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My Sleeping Beauty Husband by Lyanna Nichols

Chapter 73
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Chapter 73 He was Angry

Alston had a dangerous aura lingering all over his body. Even though he was her biological son, Stella

couldn’t help but take a few steps back.

She yelled in shock and anger at Alston, “I’m your mother! You don’t believe me! Do you think I put

poison in the medicine? If something happens to her, wouldn’t I be the first to be suspected? Am I that


“What’s more, I also had it. If I wanted to harm Cynthia, wouldn’t I be harmed too!”

Cynthia lowered her head. Her bangs drooped, blocking all her expressions. If it wasn’t for Mr. Lange,

she might think the same. After all, it was too straightforward and stupid.

Mr. Lange said that after taking the medicine, she would not be able to conceive in the future, and even

a general examination would not find out the reason.

If it weren’t for the prescription record sent by Mr. Lange’s teacher, even he would not be able to see

through it.

Alston was impatient, “Save it! Why don’t you just give me the prescription? I’ll have someone check it

out, and everything will be revealed.”

Stella ran into her room. After about two minutes, she came out and threw a prescription to Alston,


She looked sincere. Cynthia knew she had given Alston the other prescription.

“Give me the medicine dregs, too.” Alston took the prescription and said.

Stella took a deep breath, her chest heaving continuously as if she were enduring something. She

called the maid, and ordered, “Bring the medicine dregs to Alston.”

The maid paused for a moment. Then she saw Stella winking at hers, and she immediately understood.

She went to the kitchen and brought out a pack of medicine dregs.

Cynthia sneered silently, and suddenly stood up and said, “I need to change. I’m going to be late for


“I’ll accompany you!” Alston followed behind her, and they came back to the bedroom.

Stella looked at them leaving and smiled viciously. The maid was a little worried. She whispered next to

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“Will he find out anything?”

Stella glanced at her indifferently, “As long as you don’t tell, he won’t be able to find out.”

The maid was taken aback by her words and quickly shrank her neck. She was scared.

If she had known it was such a torment, she shouldn’t have helped make the medicine back then. Now


was involved, too.

As long as they backed to the bedroom, Cynthia rushed to the bathroom to vomit.

Alston understood immediately. He followed her into the bathroom.

Cynthia had already vomited out the medicine and was rinsing her mouth. When she raised her head,

she saw Alston in the mirror. His face was pale and his eyes were dark.

Her heart skipped a beat. He was angry.

“Honey…” She said.

Alston interrupted her, “How long have you been taking this medicine? Don’t lie to me.”

“Half a month.” Cynthia pursed her lips. Her face was pale from vomiting, and her eyes were full of

tears. She

looked pathetic.

Alston’s eyes became colder, and the voice was cold, “You knew there was something wrong with this

medicine, and you took it for half a month? Are you insane?”

Cynthia quickly explained, “After I saw through her scheme, I immediately asked Mr. Lange to prescribe


antidote. It will be fine.”

Seeing that he was still angry, she was a little aggrieved, “If I don’t take it, she will find a new way to

harm me. At least I know what she is doing this time.”

“Ha, how clever you are!” Alston sneered, “What harm does this medicine do to the human body?”

“It’s…” Her eyes dodged. Under Alston’s persuasive gaze, she finally said, “It may lead to lifelong


Alston grabbed her wrist heavily. Cynthia groaned in pain and clenched her teeth.

Seeing her painful expression, Alston let go of her hand, and there were red marks on her wrist.

“Stupid! You are a doctor and know how horrible it can be, but you still take it!”

Cynthia lowered her head. She knew it was dangerous, but she took the antidote afterward. Why was

he so angry?

Alston was too angry, and he smiled, “You haven’t even thought about telling me in the past half a

month. I’m afraid you haven’t trusted me!”

Cynthia raised her head suddenly, “Why do you think so? You were busy with work these days. How

can I

bother you with trivial things…”

“You still think it’s a trivial matter?!” Alston sneered. Before leaving, he took away the documents on the

bedside table and looked deeply at Cynthia, “Don’t come to me until you figure out how stupid you are!”

He slammed the door heavily and left.

Cynthia stood blankly in front of the window, watching his car drive away. She was sad.

She didn’t know what she had done was wrong. She just didn’t want to trouble him.

Because Ivan was put in prison, Uncle Clare was in a bad mood. He caused a lot of trouble in the


Alston and Greg often stayed in the study until late at night. When she fell asleep, he was still awake.


she woke up, he had left already.

Because of lack of sleep, the fundus of his eyes was slightly black and blue. He had had enough.

Cynthia didn’t want to bother him with her things. She wanted to solve problems by herself, but not rely

on him all the time.

She wanted to face difficulties and challenges with him together.

But he didn’t understand her painstaking efforts at all. He just yelled at her.

The more she thought about it, the more aggrieved she became. Her nose was sore and tears welled

up. She tried to hold back her tears until her eyes turned red.

She wiped her eye fiercely, feeling that she was worthless.

She was supposed to be tough and strong.

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She changed her clothes and went downstairs. Stella sat on the sofa and looked at her gloatingly. She

had just heard Alston slam the door and leave. Then she saw Cynthia’s red eyes. She guessed they

had a conflict, which made her feel relieved.

She said, “Hey, you two had a quarrel in just a few minutes. It seems that your love is not very strong.”

Cynthia raised her eyes. There was no emotion in her eyes, just like Alston’s. Stella trembled


“It’s normal for couples to have different opinions. You have been married for so many years, don’t you


Stella was so angry. Cynthia ignored her and left.

She was in quite a bad mood when she got to the hospital. The coworkers didn’t dare speak to her

when they saw her gloomy face.

She came to Mr. Lange’s office. He had prepared the medicine and put it on the desk. When he saw

her coming, he hurriedly greeted her.

“Hurry up and take medicine. Why is it so late today? You need to take it quickly after you take the

other one.”

Listening to his words, Cynthia was moved. She smiled sweetly, looking pleasing.

She took the medicine up and drank it. When she finished drinking, Mr. Lange immediately handed

over a few pieces of candy

“It was bitter. Have some candy.”

Cynthia thanked him and put the candy into her mouth. The taste of the medicine was instantly

dispelled by the sweetness.

Mr. Lange watched the gloom on her face dissipate, smiling, “This is the last time.”

“That’s right.” Cynthia’s eyes were a little dazed. If it weren’t for Mr. Lange, she probably wouldn’t be

able to have children anymore.

“It’s about time. It is too risky. Imagine your family knows about it. How worried they will be!”

Cynthia was stunned. She suddenly figured out everything.

Alston yelled at her because he was afraid and worried.

She felt sorry. It was her fault.

After she left Mr. Lange’s office, she kept thinking about his words. She decided to go to Alston’s office

after work to apologize to him. After going through so much together, they shouldn’t be mad at each

other. because of others‘ faults.