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My Sleeping Beauty Husband by Lyanna Nichols

Chapter 13
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Chapter 13 Save Me

“Why are you here?”

Cynthia thought that she might have been set up.

She quickly retreated to go out. When she opened the door, Ivan suddenly said, “Cynthia, if you dare to

go, I’ll ask my girlfriend to say that you made her infertile for life. By then, it will be too late to regret it.”

“You are shameful.” Cynthia stared at him with anger.

“If I’m not, how can I ask you out?” Ivan shrugged. “I won’t make trouble for you. If you have a meal

with me, I’ll let you go.”

“No, I feel sick when I see you.”

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Ivan laughed when he heard this. “I won’t force you if you don’t want.”

He poured a glass of wine and pushed it out. “You slapped me yesterday, and I will let it go. If you drink

this wine, I won’t let my girlfriend say that. It’s a good deal, right?”

Cynthia looked at the glass of wine with a serious face and did not move.

“Are you worried that I put something in it?” Ivan laughed, poured himself a glass of wine, and

drank it. “Don’t worry.”

Cynthia was relieved. She took the glass and gulped it down. After drinking it, she threw the glass.

on the table. “I’ve drunk it.”

She had just finished drinking, and there were water stains on her lips, which looked rosy and


Ivan stared at her with burning eyes. He suddenly rushed forward and hugged her. “Cynthia, I’ve never

been a kind person. Since you came here, you can’t leave.”

Cynthia struggled in horror, desperately shaking off his hand.

However, Cynthia was much less powerful than Ivan. Ivan easily fettered her with one hand, while

tearing at her clothes with the other hand, burying his head in her neck.

Cynthia felt uncomfortable about his breath beside her neck and her whole body froze.

“Don’t touch me!” With a scream, she kicked Ivan between his legs.

Ivan took a breath, covered the part with both hands, and his face was ferocious. “How dare you

kick me?”

When Cynthia took this chance to escape, she was dragged back by Ivan.

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“Ivan, if you dare to touch me, Alston and the Miller family will never let you go.”

Ivan smiled coldly and slapped her. He looked at her mouth bleeding and smiled. “You are just an

illegitimate daughter, who will care about you? Do you think Alston cares about you? He has been cold-

blooded and didn’t even care about his mother. Will he care about you?”

What Ivan said made Cynthia stunned. She didn’t know how important she was in Alston’s heart,

and whether she was qualified to let Alston stand up for her.

When she was in a daze, Ivan had unbuttoned her coat, and she was pressed down by him. Unable to

move, she couldn’t do anything at all.

She was getting more and more afraid, and even though she tried her best to suppress her fear, tears

kept rolling down.

She sobbed. “Alston, save me.”

“Stop crying. He is disabled now, and he has to rely on a wheelchair to go out. I think he is in his house

now, and he won’t save you at all.”

Before Ivan finished his words, suddenly the door was kicked open with a bang.