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My Husband Is A Secret Billionaire By Wiuu

Chapter 38
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Chapter 38

Jane calmly strode over from the sidelines.

Dan now understood her intention.

She had captured dam ning evidence of the school bullying, and these high schoolers, already over 16,

were legally liable for their actions.

Once the evidence was handed to the police, these kids would carry this black mark for life.

Jane’s icy gaze swept over the group

“You didn’t just bully Bailey, did you?” She spoke slowly, deliberately. “I’ve already dialed 911, and the

cops will clear it all up when they get here.”

Everything was under Jane’s firm control.

The bullies were taken away by the police, and questioned as per standard protocol. Once the truth of

their bullying came out, they were nailed for the crime, and swiftly, justice was served.

Jane had finally avenged Bailey.



wife’s got some grit,” Tristan’s police friend told him the story and Tristan raised a thumb in admiration.

“She’s cooler than a cucumber when things hit the fan, and clearly knows her way around the law. That

was a smart move!”

Dan cracked a small smile.

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Ever since they tied the knot, Jane kept springing surprises on him, but…

Even if he didn’t make any contributions in this matter, he should have done a lot of hard work, right?

After all, he was the one who knocked down those high schoolers.

Given Jane’s character, she would surely reward him somehow, perhaps whipping up a hearty meal

at least.

But Jane was surprisingly quiet.

Moreover, he had noticed her growing distant lately.

She no longer mentioned asking him to sleep in the bedroom.

Dan had dropped subtle hints a few times and thought Jane would certainly pick up on his thoughts.

Yet, she feigned ignorance right to his face, deftly sidestepping his advances with various excuses!

As a result, he was still sleeping on the couch…

Dan let out a sigh, his cool demeanor cracking slightly as his brows furrowed in deep thought. So lost

was he, that he didn’t even notice the cigarette nearly burning his fingers.

“Hey, Dominic.” Quick as a whip, Hector snatc hed the cigarette from him.

Dan snapped back to reality, looking slightly dazed.

This was the first time Hector had seen such a vacant look on Dan’s face.

“Dominic, what are you thinking about?” He waved his hand in front of Dan. “Oh, there’s news from the

Central City… Your uncle and granddad are plotting to find you a consort!”


Dan’s eyes went as cold as steel.

He brutally stubbed out the cigarette in the ashtray, his face hardened with a fierce resolve.

“All things considered, your family is full of tough cookies.” Tristan voiced his concern, “If one day you

go back, and Jane… she…”

“She won’t be with me.” Dan muttered under his breath. “We are, after all, chalk and cheese. We can’t

become one.”

Tristan and Hector exchanged bewildered glances, knowing without words what the other was thinking.

It was clear as day that Dan had a thing for Jane – anyone with half a brain could see it.

But the guy was as stoic as a statue, always maintaining that “marriage is just a facade for him,” and

that his responsibilities towards Jane were only those between a husband and wife.

Dan fed himself this line of bull, but Jane had already taken root in his heart. The day he’d have to rip

her out, root and all, they didn’t know how he’d bear the heartache.

After a pause, Dan suddenly asked, “You guys know any good gynecologists?”

Their eyes bulged out of their sockets, looking like they’d seen a ghost at high noon.

“Wh-what?” Hector, trying to suppress a grin, gave Dan a once-over, raised an eyebrow, and

incredulously asked, “Did you knock her up already, Dominic? You work fast, brother!”

Dan’s face dropped and he rolled his eyes in response.

Tristan frowned, “Could you let Dominic finish?”

Dan cleared his throat and said in a low voice, “I just want to know what’s good for a woman’s health.”

Hector couldn’t help it any longer and burst out laughing, the brandy in his mouth spewing out in a


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Tristan gave him a look that screamed “you idiot”.

Dan’s expression turned stormier by the second.

These past few days, Jane would shoot him questioning glances, a flicker of desolation passing over

her eyes. She was worried about gains and losses.

He racked his brain but couldn’t pinpoint where he had slipped up or what she might have


Then it hit him, like a bolt from the blue – the pads he’d seen in the bathroom that morning. Women are

known to have emotional ups and downs during their period, right?

So, Jane was giving him the cold shoulder because she was on her period?

It all clicked into place when he thought about it.

Dan had seen her writhing in pain during her period, curled up on the bed, pale as a sheet, and

breaking out in a cold sweat.

He didn’t know what kind of pain it was, but he just wished he could make her feel better.

“If you guys don’t know any doctors specializing in this, I’ll go ask around.” His gaze swept over them



My Husband


Hector clapped a hand on his shoulder, pounding his chest and chortling, “Why go to someone else,

Dominic? I’m the expert here!”

‘I tell you… I have a secret recipe!” He lowered his voice conspiratorially. “Just let Jane use it. I

guarantee after she uses it, she’ll be hyper-sexual… Never mind, she’ll be lively!”

