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Mr. Ford is Jealous

Chapter 115
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Chapter 115 Seeing her daughter so aggrieved, Mrs. Cohen frowned.

“Weston, I know you’ve always been a good boy. Have you been under too much pressure at work

lately? Are you emotionally unstable? I heard some gossip…. Anyway, you need to rest and spend more

time with your family.”

Weston was known to be the dream lover of the rich ladies in the circle. Unlike the immature rich kids, his

focus was mostly on work.

He was destined to be a step above the rest from birth. He did not waste his talent and resources,

leaving his peers far behind.

It was rare for someone of his current age to master and control the core business of his family. As a

result, whenever the parents were lecturing their disobedient children, they would use Weston as an

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example and tell them to learn from him.

Wealthy families were most afraid of the existence of illegitimate children. They shared the same

inheritance rights with other children. A rich lady would certainly consider the man’s private life when

choosing a husband. If an illegitimate child somehow appeared one day, it might threaten the status of

their biological children.

Weston was known to be abstinent from women. All these years, Guinevere had been the only woman

by his side. To many, he was considered a loyal and dedicated lover.

However, there were some rumors about Weston’s past. Weston had another woman with him, but she

disappeared. No one knew if the rumor was true, or if they covered it up.

It was a matter between the two children. As parents, they could not interfere too much. However, they

had to voice their views about their daughter’s marriage. “Actually, we know you’re not that kind of man.

The rumors out there can be quite unpleasant. It may also affect your reputation. All Guinevere and you

need now is just the marriage certificate and wedding ceremony. As long as you two have a good

relationship, the rumors will go away. The wedding will be a long process. Why don’t you register your

marriage first?” Mrs. Cohen put forward her request in a casual tone.

Guinevere was a little nervous and looked at the man beside her.

Weston’s eyes remained inexplicable. He did not agree to nor refuse their suggestion. After a long

moment, he finally said, “I don’t have a problem with it, but getting a certificate is not child’s play. It’ll

involve our assets and other issues. I’ll let the professionals handle it.”

This was indeed a problem worth considering. Guinevere’s parents did not object. “Indeed. It’s the union

of two families, and some things need to be made clear.”

“Also, another thing…” Weston paused and looked at Guinevere. “I’ll have someone arrange a premarital

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medical examination as soon as possible so that we’re responsible for each other.”

Hearing this, Guinevere became puzzled. “We have a child already. Is there a need to do such a test?”

“It’s just a part of the marriage process. Why shouldn’t we do it? You may have a child already, but we

can get to know each other’s health better this way.”

He had a point, but Guinnevere found it strange. However, since he finally yielded to their requests, she

could only nod and agree. “Then we’ll do as you say.”

The conversation this time was pleasant. Guinevere’s parents did not stay any longer.

Before leaving, Mrs. Cohen told Guinevere to stay. “We’ll leave first. Spend some quality time with


Guinevere stood at the door and sent them both out. When she closed the door and turned

around, she saw Weston standing behind her. He looked at her coldly with no expression on his face.