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My Husband Is A Secret Billionaire By Wiuu

Chapter 82
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Chapter 82

“Oh, so you’re Dr. Green?”

Kate suddenly withdrew her hand from his. “You’re Jane and Dan’s matchmaker, right?”

Josh didn’t notice the subtle changes in her emotions. He had always felt that he had made the right

choice in introducing them to each other and thought that he had achieved a perfect marriage.

So Josh tidied up his white coat and looked at her with a little pride in his tone. “It’s me. Oh, in fact, I

didn’t help much. It’s destined, I just ”

“You haven’t called it a help yet?” Kate interrupted him and exclaimed, “Dr. Green, you too modest!”

Josh frowned and realized that there was something wrong with her expression.

“Dr. Green, you’re a doctor! It’s your obligation to save lives. Why do I feel that you’re like those people

who have nothing to do and are playing matchmaker everywhere…”

“It’s okay to be a matchmaker, but you should introduce a good man to her!” Kate couldn’t help but spit

it out, “Dan is so poor. If you let Jane marry him, aren’t you harming our Jane?”

“You…” It was the first time in his life that Josh had been scolded, so he couldn’t help widening his


“What are you talking about?” He retorted, “This marriage was arranged by the elders of the Murphy

family and the Fallon family a long time ago. It was just that the Murphy family had fallen. But we have

to be reliable, right? You can’t break a marriage contract just because his family is poor!”

“Oh, his family is more than poor.” Kate rolled her eyes, “He has a criminal record and has even been

imprisoned! What happiness is there for an innocent girl like Jane to marry such a person?”

“Then you can ask jane if she’s happy now.”

Josh smiled with a little pride on his face.

Kate was so angry that her face turned red and white.

“Miss, my teacher taught me on the first day of medical school that the most taboo thing to do as a

doctor is to treat only the head for a headache and only the feet for a foot ache.” We need

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look at the medical records and analyze the condition comprehensively. Sometimes when there is a

problem with the liver, we need to get a hematologist to consult us!”

“What are you talking about?” Kate glared at him angrily, ‘I don’t understand!TM

What I mean is that we come to see a doctor for a thorough examination, and we share the same

reasoning for being a man.” Josh said gently, “Although there is often gossip about Dan in the village,

and he doesn’t interact with others, I took care of him for a while recovering from his injuries. From

what I know about him, I concluded that he is a good person, and because of that, I helped him get the

Fallon family’s engagement.”

“Who hasn’t got a history?” Josh laughed heartily.

When Kate heard this, her eyebrows twitched slightly, and her eyes darkened slightly. She no longer

argued with him.

Looking at her slender and proud back, Josh kept smiling. He didn’t even notice it.

After Dan was discharged, Jane finally didn’t have to go to the hospital anymore, and the burden on her

was slightly relieved.

She had gradually gotten used to her work and hadn’t heard any news about Carl recently.

Chapter 1

Jane felt that everything was on the right track.

However, one day, Jones called and asked her to go to the conference room. When she arrived, she

saw Fiona Fallon sitting there and greeting her with a smile.

Her heart skipped a beat, and she just stood at the door in a daze.

“Ms. Fallon, what are you waiting for?” Jones said with a smile, “You are familiar with her, aren’t you?”

Jane nodded awkwardly. When she met Fiona’s eyes, she had a bad feeling in her heart.

The marketing director and several other directors were all present. After listening for a while, Jane

found out that Fiona was here on behalf of David to discuss a long-term cooperation with the Hizack


“It’s our pleasure to cooperate with the Fallon Group!”

“That’s right! The Fallon Group is one of the best in the industry, and our company can only be

considered a lackey. It’s good enough that we can get a share with you!”

“Don’t mention it.” Fiona looked at them with a smile. “You are flattering me. In fact, before 1 came

here, dad told me that I should take this cooperation as a practice. After all, I will take over the family

business in the future! If I do anything wrong, please guide me!”

The meeting room suddenly quieted down.

Jane felt everyone’s strange gaze and sneered in her heart. What Fiona meant was that the Fallon.

family would be hers in the future and had nothing to do with Jane, an illegitimate daughter.

Although she was a daughter of the Fallon family, she couldn’t get a penny!

In that case, it would be difficult for her to be respected in the company in the future. These people

were used to judging a book by its cover. Jane was not favored in the Fallon family and would not be

respected in this company.

Jane took a deep breath and looked at Fiona with a smile.

“How could you have done something wrong? You’ve been smart and willing to work hard since you.

were a child. There must be no problem with this cooperation!”

“Ha, thank you for your compliment, little sister!”

“I’m telling the truth. You have the ability to manage the Fallon Group well. But I remember that dad

once accepted a statement that he would live to the end of his life. He wants to be the chairman for

the rest of his life!”

Jane smiled lightly and said, “Oh, it seems that Dad is indeed at the age where he should retire and

dote on you very much. Otherwise, why would he ask you to take over the family business?”

“You…” Fiona’s face instantly turned pale.

As was known to all, David Fallon was greedy for money and power. The l’allon Group was such a big

enterprise, but now it was still under his control.

This was the kind of feeling that David enjoyed the most, and it was also the feeling that he feared

being robbed the most.

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It was taboo for Flona to say that she would take over the family business in public!

If David heard about this…

Fiona bit her lip and glared fiercely at Jane, who was smiling-


not convenient to talk about family affairs here.” Jane stood up and calmly handed out the plans

Chapter 82

to everyone. “The marketing department made this document after working overtime for a few nights.

Please have a look. If there is anything that needs to be modified, please let me know in time. I will talk

to the marketing colleagues later.”

“Ms. Fallon,” She looked at Fiona indifferently, “This is the most straightforward business plan. You

should be able to understand, right?”

“What do you mean? Is a simple plan as confusing as the Tomes of Arcane?”

“Oh, that’s right. I shouldn’t have said that,” Jane said word by word, “Ms. Fallon is the heir of the

Fallon Group. Of course, we should not doubt your business ability. You will understand!”

“Jane Fallon!”

Fiona flew into a rage.

Jane deliberately emphasized the word “heir”!

She looked coldly at Fiona, who wanted to get angry but didn’t want to lose her composure in front of

everyone. She only felt that it was pathetic and ridiculous.

She didn’t care about anything in the Fallon family and had never considered competing with Fiona for

the inheritance.

But she couldn’t bear the hostility of Fiona.

Jane sat in her seat calmly. Jones stood up and tried to smooth things over, announcing the start of the


However, right then, Fiona spoke in a gloomy voice once more.

“After talking for so long, I’m parched! Is your company not even willing to give a sip of coffee to
