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My Sleeping Beauty Husband by Lyanna Nichols

Chapter 14
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Chapter 14 How Dare You Touch My Woman

Ivan had never succeeded, and now he was interrupted. He angrily turned around and scolded, “Who

dares to disturb me…”

When he saw the man, Ivan was scared and shivered. With fear on his face, he rolled to one side.

Alston was wearing a black suit and sitting in a wheelchair, looking at Ivan with a gloomy face. He

looked like he wanted to kill Ivan.

Ivan had been afraid of Alston when he was young. In the past, Alston looked at him coldly and

disdainfully, but he had never seen this expression on Alston’s face.

Alston’s anger seemed to burn Ivan out.

“Alston, it’s none of my business. She seduced me, and she asked me to this box. You know I won’t

refuse women. It’s she who seduced me, or I wouldn’t have done such a thing.”

Ivan was so scared that his face turned pale. He pointed to Cynthia and put all the blame on her.

Alston laughed, and his eyes were cold. When he finished talking with the shareholders and was about

to go back, he found the box door ajar, and he saw clearly what happened inside.

He saw Ivan pressing on her and tearing her clothes, and heard her shouting his name in despair. At

that moment, he was so angry that he wanted to kill Ivan.

“Ivan, are you out of your mind? You dare to touch my woman?”

Alston coldly lifted his chin, and his bodyguards went forward to hold Ivan’s head and press him to the


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Alston looked at Cynthia, who had broken clothes and tears all over her face. Her face was red and

swollen, and she looked pathetic.

“Which of his hands hit you?”

Cynthia was stunned. Was Alston standing up for her?

She usually showed a weak appearance because there was no one around to help her, and her

weakness could protect her better, but it didn’t mean she was timid.

With Alston here, she straightened her spine, pointed to Ivan’s right hand and shouted, “This one!”

Alston nodded and went toward Ivan in the wheelchair.

Realizing what Alston wanted to do, Ivan trembled with fear. “Ivan, are you sure you want to do this to

me for this woman? I am your cousin!”

Seeing that Alston was getting closer and closer, Ivan shouted in fear. “If you dare to hurt me, my

dad will not let you go.”

Alston’s eyes were cold, and the wheelchair ran over Ivan’s right hand mercilessly.

Ivan’s shout sounded.

Ivan’s eyes were red when he saw his fingers, and his face was covered with painful tears.

“This time, it’s just a small lesson. If you dare to touch something you shouldn’t touch next time, I

won’t let you go.”

Alston looked at Ivan coldly, as if looking at an ant.

After he finished his words, he left the box with Cynthia.

Ivan looked at the back of the two people, and his eyes were filled with deep hatred.

One day, he would trample Alston under his feet.

Af for today’s humiliation, he would take revenge.

Cynthia followed Alston’s wheelchair, and she was still afraid about what had just happened.

She thought she was going to hell, but she didn’t expect Alston would suddenly save her.

Alston had always been a redeemer in her life. As long as he was around, all the fears and anxieties in

her heart would be swept away.

She loved such a man very much.

When she was lost in thought, she suddenly fell to the ground.

When Alston heard the sound, he looked back and found her lying on the ground. With a flushed face,

she unconsciously tore her broken clothes.

“Are you all right?” Holding Cynthia’s wrist, he pulled her into his arms. He quickly took off his suit and

put it over her, isolating the bodyguard’s sight next to him.

“I feel so bad. I feel like I’m about to explode.”

Cynthia felt very uncomfortable. Her body seemed to be on fire, and her eyes were red.

“What’s wrong?” Alston held her in one hand and put the other hand on her forehead.

Her forehead was extremely hot. Thinking of Ivan’s usual style, Alston’s eyes were dark.

“How dare Ivan use this means on her?”

He scolded Ivan in his heart and told Greg, “Order a room, and take us there.”

“Okay.” Greg also noticed something was wrong, and he hurriedly ran downstairs.

As time went on, Cynthia closed her eyes painfully.

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Alston stroked her cheek and comforted her.

His cold fingers seemed like a clear spring, and Cynthia couldn’t help but get closer to him.

“Calm down.” When she got close, there was a faint fragrance on her body. There was sweat on

Alston’s forehead, and he couldn’t help but kiss her lips.

After the kiss, Alston froze all over. He had always been disciplined, but he lost control again and again

in front of Cynthia. She made him want to get close to her, and he couldn’t control his

behavior at all.

The room was ready soon, and Alston and Cynthia went in.

As soon as the door was locked, Alston took the woman in his arms to the bathroom.

The bathtub was filled with cold water, and he held her and stepped in. When Cynthia soaked in the

cold water, she was shivering. She fell into Alston’s arms with her arms around his neck.

“You’ll be fine soon.”

Alston said gently, patting her back to soothe her.

“Alston, I feel bad. I’m really cold, but I still feel bad…”

Cynthia felt that the fire in her body was going to burst out. She held Alston’s neck and begged again

and again.

Alston’s Adam’s apple rolled violently, but he couldn’t do anything. Cynthia was not awake now, and it

was unfair to her that he did something here. He could only kiss Cynthia over and over again

while cursing Ivan in his heart.

He didn’t know what Ivan did, and she would react so strongly.

The water in the bathtub was getting warmer, but the temperature of Cynthia’s body had not


“Alston, I feel like I’m going to die. Help me!” Her face flushed, and she looked at him imploringly. Her

wet hair was on her face, which made her more pitiful.