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My Husband Is A Secret Billionaire By Wiuu

Chapter 57
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Chapter 57

Jane was absent-minded and didn’t know how to answer him, so she could only respond shyly.

She gently closed her eyes and heard the clear sound of the rain hitting the window. She felt Dan’s

tossing kisses and fiery passion. She slowly opened herself up, like a delicate flower blooming beneath


Early in the morning. Dan slowly woke up.

In the past, when Dan was at the Campbell family’s place, he would get up at four o’clock in the

morning to deal with official business. He had always woken up early, which was a habit that had not

changed for many years.

However, because of her last night, for the first time in his life, he had an impulse to stay in bed.

He turned his face and stared at her quietly. She was sleeping soundly and looked cute. He couldn’t

help kissing her lips, and the sweet fragrance made his heart beat faster.

He tried his best to restrain himself. Thinking of their lovemaking last night, he saw several shallow

scratches on his body.

He thought that she must be in so much pain and so tired.

He got up and suddenly saw his phone light up. His expression changed slightly. He put on his T-shirt,

got out of bed, and quietly walked to the balcony.

“Dominic, I hope I didn’t disturb youso early in the morning.” Tristan said in a low voice.

“What is it? Dan asked.

Tristan chuckled. “Your grandpa has made a move recently and taken back one of the branches. under

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Edward Campbell. Now everyone in the Campbell family is saying that you set Edward up.”

After hearing this, Dan pursed his lips slightly.

It was really a trap set by him.

Fortunately, his grandfather doted on him. No matter how comprehensive Edward’s accounts were, he

could find flaws in them. Moreover, there were so many people in the Campbell family who were more

arrogant than Edward. His grandfather was old, but not se nile.

Therefore, his grandfather punished Edward in order to warn those with ulterior motives.

“What did Edward do then?” Dan asked in a low voice.

“It’s said that he’s convinced by your grandpa.” Tristan smiled and said, “Don’t you know Mr. Edward?

Not only did he cry and admit his mistake in front of your grandpa, but he also took the initiative to

kneel in the ancestral hall of the Campbell family and repent for several nights!”

Dan sneered, He could already imagine how the media in Central City would report on Edward.

They must have praised Edward in the same way, saying that he could correct his mistakes and was

kind-hearted and devoted to the family.

This was the trick that Edward often used. Under this kind of

a big mistake, he could cover it up.

-sided praise, even if Edward made

Therefore, how could outsiders believe that such a loyal and kind Mr. Edward would try to assassinate

his nephew, Dan, on the plane?

Dan looked gloomy, and his grip on the balcony railing suddenly tightened.

“Tin not going back to Central City for the time being,” Dan said.

Tristan was stunned and asked, “Will we miss this opportunity if we don’t go back now?”

“Edward’s acting is so good that it’s useless even if I were to go back. It’s better to wait and see, and

find out his fatal weakness so that I can catch him and all of his men!”

Tristan nodded in agreement.

However, at this moment, a soft voice came over the phone. “Dan? Hubby, where are you?”

The sound of Jane’s “hubby” was so lazy and delicate that even through the microphone, Tristan Brown

felt his heart sk ip a beat.

Not to mention Dan, who faced her every day.

Tristan smiled. It turned out that Dan wasn’t returning to Central City for the time being. There was

another reason for that…

Dan hung up the phone in a hurry and walked into the bedroom quickly.

Jane wrapped herself in the blanket and was trying hard to reach for the clothes on the ground.

However, her left leg was injured, so her face turned red but she still couldn’t reach them.

Dan walked in, bent down to pick up the clothes on the ground, and carefully put them on her. Jane

glanced at him and lowered her head shyly.

The way she looked at him was different from before.

Now, she had completely become a sweet wife who was attached to him.

Dan gently stroked her hot cheeks anti asked in a low voice, “Does your body still hurt?”

Jane was stunned and nodded slightly. Then she smiled and leaned against his chest shyly.

I’m sorry

if I hurt you last night.” Dan rubbed her hair and whispered in her ear, “But I know what to do in the

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Hearing this, she hit him and said reproachfully, “All right, stop it!”

He hugged her and smiled happily.

“Then you should sleep a little longer. I’ll go make breakfast.” He volunteered. “What would you like

to eat?”

“Anything?” Jane rolled her big eyes and said, “Well.. I don’t have much of an appetite. Just cook me a

bowl of noodles.”

“Okay, I’ll add in some shredded meat. I’ll cook noodles for you,” Dan said.

“I don’t eat meat early in the morning,” she said.

“You worked hard last night.” He smirked and said, “I’ll give you more nutritious food. Keep up the good

work tonight!”

Jane blushed and punched him hard with her little fist. “I told you not to say anything, but you still

said it!”

In the next few days, Jane found that what Dan said was really not a joke.

It was inconvenient for her to walk because of her injured leg, so he used this as an excuse to hold her

every day. She could have walked with a crutch, but he didn’t allow it. He would hold her from the time

she got up in the morning until he carried her to bed at night, and then…

Jane couldn’t handle it and scolded him gently.

“My leg injury hasn’t healed yet. I can’t do any strenuous exercise!”

But he said confidently, “You should move your legs more often so that you can recover faster!”

“You took advantage of my injured leg to bully me on purpose!” Jane retorted.

“Honey,” he said with a naughty smile, “if your leg is injured, just lie down and don’t move. I’ll do
