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My Husband Is A Secret Billionaire By Wiuu

Chapter 63
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Chapter 63

Jane paused and sighed softly.

“To be honest, I don’t know who Bailey’s father is either. I only remember that when I was seven years

old, my mother went out dressed beautifully and asked my neighbor to take care of me before she left. I

didn’t see her until a month later.

“I thought my mother didn’t want me anymore. Just when I was in despair, my mother came back. She

was still as beautiful as before, but her eyes were dull, just like… like a walking mummy. No matter

what I said to her, she didn’t respond.

“After that, she gave birth to Bailey.” Jane lowered her voice. “Dad was furious and scolded Mom. On

the day they quarreled, I saw Mom smiling at Dad, but her smile was terrible. I still feel a chill run down

my spine when I think of it now.

“Dad left a check that day and never came again. I didn’t see him again until I got married.” Jane

smiled sarcastically. “He probably used that money to break off his relationship with my mother.” Dan

sat next to her and gently hugged her thin shoulders, letting her lean against his chest. He didn’t have

time to participate in her previous life, but in the future, he wouldn’t let her suffer any more grievances.

Later, Dan sat in Tristan’s office.

Those who came in and out were slightly stunned when they saw him. Tristan was a famous lawyer in

Central City and Cardiff, and the people who came in and out were all celebrities of the upper class.

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Dan was dressed casually and wore a cap. Coupled with his serious face and cold aura, people

couldn’t help but guess his identity.

“How does Mr. Brown know such a person?”

“I heard that he has been handling a few criminal cases recently… Could it be that a criminal has come

to make trouble for him?”

Dan glanced at the door. Seeing this, those people dispersed in a hurry.

Tristan walked in quickly, his footsteps getting closer and closer.

As soon as he entered the office, he was stunned for a moment. Then he closed the door, pulled down

the curtains around him, made a cup of coffee, and brought it to Dan

“I heard those people talking about it on the way here.” Tristan smiled and said, “They said that there

was a criminal in my office and asked me to be careful. Ha, it seems that you are much more

sophisticated than Dan. He is at most a gangster. Your temperament has risen to the standard of


Dan looked up at him with a slight smile.

“You haven’t pretended enough yet?”

Dan did not answer but asked directly, “Have you ever been involved in a real estate lawsuit?”

Tristan frowned.

“Is it related to a real estate company?”

“It’s personal.”

“Well… I haven’t.” Tristan smiled awkwardly. “I usually ask my assistant lawyer to handle such a


My Husband Is A Secret Hilaire

small case.”

“Right.” Dan nodded and threw a stack of documents directly on his desk. “If you haven’t handled

lawsuits like this, you should do it a few more times. More practice will be helpful to your career.

“Huh?” Tristan was stunned and hurriedly flipped through the documents. The more he read, the worse

his expression became.

He suddenly raised his head and met Dan’s faint smile.

Tristan was speechless.

He knew that this Dan would not come to his office if he had nothing to do.

In the final analysis, it was all for Jane….

Tristan smiled awkwardly, saying, “You’re not asking me to help Jane with this case, are you? Well, you

know my principle of taking cases. This is too… Tristan was speechless.

“Anyway, that’s what happened.” Dan was expressionless. “David gave the house to Jane and her

daughter. Jane has lived there since he was a child. Now he wants to take it back just like that?

“Well, at least, it doesn’t make sense to me!”

He sneered and crushed his cigarette butt twice, his eyes becoming more and more gloomy.

“This is the law. There is no need to reason.” Tristan patiently explained, “They’ve lived in that house

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for a long time, but the owner isn’t Jane’s mother. Moreover, David bought this house. Of course, he

can take it back if he wants!”

Dan glared at him. Tristan licked his lips and stopped talking.

After a long time, Dan took a sip of coffee and snorted. “Aren’t you a lawyer? You can bring the dead

back to life. Can’t you win this lawsuit?”

Tristan didn’t know whether to laugh or cry.

With his status, if he took on this case, how could he survive?

He had no choice but to take a step back. “How about this? I’ll introduce Mr. Gardner, a lawyer in my

firm, to Jane. He’s very good at handling cases…”

“No one else!” Dan gave him a sharp look. “You’re the only one who can handle this!”

Tristan gulped.

Wasn’t this forcing him?

Dan gave him an ultimatum. “I don’t care what method you use, you can’t let David take back this.


Tristan sighed heavily. After a long silence, he smiled bitterly and said, “I’ll send someone to investigate

it in detail. I’ll handle the lawsuit myself. Is that okay?”

Dan smiled with satisfaction. Just as he was about to leave, he suddenly stopped.

“By the way, there’s one more thing.” He asked in a low voice, “Can you find me a suitable job in
