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Mr. Ford is Jealous

Chapter 141
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Chapter 141

Stella nodded and stood up with her bag. “I’ll be back soon.” After exiting the private room, she let out a

sigh of relief. The air blowing down the hallway helped clear her jumbled thoughts. The dishes hadn’t

been served and since she had time, she walked to the bathroom.

The lady’s washroom was not far away in the corridor.

A waitress in a dress nodded to her as they passed each other. Stella increased her pace. She felt a

sudden presence from behind her as she rounded the corner.

She subconsciously stopped.

A pair of dark eyes were staring at her as she turned behind.

It was Weston.

Her stomach sank, though, she wasn’t shocked to see him there. She merely pursed her lips and

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marched straight ahead, as if she didn’t see him.

Weston would never let her go that way. He gave pursuit, and without saying anything, picked her off the

ground and headed into the private room.



She immediately pushed him off. “What are you doing?”

Although she had shoved him violently, he didn’t respond to her persistence. He kicked the door open

and flung her into the room after taking a few steps forward.

The door behind her slammed shut with a loud bang.

Stella could only feel her back hurting when in a blink of an eye, she had been tossed onto the


She supported herself. Although there was no light in the room, she could see his massive, towering

figure standing by the entrance. Having his back against the light, he seemed colder and more distant

than usual.

“Weston, what do you want to do?” She could hear her voice trembling as she asked him.

“You don’t know what I want to do?” He stepped forward. “I told you to wait for me but what did you do?”

He didn’t switch on the lights since he was still observing the emotions in her eyes and having her guess

his feelings. Suddenly, he appeared in front of her without warning. She instantly shivered and shrank in

terror at the presence of his towering and imposing figure, but he forcefully gripped her arms, keeping

her from retreating. He grabbed her neck and forced her to look into his eyes. “Are you ignoring my

command to


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stay away from that man?”

She pushed his hands away and yelled, “You have no right to command me!”

“Is that true? I have no right?” his eyes darkened as he gripped her neck with force.

Only when he realized her choking and tears pooling around her eyes did he gently let her go.” I enjoy

the act you two put on,” he hissed.” He helped you in by opening the door, buckling you in, and even

covering your head.”

“Are you moved? Stella, why are you such a b*tch?”

He had spoken right into her ear, and when she turned her head, she could see his lethal stare. She

struggled hard to break free, but his grip on her only tightened.

“You’re mine.”

He slammed her up against the wall, his eyes were red with fury. He snatched her chin and crushed his

lips against hers. The moment his lips made contact, he briefly forgot about the harmonious and lovely

image of the three of them together looking like a family.

She was his. Only his.