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My Husband Is A Secret Billionaire By Wiuu

Chapter 67
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Chapter 67

Jane pr icked up her ears and immediately became alert.

She looked back and saw a coquettish woman smiling charmingly at Dan. The woman gently swirled

the wine in the goblet in her hand. When she approached him, she deliberately pulled up her high-slit

evening dress, revealing a part of her white thigh.

Jane suddenly felt that this voice was a little familiar.

“Ella Thomas?” She was stunned. It turned out that no matter where Fiona went, she had to take her

best friend with her..

When Ella was in school, she often helped Fiona bully Jane. Later, because of her poor grades, she

was often photographed smoking in rightclubs by reporters, so the school had to persuade her to drop


Ella’s reputation in the social circle of Cardiff wasn’t very good, but it was only because she had Fiona

as her backer that she was able to borrow her power.

Jane felt depressed.

She wasn’t in the mood to entertain her clients. She turned in her high heels and walked back over to


“Handsome, it’s boring to drink alone.” Ella twisted her slender waist and got closer and closer. “Why ⠀

don’t we…’

“Why don’t the two of us drink one?” Suddenly, a cold voice rang out.

Ella was shocked. She looked up and met Jane’s sharp eyes.

Dan was also stunned for a moment, and then a playful smile appeared on his face. Jane stood in front

of him and looked into Ella’s provocative eyes. She sneered and said, “What’s wrong? Don’t you

recognize me? When you were in school, you stole my homework to copy every day. Now you want to

steal my man?”

“Oh, it’s Jane!” Ella laughed dryly. “What are you talking about? 1 want to get to know this handsome

guy. I am not trying to steal your man! You weren’t standing here just now, so I didn’t know what the

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relationship between you two was!”

“So now you know!” Jane stared at her. “Since you know, why don’t you leave now?”

Dan calmly put his arms around her waist.

When he saw the woman clenching her fists tightly, he could feel that she was trembling with anger.

However, she still had an unyielding look on her face, and her eyes were full of ruthlessness.

It seemed that whoever dared to lay a finger on her man would die.

Dan chuckled. He never expected that he would have to hide behind a woman one day.

However, he enjoyed this feeling very much.

“Oh, I remember! Is this the punk you married? Ella deliberately looked Dan up and down.

unscrupulously. “I heard that he often makes trouble, fights, and has been in jail!

“Heh, I heard Fiona say that you’re protecting your husband, bun it seems to be true today! But if I had

such a handsome husband, I would have risked my life to protect him, regardless of whether he was in

prison or not!”

Jane rolled her eyes at her, took Dan’s arm, and was about to leave.

Chapter 67

However, Ella took a step forward, took Dan’s other arm, and said with extremely seductive’ eyes,

“Handsome boy, do you know that Jane is the illegitimate daughter of the Fallon family? No one in the

family likes her. She’s so poor that she used to live in the basement, so she always has a moldy smell

on her body!

“Why don’t you be with me?” Ella’s fingers began to touch him restlessly. I’m rich and have a good

figure. There are many rich men chasing after me! You’re with Jane. What a waste of your face…”

“Enough!” Jane pushed her away fiercely.

Ella stag gered and nearly knocked over a table. At this moment, the people around her heard the

noise and looked over.

“Ella, you’re shameless!” Jane said word by word, gnashing her teeth. “Are all the men in the world

dead? You want to flirt with my husband?”

There were whispers all around, and some people’s mocking eyes were like sharp knives, cutting up

Jane’s self-esteem little by little.

Although she felt that she was right, it was not a glorious thing for her husband to be coveted.

She didn’t want to steal a man in public like a shrew.

Jane lowered her head slightly and hit her lip.

She thought that Dan would hold her in his thick and warm arms. However, as time went by, she did not

feel the sense of security she wanted.

She widened her eyes and saw Dan walking toward Ella and reaching out to her!

Jane was so nervous that her blood seemed to rush to the top of her head!

“Oh, you see that? Men are realistic.” Someone whispered with a smile. “Although Miss Thomas has

a bad reputation, she is a legitimate daughter after all. How can Jane compare with her?”

“Alas, her husband pulled another woman in front of so many people… Jane is so pitiful. She usually

treats this man like a treasure, but now…”

“So men can’t be spoiled!”

Jane stood there in a daze, her mind blank and her heart aching.

“Honey, you…”

“Honey, you almost hurt Miss Thomas.” Dan smiled faintly and turned to look at Ella. “Are you all right?”

Ella was flattered and hurriedly grabbed his hand.

“With a handsome guy like you caring about me, of course I’m fine! Ella was shaking with laughter.

“Handsome guy, you don’t mind dancing with me, do you? As soon as I touched your hand, I knew how

good you are at pleasing women…”

“Dan!” Jané bit her lip, tears welling up in her eyes.

Dan was still calm. He did not push Ella away. Instead, he held her hand tightly.

Ella raised her eyebrows and looked at Jane more arrogantly.

“Miss Thomas, do you like my hand very much? Dan asked in a deep and magnetic voice.

Ella was already confused. “Of course!”

“Even if this hand had killed someone before?”

Ella was stunned. Her face changed instantly, and her eyes were full of horror.

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My holand, Is A Secret Talliopane

Chapter 67

Dan sneered with a trace of gloom across his eyes, “In the past, a woman who didn’t know tier place

tried to approach me, and I strangled her to death with this hand!”

“You…” Ella was speechless.

She wanted to break free, but her wrist was tightly held by him.

The man’s dignified expression and murderous intent made her panic.

“Miss Ella.” Dan said with a smile, ‘didn’t you want to dance with me?”

Ella suddenly felt a sharp pain in her wrist. Her face turned pale, and her teeth kept chattering.

Dan stopped smiling, and his expression froze. The aura he exuded was like that of an Asura from hell.

He loosened his grip, and Ella sta ggered a few steps back, slamming heavily into the corner of a


The whole hall seemed to have fallen into a low-pressure zone, and no one dared to breathe heavily.

Only Jane slowly stepped forward and tidied up Dan’s tie and suit.

She looked up at him and suddenly burst into laughter.

Ella’s knees went weak, and she had to try her best to stand firm with the help of the table. She glared

at Dan and Jane, gritted her teeth, and said in a trembling voice, “What… what’s the big deal? Jane,

you married a murderer! Be careful in the middle of the night. Maybe he’s hiding a knife!”

“Yes, there is a knife hidden under my husband’s pillow.” Jane snorted. “But it’s not for me. It’s for those

arrogant women who pounce on him!”

Dan smiled gently. Just as he was about to raise his hand to touch her little face, he suddenly

remembered that Ella had grabbed his hand.

So he called the waiter, took a disinfectan hot towel to wipe his hands, and then threw it into the trash



