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Mr. Chairman’s Devious Wife by Brey Mitchylle

Chapter 3
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A Family Affair

“I have yet to make up my mind,” Sofia said, her eyes narrowing her eyes at him. Did he come because

of his proposition?

The enticing aroma of freshly baked croissants wafted through the air, causing her stomach to growl


She stole a glance at the tempting spread, attempting to feign indifference to both the food and the

audible protest of her hungry stomach. It was a futile effort.

“Is there a need for such pretense?” Alexander’s inquiry cut through the air, devoid of sympathy. “Eat

your fill. I only came to make sure that you did not murder anyone. My plans would not succeed when

you are in prison.”

Blunt, Sofia acknowledged inwardly, her attention reluctantly shifting from the tantalizing croissants to

the man seated across from her. She picked up her fork and began to mechanically spear a piece of

brunch, attempting to divert her focus away from Alexander’s words.

“LH Group will hold its annual shareholder’s meeting, and in this meeting, your stepfather will blame

you for the mishaps. Not directly, of course.”

“W— What?” The cup of coffee in her hand trembled, threatening to spill. His words demanded her full

attention, taking all the heaviness and headache from her hangover.

LH Design was the subsidiary of LH Group. Currently, she is the Head Designer of LH Design and its

acting CEO. Before she could continue thinking about this, Alexander pushed another document her

way. She opened it without asking any more questions.

“This— “

“A plagiarism scandal ready to explode,” Alexander interrupted, delivering the revelation with a cool


“I made those designs…” Sofia’s voice wavered. How could it be plagiarism? She spent countless

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nights drawing them, choosing the materials carefully for the upcoming collection.

He didn’t answer. He studied her appearance, his eyes confident yet something about it contained

cruelty that made her uncomfortable.

“A rich heiress who grew up with a silver spoon against a working woman who struggled to make ends

meet. Who do you think the media will believe?” he asked, his voice cutting through her like a sharp


“What are you trying to say? Why would my father— “

“Stepfather,” he corrected her.

Sofia’s lips trembled. She steadied herself. Her mother married her stepfather when she was just two

years old. Her biological father died when her mother was pregnant, and the only father that she knew

was her stepfather, Lawrence Miles, who later changed his surname to Lockhart when he married

Sofia’s mother Eunice Lockhart.

Charlotte was Lawrence’s daughter from his first marriage. She was only a few months older than

Sofia. Because of this, the two always treated each other like sisters.

“You should already know what I was talking about, no?” he asked. This time, Sofia did not answer.

She only stared at the document as she thought of what she heard last night.

Her 26th birthday was coming. This meant that her trust fund and inheritance from her late grandfather

would belong to her. Shares, stocks, bonds, properties, and at least three hundred million dollars. The

inheritance was something that every Lockhart would get once they came of age.

However, to get this inheritance, some conditions must be met. She did not tell Daniel about these

conditions, as this had been kept a secret by the Lockhart Family. She did not intend to tell him

anything about this matter either.

However, after what she witnessed last night, she was convinced that Daniel knew about the

conditions, and that was why he wanted to keep her around despite sleeping with Sofia’s sister.

“The shares…” she mumbled. There can only be one reason why her stepfather would create a

scandal like this. It was to taint her name. He wanted to show the board that the heiress of LH Group is

a plagiarizing ass. This would surely affect how they view Sofia.

“Smart,” he smirked.

“My father— Lawrence would never do something like this.” She said. However, a part of her already

doubted her own words. She grew up with Lawrence, and he treated her like family all this time.

“Just like how your sister would never betray your trust?” he asked.

That hurt. Must he add fuel to the fire? She was not sure if he was making fun of her. The funny thing

was, that he was only stating facts. She swallowed in response. What happened last night was enough

of a wake-up call for Sofia.

She had been too lenient.

No. That was not leniency. It was stupidity.

How did she not notice that Daniel had been cheating on her? How did she not notice that every time

Daniel has a conference or a business meeting, Charlotte would magically have a photoshoot or a film


How? Was she truly that stupid?

She flipped through the document in her hand as if her stomach hadn’t just growled earlier. To her

surprise, there were other things included in the document. Again, there were images. However, unlike

the images that he gave her earlier, this one was that of her stepfather.

“This woman…”

“Lawrence Miles’s ex and Charlotte Lockhart’s mother, Lianne Ramirez.”

As far as Sofia knew, Lianne abandoned Charlotte right after giving birth. She left and never came

back. Lawrence quickly assumed all the responsibility and became a single father. Was it all a lie?

She swallowed. Over the years, Sofia started calling Lawrence, father. There was once a time that

Lawrence wanted to legally adopt her, but Sofia’s grandmother declined, as one needed to be a

Lockhart to be able to have her inheritance. To Sofia’s grandmother, Lawrence is not a Lockhart.

Because of this, Sofia’s relationship with her grandmother soured.

She flipped through the images and soon found something even more concerning. It was Lianne,

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Lawrence with someone wearing large shades that covered her beautiful face— It was Charlotte!

So Charlotte was already seeing her biological mother? She turned the card and saw the dates. This

was a year ago! Did Charlotte know about Lianne and Lawrence’s relationship since a year ago?

The next photos answered her questions.

The images were of three talking and even vacationing in a tropical country.

“What about my mother?” she mumbled. If Lawrence and Charlotte had been acting like this for a while

now then… what about her mother who was currently staying in a medical facility because of some

personal issues?

“Are you seeing everything now?” he asked. Then he leaned forward. “Everything has been planned. It

was a deliberate scheme.”

Sofia opened her mouth; she wanted to argue, perhaps ask for more evidence, but the more she

thought about the proof in front of her, the colder she got. In the end, she closed her mouth without

saying another word.

“Unfortunately, I cannot prove that what happened to your mother was deliberate. Whoever did it

covered their tracks very well.” Alexander leaned back, a languid smile on his face.

She nodded. She cannot exactly let him do everything. “So you wanted to marry me to get my shares

of Beaumont Empire?” she asked. Alexander Beaumont was a well-known bachelor. There had been

rumors of him having various kinds of relationships, but all would disappear in a day or two.

“It is not a bad deal, isn’t it?” he asked.

She wet her lips. Daniel wanted to marry her because he wanted her eight percent shares of the

Beaumont Empire. Their reasons for marrying were almost the same, except that Alexander was using

a rather direct approach.

“Marrying me would not only devastate Daniel but… would solidify your position as the heiress of LH

Group. It’s a win—win.” He said as he reached out to his cup and slowly enjoyed his coffee.

“A marriage of convenience, huh…” Sofia said.

“The perfect one,” he responded, the side of his lips quirking up into another smirk.

The will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!