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Mistaken Match: Marrying the Enigmatic CEO by Ruby Fennimore

Chapter 1646
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Chapter 1646 Giving Up Chapter 1646 Hannah hadn't learned from her mistakes, and Sophie, despite Hannah's wrongdoings, permitted her to bask in the Quillen family's glory. Did Sophie ever consider the impact on Mackenzie and Emmanuel? Was there truly no accountability for Hannah's misconduct? Sophie unconsciously glanced at Mackenzie in the car ahead.

Mackenzie was astute and considerate. Even as she greeted the crowds, she noticed Hannah's presence up ahead.

As the head of the Quillen family, she needed to embody the dignity befitting her position. A tender-hearted demeanor wouldn't suffice for the responsibilities ahead. Her role was to support Wolf Warrior and eliminate the national threat. She was destined for firmness in administering both rewards and punishments.

"Sophie, I don't need your sympathy," Hannah asserted.

12:13 Fri, 56% Chapter 1646 Giving Up While observing the Quillen family's firm stance on her departure, she clenched her jaw and resolved to uphold her dignity. She stated firmly, “While you may be flourishing now, life is unpredictable. I believe I can turn things.

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around sooner or later." "Hannah, you truly are incorrigible," Samantha retorted bluntly.

Initially, she had hoped for Hannah's remorse and a genuine apology. Samantha even considered interceding with Mackenzie on Hannah's behalf. However, Hannah's defiant words rendered such efforts unnecessary.

Samantha decided to let Hannah grapple with her regrets on her own in the days to come.

The procession continued.

Frederick, feeling less than enthused, couldn't shake off the embarrassment and heartache from the previous night. He couldn't help but dwell on it. The latest heartbreak marked the sixth time. When would he ever find lasting love? Chapter 1646 Giving Up On the contrary, Shane radiated energy and enthusiasm. He cheerfully exchanged greetings with the spectators lining both sides of the street. His enthusiasm peaked, mainly when he spotted attractive women.

"Word on the street is that this year's Grandmaster is the strongest in three decades. The Quillen family is poised for greatness." "Yes. Mackenzie is a true beauty. They seem like a match made in heaven, the envy of all!" "I don't envy them. Heroes and beauties seem out of my league. I envy those who work for the Quillen family instead." "Spot on! Look at that chubby fellow, short and stout, yet he basks in the Quillen family's glory. That's what true envy looks like!" Frederick, who had been keeping a low profile, dismissed the conversation with a dismissive "Pfft!" Yet, he couldn't help but chuckle mischievously. Shane, previously cheerful, suddenly turned serious. He pointed at the 12:13 Fri, 7 Jun 56% Chapter 1646 Giving Up speaker and retorted, "What do you mean I get to bask in the glory? Letremind you that I've made significant contributions to the Quillen family. I'm a billionaire now. Plus, I'm not the poor, unattractive, short guy I used to be!" The Nuthana Grand Martial Showdown not only solidified the Quillen family's dominance but also brought him a hefty fortune of 60 million. Now, he wasn't the poor, unattractive, short guy-he was the short, wealthy, unattractive guy. "Hey, handsome. How's it going?" Suddenly, a woman with long hair and a flirtatious tone approached him.

His eyes sparked with interest at her approach.

Dressed in a pink and purple gown, she exuded an allure reminiscent of a mermaid, her figure full and enticing.

What caught Shane's attention most was her undeniable attractiveness, elevating her far above the likes of Lola and Leah. He found himself teetering on the edge of being hooked.

12:13 Fri, 7 Ju 561 Chapter 1646 Giving Up "Miss, you're quite stunning. And I must say, your taste is impeccable! Haha..." Shane shamelessly flattered the woman.

Frederick felt a'shiyer down his spine at his words.

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"Well, handsome, here's my number. I'm still single. Feel free to reach out sometime!" The woman produced a scented card from her pocket and handed it to Shane.

He accepted it eagerly and took a sniff. Hmm, it smells delightful! "Are you giving up on Ms. Beatrix?" Frederick couldn't resist asking.

"Haha! What do you mean by giving up?" Shane responded logically. "You can only give up on something if you actually had a chance with it, right? She has never shown any interest in us from the beginning, so what's the point in giving up? At most, we were just loyal admirers." Frederick found Shane's perspective entirely rational.

"Well, it's evident she's not an option, I should pivot early can't cling to' ope 12:14 Fri, 7 Jun MM EI Chapter 1646 Giving Up hope and risk being single forever." Shane maintained a sense of self-awareness.

:56% Despite ranking himself as the second most charming man, he knew Beatrix was smitten with the number one, Emmanuel. So, Shane felt he couldn't compete and decided to bow out early.