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My Sleeping Beauty Husband by Lyanna Nichols

Chapter 66
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Chapter 66 I’ll Be Your Backing

Cynthia stood at the stairs and coldly watched Stella skewer at her.

After she finished speaking, Cynthia said, “I don’t understand. You agreed when the Miller family

suggested that I marry Alston instead of Cherry. But after I married Alston, why do you always scold me

and keep forcing Alston to divorce me?”

When Stella heard her ask so bluntly, she snorted coldly and put down the coffee in her hand.

“If my son hasn’t woken up, I agree with you marrying him. But now my son is awake. You are an

illegitimate. daughter, can you match my son?”

Cynthia pursed her lips. Her face turned pale. “But now, I’m Alston’s wife. It’s impossible for him to


me. If you don’t target me this way, I think we can try to get along well.”

“No way!” Stella directly refused. She looked Cynthia up and down and sneered, “You b*tch. If it

weren’t for

you, Alston wouldn’t have targeted Clare, let alone put Ivan in jail. It’s all your fault. You made a mess

of my family, and you dare to get along with me.”

“You didn’t wake up until nearly noon, shameless!”

Her filthy dirty words annoyed Cynthia. Cynthia was completely cold–faced, “I’m Alston’s wife.

Whatever we

do, it is reasonable and legal. He is my only husband. Not like some people!”

Stella was frozen and her face turned pale. She felt that Cynthia knew something.

“Nonsense!” She became angry and stared at Cynthia. She said to her with a threatening tone, “Stop

mouthing off!”

“What did I say?” Cynthia shrugged and smiled sweetly.

“You!” Stella was outraged, and her chest fluctuated. She looked at her bitterly and regretted, “She


have agreed to let Cynthia marry Alston. Cynthia always made her angry. Damn it!”

Seeing that Stella was angry, Cynthia’s eyes were full of irony. She walked towards the kitchen with a

straight face.

After a while, the smell of fried eggs came from the kitchen. Alston finished washing and went


He wore casual clothes, and the loose texture made his whole aura much softer..

Cynthia was concentrating on making breakfast when someone hugged her waist from behind, and she

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almost screamed.

“What are you doing for breakfast?” Alston’s voice was deep and hoarse. As he approached her, she

felt the

faint moisture on him.

Cynthia nudged his belly and murmured, “Your mother is in the living room. If she sees this, she will

scold me.”

Alston’s face suddenly became cold, “She scolded you?”

“You know her. Don’t worry, I’ve not been bullied.” Seeing that he was angry, Cynthia picked up a piece

of fried

egg and stuffed it into his mouth, “Is it good?”

Alston chewed and swallowed, kissed her cheek, and said, “It’s yummy!”

Cynthia smiled with satisfaction and took out the eggs.

Alston looked at her with gentle eyes, and said to her, “You don’t have to worry about me. I have never


Stella as my mother. If she bullies you, you can strike back. I’ll always stand behind you!”

Cynthia paused. After hearing what he said, a warm current welled up in her mind.

“Thank you!”

After breakfast, Alston drove Cynthia to the hospital and then back to the company.

Seeing that the car disappeared, Cynthia smiled and walked into the hospital. At the door, she met


When she saw that she wanted to avoid her again, Cynthia yelled.


Helen couldn’t pretend that she didn’t hear. She turned around and awkwardly said, “Good morning!”

Cynthia snorted and walked quickly to her side, pretended to be angry, and said, “Why did you run

away when

you saw me? You want to avoid me all your life?!”

“No!” Seeing that she was angry and staring at her, Helen waved her hands and sighed, “I just don’t

know how to face you.”

“Helen, we are best friends, right?” Cynthia pursed her lips and held her hand.

Helen frowned, “It’s just because I regard you as my best friend, so I don’t know how to face you. After


Dylan likes you…”

Cynthia interrupted her, “Listen, I have rejected him. Since I have rejected him, it has nothing to do with


who likes him and who he likes. You are my best friend, and he is my friend. I’m glad to see you


“You don’t blame me?” Helen asked in surprise. Then she was relieved when Cynthia nodded.

Cynthia saw that Helen was relaxed. She continued to ask in a low voice, “Are you with Dylan?”

“Not yet!” Helen said with a smile and without hesitation.

Cynthia was stunned. “He said he would be responsible for you yesterday. Didn’t he come to you?”

“Yeah, he did,” Helen pushed back a strand of falling hair and smiled softly, “But I refused.”

Cynthia was confused.

Seeing her confused expression, Helen patted her forehead. “You idiot, like you, I want to be with a

man who

likes me. I do have a crush on him. But he likes you, so I refused him.”

Cynthia understood that if a relationship was not mutual accommodation, then there would be

contradictions in the early stage, and the problems between them would become more and more

serious in the future. The one who was not loved has paid a lot and could not get equal love.

Cynthia hugged Helen distressedly. She hoped that both of them would be happy forever. Her

relationship had encountered many hardships, so she hoped that Helen would get a good relationship.

“I’ll support you forever.”

Helen looked at her cute face, and fondled her hair, “Thank you.”

It was almost time to go to work. They rushed to their respective departments. Before that, Cynthia


her wrist and said, “Helen, we haven’t been shopping for a long time. How about going shopping after


off work?”

She knew that Helen was in a bad mood. The best way for a woman to vent her emotions was


Helen smiled and nodded.

The day went by quickly. Cynthia was also busy today. When she got off work, Helen was already

waiting at

the door.

Helen wore a simple jacket and jeans. She was tall and slender, and she looked very heroic.

Cynthia stepped forward and took her arm, and was about to leave the hospital. She met Dylan on the


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Seeing that the two of them were talking and laughing, he tried to say hello to them, but in the end, he


come forward.

During the rest of yesterday, he went to Helen and said he would take responsibility for her. But she

said that

they were all adults, and it was no big deal to have sex, so she told him not to take it personally.

But how could he not mind? It was her first time, and so was he.

If he didn’t do anything, he would always feel that he owed her.

Helen and Cynthia came to the shopping mall. Both of them were very happy. They didn’t know how

Dylan got

caught up in guilt.

They bought many skin care products and make–up counters. After that, they felt much better and

enjoyed at

leisurely pace.

Helen saw two women walk by her arm in arm. The two wore the same clothes, looking very close. She

was a little moved and looked at Cynthia.

“There is a clothing store on the second floor. Let’s have a look. We can buy bestie clothing.”

Helen nodded. She and Helen have been good friends for many years, and they hadn’t bought a bestie

clothing yet.

They came to the store. Helen quickly picked out the clothes. Helen looked dashing in a white dress,

and Cynthia was very beautiful. They looked at each other with satisfaction.

When Cynthia paid the bill and was about to leave, she suddenly saw the clerk holding a lavender

dress to

hang up.

She was immediately attracted. This dress was similar to the stunning dress that Alston bought from


at the last banquet, but it was a daily style.

She only wore that dress once, but she couldn’t wear it anymore. She regretted it. When she saw this

lavender dress, her face was full of surprises.

“Try it on!” Seeing the interest in her eyes, Helen patted her shoulder.

Cynthia nodded and asked the clerk to take the dress, then went into the fitting room.

This dress was very suitable for her as if it was tailor–made for her. Her skin was fair, and the lavender


made her look gentle.

“You’re so beautiful!” Helen smiled and praised, and called the clerk.

Just about to pay, they suddenly heard a familiar female voice, “I want this dress!“