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My Bossy CEO Husband by Symon Diller

Chapter 1827
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The waiter swiftly brought out the dishes, all pre-ordered by Lyndon.

Glancing at the dishes, Ayla frowned slightly.

Despite the place’s reputation for delicate dishes, what lay on the table seemed far from refined.

Chicken, duck, fish, oysters, mutton, leek- quite a variety, but lacking the expected finesse.

“Mr. Fernandez, your taste is quite unique,” she remarked, eyeing the unfamiliar soup on the table.

Lyndon explained, “I had a mishap a few months back, injured my waist. The doctor suggested a diet heavy on

nutrients for recovery.”

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So his waist was injured? That was a big deal! The waist was a very important region to men. If it was hurt, their

ability in bed would be...

Ayla’s expression shifted slightly. “Is it serious?” she asked tentatively.

Lyndon served himself ssoup. “Not too bad. It might affect my manhood for a while, but the doctor is

optimistic-good food will sortout.”

Did that mean he was impotent now?

Would she live s sexless life if she married him?

What a pity! Ayla never expected he would turn out to be impotent.

Gazing at the man’s handsface, she found herself at a loss for words.

Lyndon, looking up at her with a smile, continued sipping his soup.

“Miss Deleon, why not try something? If these dishes don’t suit your taste, I'll have the waiter bring something

more to your liking.”

It was the most he had said since they sat down, and a hint of joy seemed to play across his expression.

Staring at him, Ayla narrowed her eyes and remarked, “Mr. Fernandez, did you mention your waist injury on

purpose? Is this your way of tellingto back off? Because it seems like you have no interest in datingat


Lyndon paused, giving her an appraising glance. She was perceptive.

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Ordering those specific dishes and disclosing his injury seemed calculated-a strategy to encourage her to bow

out willingly.

Not receiving a response from Lyndon, Ayla smiled knowingly.

“Considerout, as you wish. However, your family will Likely continue introducing prospective matches. Will

you keep using the sexcuse to turn them down?”

“It's my business,” Lyndon replied casually.

“Considering your situation, why not givea chance? You might discover that I'm more your cup of tea,” Ayla


Lyndon dabbed his mouth with a tissue and met her gaze.