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My Sleeping Beauty Husband by Lyanna Nichols

Chapter 39
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Chapter 39 The Wicked Relatives

He picked up the dress and promptly ran to the bedroom upstairs.

Just about to knock at the door, the bedroom door was suddenly opened.

Alston saw her delicate face. She looked just awake, and her eyes were slightly red and swollen. When

she saw him, her whole face was cold as ice.

Last night, she was going to wash clothes and go back to the hospital. But she didn’t expect to see

such a scene. In case Hulda came back, she stayed at home and stayed up all night. She waited for

dawn to make sure that Hulda would not come before falling asleep.

It didn’t take long for her to sleep, she was woken up by Alston’s footsteps. With morning temperament,

she was directly angry with him.

“So, are you here to ask me?”

Alston was puzzled by her anger.

“I’m so sorry that I interrupted you to neck with Hulda last night!” Cynthia looked impassively, “I don’t

care about it, but here is the Smith family, and I’m still nominally your wife. If you bring her back next

time, I’ll hit her out again.”

She slammed the door with a bang. Alston touched his nose and reluctantly smiled.

He didn’t expect that Cynthia would have such a hot temper. He always thought she was a rabbit, but

the rabbit had claws, too.

Alston didn’t disturb her sleep, but turned and went downstairs directly. When he thought of what

Lucien and Cynthia had just said, his eyes were filled with coldness.

He always thought that Hulda was in order, but he didn’t know she was still making advances on him. If

it weren’t for Cynthia, Hulda would really do it.

At the thought of this possibility, Alston felt disgusted and his eyes were gloomy.

It’s high time that she was taught a lesson. Otherwise, she will never learn to be obedient!

Hulda was pushed by Alston and knocked on the tea table. When she woke up, she felt that her back

was completely black and blue.

She got up in pain and went to work. When she arrived at the door of the company, she endured a cold

sweat on her forehead. Her attention was on her back, and she had no time to look around.

Just as she was about to enter the gate, three people rushed up and surrounded her.

There werean old man and woman who were worn out and weak, and a bruiser.

“Hulda, Hulda?” The old woman came up and grabbed her hand. The rough skin rubbed against her

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delicate skin, and the old voice seemed to be magic.

Hulda was scared and backed up a few steps. Her face was pale, even her delicate makeup couldn’t

cover it.

She recognized all three people when they turned to dust.

It must have been Alston who informed them. At that time, she was in a panic and chaos.

“No… no, you mistook one for another. I’m not Hulda!”

She covered her face and turned to run. But she was dragged back by the young men.

“Hulda, how dare you don’t recognize your parents and brother!” Burnell hardly grabbed her wrist and

dragged her in front of her parents and pushed her to the ground.

“Dad, Mom, she doesn’t want to recognize us. Even if she doesn’t recognize my brother, she doesn’t

want to recognize you.”

Hulda’s father used to hit and scold her. Hearing this, he got red in the face with anger and kicked her

on the back directly.

Burnell didn’t dissuade him when he saw this, but he laughed gleefully.

Hulda’s tears flowed out in great pain. She bent down on the ground, her eyes full of hatred for these

three men.

Hulda’s mother quickly pulled him away, lifted Hulda from the ground, and said lightly, “Hulda is a

prominent person now, so you can’t hit her like before. Look how nice this dress is, you kicked it all


Never cared about Hulda’s injury from start to finish.

She was always like this. She could avoid her daughter being beaten, but she always comes out to

play a good person at the end of every time.

Hulda coldly looked at her rough hands touching her expensive coat, and the old lady was obviously


The security guard on the side also noticed the situation here. The people around the center were Mr.

Smith’s favorite assistant, so he quickly ran over and respectfully asked, “Miss Taylor, do you want me

to help you out?”

Said the security guard with alert eyes, looking at the three men, holding a walkie–talkie, ready to call

people to drive them away.

“No, they are relatives of my hometown. They meet me something!” Hulda forced a smile.

The security guard was in doubt. The three men were completely different from Hulda in both dress

and temperament. He simply couldn’t see that they were relatives.

Burnell was annoyed by his eyes and he was about to quarrel with the security guard. He was stared at

by Hulda, and suddenly felt cold on his back. He was afraid to speak.

He wondered in his heart, when did the bullied girl have such cold eyes?

After the security guard went away, Burnell realized that he was scared by Hulda just now. He pushed

her as if he had gained face, “Why don’t you tell him that we are your family? You think we will

embarrass you? In your heart, we are your poor relatives, right?”

Hulda glanced at them. “It’s not a good thing to quarrel here. Go somewhere else if you have

something to do.”

Then she turned around and took them directly to the remote part of the company.

Looking at the towering Smith Group behind, her mom marveled a few words. “Your company looks


nice. You must be very rich. I am relieved to see that you are doing well. You have no idea how worried

I have

been about you for so many years.”

Hulda didn’t want to listen to her. She said to her in disgust. “What do you want!”

Her mom looked embarrassed and rubbed her worn skirt nervously. “Look, how well you are dressed,

and look

at me and your brother. In order to find you, we have been poor in recent years. Since you are rich

now, you

should help us.”

“Yes, to find you, I’m not married till now. You can’t leave us alone.” Burnell greedily looked at Hulda.

“Give me

200,000 dollars, and I’ll get married first.”

200,000 dollars! Hulda glared at him. “You are crazy! I have no money!”

“No money?” Burnell pinched her coat. “Do you still wear Chanel if you have no money?”

When they confronted each other, the old man, who had never spoken, snapped a few cigarettes and


with a frown. “You’re rich now. Can you bear to see your brother live a poor life? Just give your brother

a hand.

You should help each other. So we can at ease.”

“Help? When Burnell helped her? He only wants to use her. If she was useless, he would kick her

away. She

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

would never get his help.” Hulda thought.

The hatred in her heart was overflowing, but she didn’t show it on her face. “Dad, you just see my


clothes, but it’s all show! I’ve only worked in the Smith Group for a month, so I don’t have any money.”

“In the past, you only cared about my brother. After all these years, do you know how much I have


Can you care about me a little?”

Hearing this, he flung his cigarette on the ground and said in fury. “Don’t go on and on about how poor


are. Your brother is a single–son of our family for three generations. He is over 30 years old. Do you

want your

brother to be single and childless? Can you afford it for our family?”


you don’t give us money, we will go to your company. You don’t want your colleagues to talk about you


look down on you, right?!”

He said and crossed her, and rushed to the gate. Hulda quickly stopped him, sweating in a hurry. “Dad,

dad, I

promise. Okay? Don’t go to my company!”

Then she quickly took out a card from her bag. “There are 200,000 dollars, and the password is my


Burnell grabbed it and said triumphantly, “Give me!”

Hulda gnashed her teeth with hatred, and her face with delicate makeup was slightly distorted. “Take it


go. Don’t come again.”

“You are my daughter, how could you cut all ties with us? Ah, hurry to work, and we’ll go. Come home

and see us when you have time.” The old woman said.

Looked at the card in her son’s hand, and her eyes were full of joy. They got the card and left happily.

Hulda looked at the backs of them, threw her bag on the ground, and vowed that one day, she must be

exalted and leave her previous life thoroughly.

“Oh, what a wonderful show!”

There was a man’s voice from behind her. Hulda paused, turned around to look, and then she was
