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Mr. Chairman’s Devious Wife by Brey Mitchylle

Chapter 21
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Chapter 21

“Miss, the Annual Shareholder’s meeting will be on Friday. Are we not going to do anything about this?”

Miss Amores frowned as she handed the tablet to Sofia. It had been a day since the accusations

started. A day since. people started bashing her because of this bullying issue.

By now, they had already received a few calls from people working with LH Group and LH Design;

most of them were asking about the bullying issue. Many reporters tried to reach her, but she simply

declined all invitations for an interview to clarify the situation.

Right now, she had told them that she was talking to her legal counsel about the matter and decided

not to leave her office.


“No need,” she smiled. She waiting for the final move. The thing that was supposed to kill her career.

Miss Amores nodded. “How about the chairman’s calls?” she asked.

“Don’t answer them,” Sofia smiled. She knew that this was a deliberate plan that was supposed to

make her panic, and when she didn’t, the calls started coming.

Perhaps whoever did this thought she would waste her time calling them, asking for support. And she

would have done so if she did not know what those people had done.

She looked at her phone. There was another call from Daniel, but since she didn’t answer it, he quickly

left a voice message and sent her another


She had barred them from entering the office, and by now, they must have realized that something was

wrong–something was terribly wrong.

“Miss, there are already fans of Miss Caroline outside… they are currently disrupting our employees.”

Chapter 21

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“Call the police,” Sofia said. She would not release those photos if she was not confident that she could

handle everything that they would throw at her.


“She is still not answering any of our calls. We received news that Miss. Lockhart did not leave the

company last night. She had barred her family, even Mr. Daniel Beaumont from the building,”

Lawrence’s secretary Min said. “Director shall we-“

“There is no need to call her again. I will personally visit the building,” Lawrence said. Despite

everything, he still had a smile on his face. “Cancel all my meetings today. It is time that we play the

role of a caring father.”

“But our meeting today is with the Beaumont Empire…

“They will understand,” Lawrence said.

“Yes, Director.” Min nodded.


“Ah… bring the flowers that she likes the most. Perhaps some cake too.”

“Yes, Director.” Min nodded.

Soon enough, the two of them were already outside of LH Design. Seeing the people outside of the

building, most of them were holding some sort. of large signs about bullying. There were also some

police and obviously, the media.

Lawrence sneered. He never thought that Sofia would not answer any of his calls. However, Sofia had

always been independent in everything that she did.

She was always firm with her decisions–firm yet a little soft when it comes to her family.


Chapter 21


“Min?” he called out. “You already know what to do.”

“Yes, Director.”

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The moment Lawrence walked out of the car, flashes of the camera immediately welcomed him.

“Mr. Lockhart, what can you say about the bullying issue?”

“Mr. Lockhart, is it true that your own daughter had been bullied by Miss Lockhart?”

“Mr. Lockhart, say something for Caroline.”

“Mr. Lockhart, is it true that Miss Lockhart had stopped producers and directors from hiring Miss


“Mr. Lockhart-

“Mr. Lockhart-

Lawrence’s expression changed when he heard those words. He stopped in his tracks and immediately

looked at the reporters. “Please stop spreading fake news without verifying everything. I trust that the

media knows how to do their job.”

As expected, his words immediately caused more clamor from the reporters. However, Lawrence took

this opportunity to walk past them and into the entrance of LH Designs. The security did not dare stop

him as he walked inside and into the elevator. Soon enough, he was already standing outside of Sofia’s


However, Lawrence did not have to knock as the door suddenly opened, revealing Miss Amores’s

smiling face.

“Chairman, please come in… Miss Lockhart is waiting for you.”

Lawrence said nothing. He walked inside and found Sofia standing next to




her table. She was staring through the wall–to–ceiling glass and into the people outside of the building.

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“You have not answered any of my calls,” Lawrence removed his coat and gave it to Min who followed


“Did you know?” Sofia asked.

“Know what?”

“That her fans would suddenly make up some crazy stories about bullying?” Sofia slowly turned

towards him.

“Isn’t this just some ants clamoring for some attention?” Mr. Lawrence stood next to Sofia. He shoved

his hands into his pockets and looked down. “Soon the chatter will die.”

“Yet it will ruin my reputation,” Sofia said.

“How could they ruin the reputation of a Lockhart?” Lawrence said. “We all know the bullying is not

true. It was Charlotte who wanted to change her name.because she did not want to associate with us.

She was the one who wanted to build her own brand.”

Sofia said nothing.

“You are upset,” Lawrence stated.

Again, Sofia said nothing in response.

“I understand why you would feel this way. After all, the meeting is going to happen in just a few days.”

Lawrence reminded her. It was a subtle dig, a warning. He was giving her two ways.

First, she could maintain her silence and let it all pass. People forget, and since she was not a public

figure, no one would care about her name- except for the shareholders.

Second, she could say something, anything. She could deny the issue, clarify things, or worse make

Charlotte evil and reveal that Charlotte changed her own name because she wanted to be independent

from the Lockharts. Then Lawrence would release another devastating blow that would not only tarnish

Sofia’s reputation but ruin her career.

The way Lawrence saw it, this was a war that Sofia could not win.

The will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!