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Mr. Ford is Jealous

Chapter 39
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Chapter 39

It was just a tiny gesture. Nobody had noticed it, except Guinevere. She clenched her fists. Her eyes

darkened. She glanced at Stella, then turned to Weston. Weston didn’t seem to notice the change in her

moods. He remained as calm and unbothered as ever, as if nothing out of ordinary had happened all


He didn’t think of anything either when he handed her the napkin, although he did sweep a glance over

her outfit today… The dress suited her very well indeed. She never dressed up like this in the past.

Weston retracted his gaze. A sense of restlessness crept up over him when he saw Stella’s trembling

eyelashes. Meanwhile, Yvonne was oblivious to what was going on and was just amused by Stella’s

reaction. “What’s wrong with my suggestion?” she teased. “You’re so pretty and so young, you can’t be

planning to spend the rest of your life single! You’ll need to find someone eventually and the sooner you

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find him, the longer you’ll be able to enjoy the romance!” Stella giggled but said nothing. “Don’t be so

shy!” Yvonne pressed on. “I know lots of handsome guys! I can set you up with any kind of guy you like

— ” Before she could finish her sentence, Lucas stuffed broccoli into her mouth. “Ngghh…”

Yvonne glared at her husband, annoyed at being interrupted mid-sentence. Lucas, however, calmly

ignored his wife’s scowl and kept on eating his food. “Don’t talk while you chew,” he said nonchalantly

Yvonne grunted in disapproval, but still didn’t argue any further and just kept on quietly chewing the food

in her mouth.

Lucas ate with grace-quietly and politely. Every once in a while he would see Yvonne pick at her food

and he would frown slightly before stuffing food in her mouth. Yvonne would seem irked by this, but

nonetheless, she would quietly chew the food and say nothing. Though she might look headstrong,

Yvonne actually always respected Lucas. Stella looked on at the happy couple and admired how well

they got along. The sight was so sweet that she just had to smile.

Unbeknownst to her, that slight expression of happiness of hers vexed someone else to no end.

Guinevere didn’t care whether this woman was Stella or not. The fact that she looked exactly like Stella

meant that this woman was a thorn in her side that she was anxious to get rid of.

Stella should’ve completely disappeared from Weston’s life the moment she fell down that building. She

should not suddenly reappear somewhere else like this.

Frustration filled Guinevere’s chest. She wanted to let it out, but the man beside her was so indifferent

and calm that she didn’t think it would be good to cause a scene.

(you shouldn’t say things like that in front of Dr. Quirk, Yvonne!” said Guinevere suddenly with a smile

after a long pause. “Aren’t you afraid that he’ll get jealous because you know so many handsome guys?”

Those words got Yvonne’s attention. She leaned over towards her husband and grinned.

“Were you jealous?” she asked Lucas. Lucas ignored her and continued eating silently. Yvonne leaned

even closer to him, prompting him to nudge her head away. “Can’t you mind your manners and eat your

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food properly?” he barked. “So you really are jealous!” Yvonne exclaimed, not angry at all that her

husband just pushed her away. Instead, she added chirpily, “Don’t worry, Dr. Quirk, you’re the only

handsome guy in the world that I like!” At that moment Guinevere turned towards Stella and said, “Looks

like those men that she’ll set you up with are just her rejects!” She sounded as if she was only joking, yet

there was an undeniable malice undertone to it too. Yvonne squinted at her, then sat up straight and

smiled, her eyes shining with mischief. “Ah, never mind that! By the way, why didn’t the two of you bring

your baby with you today? I heard that he’s totally adorable! I’d really like to meet him!” “Oh, he’s still too

small to travel,” replied Guinevere, her expressions softened considerably when talking about her child.

“We’ll make sure to bring him along next time we visit.” Yvonne nodded innocently as she listened to

Guinevere speak, but then smiled slyly and turned to Weston. “I’m so jealous of you, Mr. Ford!” she said.

“Everyone knows Gwen was the hottest girl that every man in Ahn City’s high society pined for! Yet now

she was even willing to have a child with you out of wedlock! Not all women are strong enough for that!

But still, Mr. Ford, she’s the mother of your child now, and you haven’t even given her a wedding? That’s

a little heartless, isn’t it, Mr. Ford?”