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Mr. Ford is Jealous

Chapter 166
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Chapter 166

Yvonne thought nothing of Stella’s response, but she did stare at Stella and hesitated whether she

should say what was on her mind.

Stella noticed this. Now that she had got her gift, she was sure that Yvonne would have something to say

to her. She didn’t want Yvonne to feel awkward, so she took the initiative to bring it up herself.

“If you want to ask me anything,” she started, “then just ask it. I won’t hide anything from


Seeing that she was so straightforward about it, Yvonne saw no point in beating around the bush.

“So are you and Weston now…” Yvonne studied Stella’s face with seriousness.

Stella said nothing in reply, but merely responded with a smile. It was a joyless smile though and she

looked more resigned than happy.

Yvonne immediately understood what Stella was trying to say.

“How dare he!” she snapped.

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Stella shook her head repeatedly and grabbed Yvonne’s hand. Her face was turning pale. “Please don’t

worry about this, okay?” Stella begged Yvonne. “I don’t want to involve an innocent bystander like you!”

“But how could I not worry?” replied Yvonne. “You’re my friend! How could I just watch him push you

around wherever he likes without doing anything?”

“I know you’re worried about me,” Stella said in a hoarse voice with her head hanging low,” and I thank

you for it. But with someone like Weston Ford… I really can’t get you involved. He’ll definitely get you in

trouble.” “Let’s see if he dares!” Yvonne snarled. “My family definitely won’t take it lying down!” “Would

you really want your family to be at odds with the Ford family just for someone like me?” asked Stella.

“It’s not worth it, Yvonne.” Stella knew that the anger Yvonne felt now was temporary. She was truly

grateful for her loyalty to their friendship, but the real world was much too complex to just rely on earnest


It was more than good enough that Yvonne genuinely wished to help. Getting her in trouble was the last

thing Stella wanted.

Yvonne suddenly felt thirsty, so she went over to the water cooler and got herself a glass of water to

drink. Once she’d taken a few sips her anger gradually subsided. “I’m really curious though,” Yvonne

began speaking again. “Isn’t Weston Ford going to marry Guinevere Cohen soon? I recently heard

someone in their circle saying that he’d taken her to the doctor to get a premarital medical exam. What

on earth is wrong with him? He’s

clearly a two-faced hypocrite!”

Stella was silent. Her eyes looked vacant.

The corner of her lips almost lifted slightly when she heard that Weston had taken Guinevere to a

premarital medical exam, but it didn’t turn into a smile. Just a wry smirk.

What a disgusting man! He pretended to be a sweet lover with Guinevere, yet behind her back, he forced

Stella to stay with him in his house.

How could she not realize what a shameless man he was in the past?

Stella closed her eyes. She remembered how fiercely Justin and Tina were arguing in the restaurant

yesterday. She remembered their state of sheer panic when they found out that Bryce was missing. She

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sighed. “Yvonne,” she said, “I’d like to resign…” Yvonne’s eyes widened. She was stunned into silence

for a good few seconds. “No!” she finally replied resolutely. “I won’t allow it!”

When Stella got out of Yvonne’s office, she bumped into Joyce Duxton. She could see Joyce jumping in

shock when she opened the door. But when their eyes met, Joyce haughtily straightened her posture

and snapped, “What are you looking at?!” Stella glanced at her coolly and said nothing. Joyce was

probably eavesdropping at the door just now, but the walls were thick and soundproofed, so she was

sure that Joyce couldn’t hear anything they were talking about in Yvonne’s office. She had no interest in

dealing with Joyce now, so she turned around and walked away. Joyce was offended that Stella

completely ignored her, so she chased after Stella with a big frown on her face.

“Didn’t you hear that I was talking to you?” she yapped. “Do you have a problem with me? You’ve always

been ignoring me when I’m speaking to you—” Stella halted her steps abruptly before Joyce could finish

her sentence. She turned swiftly around and gave Joyce an icy glance. “We’re all adults here, Joyce,”

she began, “so I don’t want to put it too bluntly so as to hurt your feelings, but you know exactly what

your real intentions are and I won’t be a two-faced hypocrite. I don’t have the time or the interest to put

on an act with you.” Stella turned and walked away at once after speaking, leaving Joyce standing there

alone, in shock. The image of Stella’s cold stare was still stuck in Joyce’s mind long after Stella had left.