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My Sleeping Beauty Husband by Lyanna Nichols

Chapter 32
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Chapter 32 You Did Very Well

Cynthia’s face turned pale. Even her lips looked pale.

Seeing that she looked not good, the nurse patted her shoulder and asked carefully, “Doctor Miller, are

you all right?”

Cynthia suddenly came back to her sense. She hurriedly picked up the phone and dialed Alston’s

number. When typing the number, her hands were shaking.

Toot, toot, toot…

She held the phone nervously and listened carefully, but there was no response for a long time.

Alston’s phone couldn’t get through!

Cynthia asked the nurse to take care of her mother. Then she strode outside and called Greg as she


After several phone calls, Greg finally picked up her call. She quickly asked, “Has Alston come back


Greg’s voice was full of seriousness. “Mr. Smith’s return flight is at 8 o’clock this evening. Because of

the earthquake in Orleans, the flight was canceled. Mr. Smith… he… he is still in Orleans.”

Cynthia felt something exploded in her mind.

Holding the phone tightly with her fingers, she tried to take a deep breath to calm herself down. “I just

called him, but I couldn’t get in touch with him. Did you get any of his news?”

“I can’t get through his call!” Greg replied. He noticed Greg’s nervous tone and quickly soothed her,

“Don’t worry, Mrs. Smith. I have called the Smith family’s private jet and arranged for a rescue team to

go there. Mr. Smith will come back safely.”

When Cynthia heard this, she became excited. “I want to go there too. When will you leave?”

Greg was awkward when he heard her. There was still the risk of aftershocks in Orleans. If he takes

Cynthial and encounters any danger, Alston will not spare him.

“Mrs. Smith, it’s too dangerous over there. Stay in Fort and wait for our news. I’ll inform you as soon as

I find

Mr. Smith.”

Cynthia looked grim. She still kept running. “Where are you? I’ll be right there.”

When she heard that Greg wanted to dissuade her, she made an excuse that he couldn’t refuse. “Greg,


know that Alston has serious cleanliness. Even doctors are hard to get close to him. I’ve taken care of

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him for

so long. He won’t reject me. In case he gets hurt, I can also help with the bandage.”

Greg considered for a moment before he agreed. He asked Cynthia to wait outside the hospital. He


someone to pick her up.

There is a big apron in the backyard of the Smith family. The flying route had been approved. They can


at any time.

When Cynthia arrived at the Smith family, she found a group of people standing on the apron, including

bodyguards, Greg and Hulda!

“She’s going, too?” Cynthia asked Greg.

Greg was in a dilemma. Before he answered, Hulda’s guilty voice sounded, “I, I won’t go. I’ll stay in Fort

to help Alston take charge of the company. I’ll meet you when you come back.”

Her eyes dodged. She was scared, while she still pretended to be calm and thoughtful.

Cynthia sneered. If Alston saw her expression, he would definitely be disappointed. He was in danger

in Orleans while Hulda didn’t even have the courage to look for him. Alston was really stupid to love


Cynthia didn’t say anything. She followed Greg and strode up the jet. She put a middle finger through


window towards Hulda.

When the plane took off, Hulda saw her and was so angry but helpless.

After flying for nearly two hours, the jet finally landed slowly.

When Cynthia looked down through the window, she saw many buildings in Orleans collapse. Many


were directly in ruins, looking desolate and miserable.

She was distraught and worried about Alston.

After getting off the plane, Greg protected her to Alston’s location.

Along the way, some older houses collapsed and were completely reduced to ruins. Although the


high–rise buildings did not collapse, the stairs were full of cracks and crumbling.

Medical staff and soldiers came to the rescue in a hurry, looking very anxious. Some people knelt in the


and frantically dug slates with their hands, trying to rescue their buried relatives and friends.

The sight of these scenes made everyone feel depressed and grim.

Orleans, which used to be prosperous, was reduced to purgatory on earth in an instant.

Cynthia grabbed Greg nervously. She constantly looked around for Alston’s figure, “Greg, he will be



The situation at the scene was more severe than they expected. Greg also began to worry about

Alston. “Mr. Smith’s mobile phone has a GPS. As long as he has it with him, we can find him soon.

Don’t worry, Mrs.


Then the locator came out with a short beep. Greg and Cynthia listen to it carefully.

“I found Mr. Smith’s phone!”

The bodyguard picked up a black mobile phone from the ruins. Cynthia recognized it was Alston’s


which brought her heart in her mouth.

“The phone ran out of charge. It powered off automatically.” Greg operated the phone and said to


“Mr. Smith should be around here. Let’s look for him.”

“Let’s find it separately. It will be faster.” Cynthia said. She turned around and looked for Alston in the

crowd, shouting his name while looking for him.

After searching for half an hour, she couldn’t find him.

Cynthia was anxious and impatient. Suddenly, he was hit in the back. A man covered in mess ran

anxiously opposite the injured man. He shouted, “Help! There’s a man whose hand seems to be

broken. He needs to be

patched up.”

There were only a few doctors who came to the rescue, and the situation at the scene was serious. At


time, no one came.

Cynthia reacted and hurriedly shouted, “I’m a doctor. I can patch him up. Lay him down.”

The man quickly followed her words. Cynthia found clean bandages and medicines from her medicine

cabinet. She stop his bleeding and cleaned up other wounds on the injured. Fortunately, it had entered


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autumn. The weather was cool and the wound had not festered.

After dealing with that injured man, one after another people were rescued. Cynthia was busy helping


make some simple bandages.

As time passed and when the last patient’s wound was handled, Cynthia became relaxed. She

suddenly felt dizzy and unconsciously fell back.

When she thought she would fall to the ground severely, she suddenly fell into a wide embrace, and the

familiar smell lingered on her nose.

The man hurriedly took a few steps back with her in his arms. Suddenly a slate fell from where she had



Cynthia looked at the cracks smashed out of the ground, she felt as if she experienced death for a


She was too pale. The man holding her gently patted her shoulder and coaxed, “Relax. Relax. It’s


Cynthia looked up and met Alston’s nervous eyes. She finally was relieved and her tears burst out


“Where have you been? I’ve called you so many times. Do you know how I worried about you?”

Cynthia cried fiercely and couldn’t stop her tears. She wiped her tears desperately but she couldn’t

wipe them all clean.

She looked like a fost child. The moment she saw him, she felt like she had found her place.

Alston’s turbulent feelings in his heart finally got out of control. He held her head with his hand and held


tightly in his arms.

“I’m sorry. It’s my fault. I shouldn’t let you worry. You did very well just now.”

He always thought that Cynthia was weak and needed protection. When watching her deal with the

wounded calmly, he found that she had such a strong heart, which made her more attractive.

He couldn’t help but want to hide and didn’t want anyone to take her.

Cynthia tightly grabbed his waist with her slender arms. Her tears fell into his neck, and the scorching

temperature was directly coming to his heart.

All people who came to Orleans were trusted by Alston. He didn’t have to worry about being monitored



Alston missed Cynthia so much. He held her in his arms tightly, feeling that his whole heart was


with her!