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My Husband Is A Secret Billionaire By Wiuu

Chapter 92
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Chapter 92

Tristan didn’t dare to look up.

He especially did not dare to meet the cold eyes of Dan.

After a long time, he said hesitantly, “Dominic, you, you took the place of Dan Murphy. Even your ID

card is owned by him, so you used his ID card to register your marriage.”

“So according to the law, the person who married Jane Fallon was Dan Murphy, not Dominic


Hector was the first to disagree. “Isn’t Dan Murphy already dead?”

“Yes…” Tristan lowered his voice. That’s why it’s even more ridiculous.”

All of a sudden, the room fell silent.

Everyone turned their eyes to Dan and lowered their heads silently.

Dan looked more and more sullen.

Yes, Dan had always overlooked this point.

When they registered their marriage. Dan was not present. The Fallon family used their connections to

hold the wedding with their ID cards hurriedly. The staff of the Civil Affairs Bureau did not carefully

investigate whether Dan Murphy was dead or alive.

Therefore, from the beginning to the end, Dominic Campbell was not mentioned on the marriage


Dan pinched his glabella, and his temples throbbed in pain.

“It doesn’t matter, Dominic,” Hector said softly, “Well… we can just find an opportunity to re-apply for

the marriage certificate behind Jane.”

“Can’t you use your brain? How can you do it so easily?” Tristan glared at him.

“Why not?” Hector was stubborn, “Yes, the Campbell family can’t tolerate her, but as long as Dominic

likes her, everything will be fine!”

Tristan was speechless. He glanced at him and turned his head away.

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Hector continued to nag. “Tristan, you don’t know anything. It’s not easy to meet someone you like in

your life! What’s the biggest luxury in life? It’s love!”

“Now that Dominic found the destined one, he has to fight for it at all costs, protect her, and hold her in

his hand! Ul”

Before he could finish his words, Tristan covered his mouth tightly.

Of course, he did not want to separate Dan Murphy and Jane Fallon.

However, no one could predict how complicated the situation was with the Campbell family.

At the moment, Dan needed a rational mind and a cool head rather than getting emotional,

“I’ll be going,” Dan said lightly, downed the red wine in his glass, and strade out of the club.

The words of Hector and Tristan kept echoing in his ears.

Since childhood, he had known that no one in the family could decide their marriage. It had to do with

the interests of the family.

Even if his father abandoned his mother and married someone else, Linda’s mother came from a

prominent family, and her strength and background were comparable to that of the Four Great


Chapter 52


So he had never had any expectations for his marriage, nor had he ever thought about it with a


Until he met Jane…

Dan frowned. His mind was in a mess as if a clump of weeds had grown in it.

Unknowingly paced to the door, he smoked a cigarette before going in, and once inside, he smelled the

smell of food all over the room.

Jane was busy in the kitchen. When she heard the sound, she poked her head out to take a look and

smiled sweetly. After a while, she brought out the European tomato soup. She chirped like a little

sparrow and asked him to change his shoes and clothes, wash his hands, and prepare to have dinner.

Dan glanced at her with a smile.

He had hated tomatoes since childhood, but this little woman was always persistent in making

tomatoes for him and listing their many health benefits.

There were not only tomatoes but also carrots, celery, onions… All kinds of foods that he didn’t like to

eat but were all very nutritious.

Jane would try her best to coax him into eating them.

Dan slowly walked into the kitchen with slightly wet eyes and hugged her tightly from behind.

Jane was stunned and quickly turned off the fire. Dan put his chin on her neck and sniffed deeply. The

smell of food mixed with her body fragrance was the best scent in the world.

“Honey,” she said softly. “What’s wrong with you?”

Dan did not respond but hugged her more tightly

Jane was quite worried. She moved in his arms, turned around, and held his face. Suddenly, she found

that his eyes were a bit red!

Jane was shocked. “Honey, what’s going on with you?”

Dan was a tough guy. He would not shed a tear even if someone pointed a gun at his head.

“Do you

feel uncomfortable at work? She blinked her big bright eyes, touched his head as if comforting a child,

and said softly. “If you’re not happy, then quit it! It’s not a big deal. Oh, I don’t like you to be a boxing

coach. Fighting daily is dangerous, and some female students are staring at you..”

“Honey, it doesn’t matter. If you’re unhappy, just resign. I’ll take care of you!”

Dan just looked at her and chuckled.

Jane rolled her eyes and gently stroked his face. “But my husband doesn’t need a woman to support

him. He’s an Indomitable man. He’s just tired now and needs to have a good rest for a while and

reorganize/He’ll be a blockbuster soon!”


Before Jane could finish her words, she was kissed passionately.

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She was stunned momentarily, and her heart was heating very fast. Dan seemed to be particularly

enthusiastic today. While kissing her, he lifted her clothes, and his big hands wandered wantonly over

her body…

“Don’t!” Jane panted and put her little hand on his chest. “I, I still have a dish to cook….

But before Jane could cook, he carried her directly into the bedroom and closed the door,

Chap 52

He hadn’t had dinner yet, but he had already eaten her up on the lied.

and begged

Jane held his bare and muscular back tightly with his little hands, enduring his passionate movements.

They had sex so many times, and in the end, she couldn’t stand it anymore for mercy in his ear in a

sweet voice_

On the other hand, Dan was like an uncontrollable bull that was on the verge of tearing her apart.

“Jane.” In a daze, she heard his slightly h oar se voice. “Let’s have a baby together.”

Jane was stunned. Before she could react, he was even more eager to possess her..

After that, Dan stood on the balcony, and his broad back integrated into the night sky. He smoked

another cigarette and crushed the cigarette butt under his feet.

If you find that your husband is very rich, what will you do?

Then we’re from two different worlds. It’s better to break up.

Your marriage with Jane is legally invalid. Jane Fallon was the wife of Dan Murphy, and you are

Dominic Campbell.

His heart trembled. Dan held the balcony railing tightly, his knuckles turning white.

Dan looked back at her and saw that she was sleeping soundly. Thinking of her crying and begging for

mercy just now, a smile flashed across his lips that he didn’t even notice.

What if they had a child?

Things might be different…

Dan took a deep breath. He had seen all kinds of things in the Campbell family, and he was not afraid

of plane crash.

But now, a faint fear lingered in Dan’s heart, and he became more and more afraid of losing her.
