctuary.

While they were enjoying their time, Nash looked at Austin and asked suddenly, “Austin, have you been experiencing symptoms of dryness and pain in your eyes lately? Or perhaps blurred vision?” “H-How did you know that?” Austin stared at Nash incredulously.

Austin had never mentioned his eye condition to anyone, not even his girlfriend.

“I noticed something wrong with your eyes when we first met. It m have been causing you all sorts of trouble, right? If I'm not wrong don’t think you can get your condition treated at a hospital either.” Austin had been staring at Melody weirdly when they first met, so Nash had been wary of him. That was why he did not ask about Austin’s eye condition back then.

However, Austin eventually stopped looking at Melody as a love interest and began treating her as a friend. Not only that, but he had also fallen in love with Elsabeth.

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Seeing that Austin was now Elsabeth’s boyfriend and Elsabeth was Melody’s best friend, Nash felt he should offer to cure Austin’s eyes.

“Austin, why didn’t you tell me?” Elsabeth asked, her eyes glistening with tears.

Elsabeth knew what Austin was like. She knew he was the kind of person who liked to keep everything to himself. He had never once talked to her about his work, even when he was going through a rough patch.

Elsabeth hated that about him, and they had argued over it many times.

In the end, Elsabeth decided it was fine. Men were better at coping with stress anyway.

However, this time, it was not about work. Austin had hidden his eye condition from Elsabeth, and this she could not accept.

didn’t want you to worry,” Austin said awkwardly.

“I'm your girlfriend! | should be worried about you! So what, you'll o tellwhen you're blind, is that it? Then you'll break up withbecause you don’t want to be a burden? What were you thinking?!” Elsabeth’s voice was shrill as she shouted, her words laced with hurt and anger.

“Woah, woah, calm down, Elsie! You know Austin doesn’t mean that!” Melody tugged at her hand and tried to comfort her.

Noticing she had gone too far, Elsabeth tamped down her anger and sobbed. “He's always like this, keeping everything to himself and not tellinganything. He doesn’t even tellwhen he’s sick! | feel like an outsider!” Melody glanced at Austin and said, “Does Elsie see woman to you? Does she seem incapable? Or you think she’s after your money, is that it?” Shaking his head, Austin said with a sigh, “I’ve never thought of her that way. | just feel | should shoulder more responsibility and not complain so much, you know? Besides, she knows | don’t like to show others my weak side!” As an illegitimate child, Austin had had a rough childhood. Perhaps that was why he did not like to mingle with others and preferred to be left alone.

Even though he had gotten better after seeing a therapist and dating Elsabeth, he still had the habit of keeping everything to himself.

He felt it was shameful for a man to rant about their feelings.

Melody said coldly, “I see. So, to you, Elsie’s just another passerb your life, huh? This is a sign of mistrust if you ask me. You don’t ti her enough to open up to her, and you're worried she might leave y if you do.

“Most couples break up in the end because of mistrust, you know! Tina chimed in, “Melody’s right! A good relationship depends on honesty. You guys should share things with each other, no matter the good or bad! You shouldn't be hiding things from one another!” dor

Tina turned to look at Jupiter after finishing her sentence. Jupiter smiled and said "I've never been in a relationship before, but I'll keep in mind everything you said just now. [I'll try my best to be a good man for you!”

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Tina's lips curled into a smile. She found herself liking Jpiter even more .She adjusted Her seat and nudged closer to him. Meanwhile, Sienna and a few other crew members were busy setting up a barbecue grill.

They would be having a barbecue dinner tonight, along with ice-cold beer.

After a moment of silence, Austin took Elsabeth’s hand in his and said, “You're right, Elsie. | should've opened up to you. | won't shut you out anymore!” Melody and Tina were both strong and capable women, so there had to be struth to what they said.

Thanks to their little drama, Austin felt he knew Elsabeth a bit better now.

He understood that while Elsabeth was a strong woman when it came to work,she was neverthelsss emotionally dependent at t especially when she was with him.

Austin realized he had never cared about her emotions all this while.

Stifling a sob, Elsabeth looked at Nash and asked, “Are you able to treat his eye condition, Mr. Calcraft?” “Of course, | am!”