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Mr. Chairman’s Devious Wife by Brey Mitchylle

Chapter 52
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Chapter 52 Be sur | Suruge than the husband was scheduled to leave scan.”Josef she could de noi e as possible that started when hat about Charionel She bit her lower However, she could not | many scat pecce to all them, ngh Site was not willing to diery her be dar he pilammed to visit the bouse- andemand been a (“jovd stirred. “OldBeaumer had be nce the scandal erupted | told him you were not taking calls at dun memeber would be calling him back when you are available. He is talking about the business in Dubai. Josef wametaking about an upcoming eset Soda Hearing the species. Se expectedBeaumont-Danuel’s father-to talk about Daniel, but instead, he was calling about an upcoming business venture “That ends me. | will Dubias netwerk” Alexander's words woke her up from her stupor. “For a week” keaorting for werk” “Ohadde Her day coming She could not help but wonder if he would be there. Wouldn't it be nice to atteoduce him to enter yo Soon mough Josef finally left for the night.

Shall we go ahead and cwhat we were talking abou call over wine? Alexander soddendy, ked after they enjoyed So gave has a knowing sunle yer she shook her head resp “chieve have a very big day tomonow they west hot phone at She could only wonder what storis was wing for her tow Just as Sola exported the images that were released online did it disappear cornight, but sof the wonder about Cars and Panic did She knew i must be Daniel lawren’s work, but she did not care She snill had lot of things Nerarenal So looked at her reflection in her rearview mirror Alexander sisted that to drive her to her off, but she did not w to create more problems so she chose to dive one of his cars incal Atier making sure that her made upewas perfect, she grabbed her big and alked out of the car, and into the king lot that would leard her trancelevator She Saa frowned when she heard araber tamiliar voice, Slc looked behind her and found Charlotte not too far away from bet spite her lange black shades and hood that covered her tay, Notia immediately recognized the woman that she had treated as her sister or a while, Selia wondered why this woman was here instead of being in Europe Josel told her that Charlotte was going to eave last night. Sadly, Sona had no choice but to face the situation head con She immediately turned around and started walking towards the elevator, the sound of her heels echoed against the floor “Wait Charlotte said as she tan behind Soha “Wait can we talk | wait Charlotte grabbed Sola’s arm “Please This place is full of CCTV Sota said She forgot to in the reading of her phone on, so she quickly made her way awards the well lit area with good and working cameras. She was not foolish enough to let this woman try and turn Situation around.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

“It was a mistake Charlotte uttered. “Daniel and | made the make of falling in love Sofia snorted. So. Charlotte chere to tell her that they were in love? For sreason, Sola thought the woman was here to deny everything or apologize.

When Sofia woke up this morning, she was already aware of the tatement that was issued by the Beaumont Family and Charlotte's agent.

It was not them.

Apparently, someone used their photos to create a believable deep fake to cause sproblems. They already threatened slegal measures to the one who was trying to ruin their reputation.

Obviously, this already attracted the sympathy of many netizens, and seven apologized to Charlotte.

So. denying it would be to Charlotte's benefit.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

When Sotia said nothing. Charlotte's tears started falling from her eyes. “I love him. He the reason why he never broke up with you is that | don’t want to see you hurt. We don’t want to hurt you.” Really? Now, it was Sofia’s fault? Was this woman delusional? “Were you expectingto slap you?” Sofia suddenly asked. She could not help but think that this woman was trying to audition for a show. She wanted to turn around and check for a camera crew nearby but chose not to.

“You can have him, Sofia said before leaning towards Charlotte until their faces were just inches apart “He is all yours” 1141 Sat MON Sota did not let heroes he used her other hand to remove Charlone’s hand from her arm. Then she held her head high as she walked towards the eles leaving Charlene behind The moment the elevator dons closed Sona’s calm tace znaliyushowed semotion. She leaned against the walls of the elevance as she pained her chest. She did not kiss what Charlotte's moves were but she was certain that it was not anything “Mas Max Amores welcomed he elevator dors opened “I have been trying to call you” “I am fine.” Sofa sad as the accepted the coffee that Miss Amores handed her king to you. Our guards med to lock him out, but-but he threatened [0000 000 000 000000000 Sofia Browned Dad Charise e because she knew that Ther ou and get her back? Was that her motive all along? on standby 1 will take care of sofa sad, and without saying another word, she walked inside spotted Dunes red face vering my calls Daniel unered office more frequently and treating my staff as if they were yours. You cannot threaten to Sud, nonchalance apparent in her voice. Obviously, this reaction was enough to surprise Daniel up from Sott’s chain. It was not me.” Daniel said Soda placed the velvet box on the table. You may take the ring and leave.” reaking up Daniel asked You expectingto welcyou with open arms?” Sofia snapped back are going to break up withover sfake photos?” Daniel asked, anger and disbelief flashing in his eyes.

Sofa s man can act. Sods thought inwardly ake Soda smirked “You really think you can fooldo you Even an expert said that it was perfectly- Sofa sorted “Leave | don’t want to see your face ever again “I told you it wasn’t me. Sofia this- “Why don’t you go back to your mother and cry like the baby that you are? Perhaps she will be convinced that they were fakes” Sofia said.

“You- You must have forgotten one thing, Daniel. | work in the fashion industry, | work with photographers. | know how to spot a fake photo 11 41 sat, Mar 2 Chapter 39 Daniel frowned “I already told my grandmother that | am canceling the engage tent and will nou marry you she agreed the walked pas apood, him, but he quickly grabbed her arm, halting her steps “Don’t you Trust “This?” Sonia looked at him 1 “Do you really think that | could do that to you? Sofia, we have been together for years. Why would suddenly do something so crazy when we are already planning our mariager This “Alex” -1 told you not “Now why would he do that to you!” Solia asked attack from mny ee it? My Lailer favored him, but o marriage would help with my If anything only Alexander would reap the benefit of our breakup wed her eyes. It seems that Daniel was right about on tung Alexander had a hand in this areal “You really are yourself. Solia said “Why would your brother waste is ton you when he is alreally managing the regeny ruly believe that you are a threat?” love gain, Sofia snorted. “Charlotte was in the parking lot earlier She toldhow in loor you were a What?” She toldthe reason why you didn’t dare to break up with in was that she did not want you to hurt me. Both of not want to hurt me.” Solia smiled. “So letdo the honor of breaking up with you instead? SEND GIFT