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Mr. Ford is Jealous

Chapter 117
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Chapter 117

After Weston sent Guinevere back to her apartment, he looked at his watch and guessed that Stella

should already be asleep, but he sent her a message anyway.

All his previous numbers were blacklisted by her, so he got another new number. It wasn’t an issue for

him, and she did not block his number again.

Perhaps she knew that her action was of no use, so she simply gave up.

Thinking of this, the man smiled.

After some time, he still did not receive any reply.

He didn’t expect that she would text back anyway, so he went to the bathroom for a quick shower. But

when he came out, he saw a weak light blinking on top of his phone. The moment he checked his phone,

his eyes darkened.

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It was Stella.

He picked up the call but did not say anything, waiting for her to speak After a while, he heard an

unfamiliar voice of a man. “Who are you? Why are you texting Stella in the middle of the night?”

At aa drive-in cinema.

Stella didn’t expect that she would be dating another man in just one short year.

She felt that she might not have the courage and energy to love anyone again after her terrible


It was not that no one tried to pursue her, but she just couldn’t bring herself to do so. Weston’s relentless

pursuit made her realize that there might be only one way to make him

give up-first, she had to get herself a boyfriend. Regardless, she did not want to let other people treat her

as a tool, like how he did before.

So, she explained her situation clearly beforehand. “I have an ex who is still clinging on to me, and I have

no plans to start a new relationship, so…”

They were all adults, so there were things that they understood even when they did not say it. That man

smiled. “It just so happens that I was also forced by my family to go out on a blind date and have no

intention of dating anyone. If you don’t mind, we can become a couple. Then, we can break up anytime

and anywhere when necessary without causing stress to each other.”

As long as both parties made it clear beforehand, Stella could still accept it.

This man was introduced to her by a colleague in the training center. According to her colleague, they

had been neighbors since they were young. So, she knew him well and assured

that he was a good man.

After informing Roger, she went out with this man for a movie,

It was her first time going to a drive-in cinema.

A huge screen was installed at the large parking area with all sorts of cars. They found a spot with a

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good view. This man was driving a sports car. It was very comfortable when the wind blew.

He opened a can of beer and handed it to Stella. “Want one? If you cannot drink this, I brought some


She smiled. “Yes, I can have a beer.”

He was a gentleman. He had had several relationships before, all of which he treated seriously.

It was because of his ex-girlfriends that he had lost interest in dating anymore. But his family kept on

urging him, so he came for the blind date.

Listening to his story, Stella felt that their experiences were very similar. As the two chatted, they did not

realize that it was already very late. Just at this time, Weston sent over a text message.

The moment she looked at the message, she stopped talking. The man sensed something and asked,

“Your ex?” Then, he held out his hand, smiling. “Here, let me help you.”