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My Sleeping Beauty Husband by Lyanna Nichols

Chapter 50
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Chapter 50 Why Are You So Mean?

No one spoke anymore, and Cherry’s smile froze on her face.

Cherry didn’t expect that Cynthia would not care about others‘ coercive comments and refused to

forgive directly. Didn’t she want to win the favor of others? Didn’t she care about her reputation?

The woman also froze and looked up at Cynthia stupidly.

Cynthia laughed and looked down at that woman. “Can you remove your hands now?”

That woman felt a chill and subconsciously loosened her fingers.

Cynthia stepped back and stood beside Alston. “It’s you do something wrong. It’s my own business

whether to forgive or not. You haven’t been hurt like me, so why are you asking me to be generous and

forgive the person who hurt me?”

Lucien nodded and replied, “Cynthia is right. You forced her to forgive this woman, so whether I can

say you are her accomplice.”

The onlookers kept silent and couldn’t help blushing when they thought about what they had just done.

They would never forgive the person who inflicted pain on them. They were not eligible to force Cynthia

to forgive

that woman.

Cherry felt annoyed that her plan of embarrassing Cynthia wasn’t met.

Cynthia noticed Cherry’s disappointed look and laughed.

It seemed that Cherry had forgotten her identity. She was no longer a poor illegitimate daughter. She


Mrs. Smith and didn’t need to care about others‘ feelings except for Alston.

The matter was settled. As the banquet host, Buck asked servants to lead the guests back to the hall.

Guests left in succession. Clare and Ivan were ashamed to stay and hurriedly left the monitor room.

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Before leaving, Ivan glanced at Alston and Cynthia standing aside. His eyes were full of rage and


which would make people frightened to face him.

Cynthia breathed a heavy sigh of relief and was ready to pull Alston away but found him standing still.

She looked at him confusedly and asked, “What’s the matter?”

Alston looked down at her, and anger welled up in his eyes. “Did I tell you to stay where I was and wait


me? Why don’t you do as I told you?”

His dark eyes were unfathomable, and his face was gloomy and scary.

Cynthia subconsciously lowered her head and dodged his stare.

As soon as Alston thought of Dave attempting to assault Cynthia, he couldn’t help feeling angry and


If he came late or didn’t find her, was she going to be dragged directly into the bushes by Dave and be



Thinking of this, Alston unconsciously got his voice colder and sterner. “Cynthia, didn’t I tell before

coming to the banquet that many people here try to get you into trouble? Can you not cause trouble?”

After a long time, he didn’t see Cynthia have any reaction except lowering her head.

She clenched her hands and looked panicky.

Alston clamped her chin, forcing her to look up at him.

Cynthia’s almond eyes were closed, her eyelashes trembled lightly, and tears ran out of her eyes. She

bit her lower lip to prevent herself from crying, which left dark red teeth marks.

Alston’s heart ached, full of mixed feelings.

“Don’t cry!” He separated her lips and teeth with his fingers to stop her almost self–abuse behavior, and

his thumb gently wiped her tears, but his rough thumb caused some red marks on her skin.

“Why are you so mean to me?” It took Cynthia a long time to sob out the words.

Alston lowered his head and apologized, “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have been mean to you!”

Cynthia lifted her dress and left without replying.

Then wherever she went, Alston followed her with an upset look, as if he was the one who got the



After the banquet, Cynthia asked him to take her directly to the hospital.

Before getting off, Cynthia glanced at Alston and said gently,

“This dress is the first gift you have given me since I met you. I don’t want to get it dirty.”

Alston’s hands holding the steering wheel tightened suddenly, and he stared at her back until there was

an impatient whistle from the rear car. Only then did he react and drive out of the hospital.

Cynthia hid behind the hospital gate until she saw his car leave. Only then did she go upstairs and

return to

her mother’s ward.

It was already dark, but her mother’s ward light was still on. Her mother stood at the ward door and

looked at her gently as if welcoming her home.

“Mom, I’m back!” Cynthia ran over with a smile and snuggled in her mother’s arms. She finally got


Only being with her mother could make her feel relaxed. Here, she didn’t need to calculate, guard, and



“Cynthia, sweetie, you’re beautiful today!” Lynn touched Cynthia’s hair, and her face was full of


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“Everything going well today?”

Lynn was very familiar with this kind of banquet. It was nothing more than a group of high–ranking

people gathering together to exchange interests and calculate each other.

If Cynthia wanted to be with such an excellent person as Alston, Cynthia was bound to encounter many

difficulties, like being framed. Lynn waited as long as Cynthia left. Seeing that Cynthia came back

safely, she

was relieved.

Cynthia raised her head and replied, “A lot of things happened, but fortunately, they were all settled.”

Seeing the stain on Cynthia’s dress, Lynn’s brow moved lightly, and she knew what had happened.

“Change your dress. Let me clean it!”

Cynthia nodded. Then she changed her clothes, observed her mother clean up the dirty marks, and

whispered, “This dress is expensive, and it’s a pity that it got dirty!”

The outer layer of the dress was covered with crystal, but it was solid. It didn’t take long for Lynn to

clean it.

up, and then Lynn hung it up to dry it.

Cynthia looked at Lynn’s back and said, “I saw Beck at the banquet today!”

Lynn paused and turned to Cynthia nervously. “Did he get you into trouble?”

“No, I scolded him!” Cynthia looked smug. “Mom, one day, I will avenge you!”

Lynn shook her head disapprovingly. “Beck is good at calculating and unfathomable. You’d better not

confront him. He won’t show you mercy if you hinder him from catching his interest, even if you are his

daughter. I don’t want to see you get hurt.”

Cynthia promised her mother ostensibly, but she secretly swore that she would teach him a lesson one


On the other side, Alston felt unsettled when he thought his mean words made Cynthia cry trembly.

When he

returned home, a decoration came flying directly toward his face.