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My Husband Is A Secret Billionaire By Wiuu

Chapter 132
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Chapter 13 2

Jane quickly bought things and saw Kate taking care of Aaron with great care, making her smile gently.

She briefly instructed Kate and then walked away with Dominic.

All the way, she chattered like a little magpie, relieved to finally get something off her chest. Even

though Kate didn’t end up being with Josh Green as she had hoped, as long as Kate made a choice,

she would support her no matter what!

“Hey, hubby,” Jane sweetly smiled at Dominic, “I think you’ll be meeting Aaron frequently from now on.

Both of you should let go of the past and try to get along well!”

“Sure.” In fact, there isn’t much from the past.

Dominic looked at her with complicated eyes and suddenly stopped walking

Her mood was good at the moment, so if he told her something, she might be able to accept it.

But where should he start?

Dominic took a deep breath and met Jane’s clear innocent eyes.

“Hmm? What’s wrong, honey?”

He hesitated for a moment and slowly uttered, “I have something to tell you

Jane’s smile was radiant, and she held his hand, saying, “What a coincidence, I also have something to

tell you!”

“Really?” His eyes flickered. “What is it?”

“I went to Josh for a check-up…” Jane blushed slightly, lowered her head, and whispered in a small

voice, “I. I missed my period this month.”

Dominic froze in place, unable to believe his ears. He tried to speak, but no sound came out.

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“What… What did you just say?” After a while, he asked with a trembling voice, “Do you mean…..

you’re pregnant?!”

“I don’t know yet,” Jane grinned at him, “the test results haven’t come out! Let’s wait and see.”

Dominic forgot what he wanted to say. A surge of immense joy overwhelmed him like a tidal wave,

leaving his mind blank. He immediately hugged Jane and picked her up in a princess carry!

“Oh my g od hubby, put me down first!”

Jane was also overjoyed, but they were still outside, and people were passing by!

Yet Dominic was too happy, like a fool, he kept looking at her with a smile. Even after Jane

repeatedly asked him to put her down, he reluctantly did so, only to immediately squat down and touch

her flat belly while pressing his ear against it.

“Did you hear that, honey? I think I heard the baby calling me “dad”!”

Jane couldn’t help but laugh and cry.

“Is it a boy or a girl?”

“Didn’t I say the test results haven’t come out yet? We still don’t know what’s inside!”

“I’m sure there’s one, for sure!”


-“How many do you think there will be, hon?”

Jane held back her laughter, “Isn’t one enough?”

“Of course not!” Dominic was serious. He had planned for it to be two sons and two daughters so they

could have companions for each other.

But then he furrowed his brow and looked at Jane, asking in a low voice, “But wait just a second.

Honey, isn’t giving birth very painful?”

“Yes, it should be. They say women exchange their lives for their children’s during childbirth.”

“But I don’t think it’s that exaggerated.” She smiled. “So many women have given birth and are

perfectly fine, right?”

Dominic’s face darkened, and he frowned.

If giving birth was too painful, he couldn’t bear to see Jane go through such suffering

If he had to choose between the child and Jane, he would rather there be no heir than to let her

“exchange lives for a child.”

“What are you thinking about, hubby?” Jane asked.

Dominic smiled faintly and gently pulled her into his arms.

“I was thinking… maybe I used up all my good luck, that’s why I met you.”

Hector White leaned in to scrutinize Dominic closely.

Dominic glanced at him but didn’t react, continuing to study pregnancy and baby-related knowledge on

his phone. In the past few days, he had browsed through all the popular posts on pregnancy and baby

care and registered on numerous parenting websites, studying with the same dedication as when he

prepared for the exams at Wharton School.

“Hey, old man Brown does this guy… look normal?” Hector pointed at Dominic and made a circular

gesture at the side of his head.

Mr. Brown gave him a disdainful look.

“Look at how he’s smiling.” Hector said again, “it’s been a whole afternoon, but the corners of his mouth

are still lifted. It’s like he just got botox injections, stuck in an upward position!”

“He’s about to become a father. What’s abnormal about studying baby care?” Tristan Brown smiled and

said, “Even though the test results haven’t come out, it’s likely to be almost certain. Just prepare a big

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red envelope!”

“But… the results haven’t come out yet, why is he so excited?”

“Even if the results aren’t out, it’s probably almost certain.” Tristan smiled, “Anyway, just be ready with

that red envelope!”

“I’m a little worried,” Hector rubbed his chin. “What if he suddenly takes Jane and the child back to the

Campbell family? Won’t the people in the Campbell family go nuts?”

Tristan’s eyes darkened,

“I will take Janey back,” Dominic, who had been silent all along, suddenly said in a deep voice, no

matter if they accept it or not, she’s my wife.”

Hector laughed nervously.

It seemed like someone had said before that there wouldn’t be any future commitments with Miss Jane,

as they were from two different worlds and couldn’t merge together…

Chapter 1 32

“What are you laughing at?” Dominic shot him a glance, and Hector immediately shut and straightened


“Now, the priority is not the Campbell family, but Dan Murphy,” Dominic said in a cold tone, “Dan

Murphy is still alive and in the hands of Kevin Campbell.”

“So, before they make any moves, I’m going to change the name on the marriage certificate to mine!”

Only this way could he protect Jane and their child.

“Are you sure about this, Dominic?” Tristan still had some concerns, “If you marry her so casually,

grandfather will be furious, and your second uncle will make things even more difficult…”

“If I choose to give up Jane just because I’m afraid of Grandfather getting angry,” his gaze was firm as

he said word by word, “then I’m not worthy of being her man!”
