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Mistaken Match: Marrying the Enigmatic CEO by Ruby Fennimore

Chapter 1617
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Chapter 1617 Nigel's fighting spirit surged upon hearing those words. Initially, he had teetered on the brink of surrender, but now determination coursed through his veins.

What an arrogant rascal! Nigel thought in silence.

Bernett and Hannah exchanged nervous glances. Their palms were coated with a film of perspiration. Their emotions mirrored Nigel's, which were a blend of anxiety and anticipation.

“Just a moment ago,” Dominic chortled, "he boasted of defeating opponents with a single hand. Now, the tables have turned. He's the one challenged to fight using only one hand. Perhaps this old folk won't emerge victorious in such a duel!" Dominic's laughter echoed through the room, which further drew angry glares from the Finch family.

Dylan Yarrow, ever stoic, made no move to silence Dominic. Dominic's 7/9 13:01 Tue, 4 Jun Chapter 1617 Nigel's Defeat laughter added a layer of rivalry. The tension hung thick in the air, a clash of pride and skill.

Nigel stood opposite Emmanuel. They formed a mismatched pair. Any discerning observer could see that Nigel's skill paled in comparison to the formidable Emmanuel. Dominic, ever the provocateur, openly mocked the Finch family. His laughter echoed. It was a taunt that cut deeper than any blade. But he was no mere spectator. His motives remained shrouded. Could he be a warlord in disguise, using this spectacle to prove allegiance or seek refuge with the Quillen family? "You little brat!" Nigel's voice cracked, rage boiling over. "I'll kill you! I'm going to kill you!" Shwashed over him. That was the greatest shof his life. His eyes. turned bloodshot, and he launched a desperate attack against Emmanuel.

Desperation fueled his blows.

How unreasonable! 2/9 Chapter 1617 Nigel's Defeat How unreasonable! For decades, Nigel had been the challenger, the one who tested others' mettle. Now, the tables were cruelly turned. Emmanuel, that scoundrel, had pushed arrogance to its limits. His death seemed well-deserved.

Yet, despite Nigel's determination and the strength exerted to the breaking. point, Emmanuel remained unscathed.

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In the arena, the spectators craned their necks, eyes riveted on the unfolding spectacle. Between Nigel and Emmanuel, an invisible galaxy of difference stretched. It was a cosmic expanse separating skill from futility.

"Old folk, you're too pathetic!" a voice sneered from the crowd. "Did you start the gpretending to be strong?" The words hung heavy, a collective judgment that echoed through the air.

"He madelose my bet," another voice chimed in, bitterness lacing the words. "Acted all tough, he did. But he's both weak and pretentious. Talking about this shameless guy!" The crowd murmured in agreement, their disdain Chapter 1617 Nigels Defeat palpable.

Under the arena, swears erupted with a chorus of frustration and disappointment.

Nigel's heart lay cold, his spirit shattered.

Never in his decades of martial arts had he faced such humiliation. The crowd's jeers were a relentless assault, chipping away at his resolve.

If only he could kill Emmanuel. But fate was cruel. It was a taunting reminder of Nigel's inadequacy when Emmanuel fought with one hand. Nigel further earned himself two punishing punches, with pain radiated when Emmanuel landed two blows on him.

Nigel's eyes swelled, a pair of panda-like bruises encircling them.

In the electric atmosphere of the arena, Shane's laughter echoed. It was much resemblant to a raucous celebration. "Haha, Emmanuel," he called out, "you have quite the artistic flair! You made Nigel start off as a monkey and Chapter 1617 Nigel's Defeat end up as a panda. It's like you are performing a magic show!" His words. danced with mischief, a nod to the absurdity of the duel.

72%0 His excitement was so evident that he almost performed Adriel's "Dance with Your Way" right there on the spot.

Not to be outdone, Frederick joined the chorus. His relief was palpable, a million-dollar weight lifted. "Finally, I won a million!" he exclaimed, voice booming. "Don't calla jinx anymore!" The crowd erupted, their cheers a symphony of fortune.

But on the arena ground laid Nigel, defeated and broken. His spirit had crumbled, worse than death.

He clung to stubbornness, a last vestige of pride. "If I hadn't started by letting you use only one hand,” he rasped, “and if you hadn't injured me, you definitely wouldn't have beaten me!” His defiance hung in the air, a desperate plea.

Seeing that he was still being stubborn, Emmanuel simply hid both of his 5/9 Chapter 1617 Nigel's Defeat arms and offered. "Nigel, how about this. I'll let you use both legs and one hand, is that acceptable?" Nigel's leap was fueled by vengeance. "You said it yourself,” he spat, rising from the ground. "If you die, don't blanyone else!" This was what he wanted to hear.

Nigel faced a crossroads. Emmanuel's challenge had stripped him bare, leaving pride and desperation as his only weapons. If he failed now, he would be branded the lousiest and dumbest fighter in history. It was a title no one coveted.

But cruel reality mocked Nigel. No matter how he attacked, Emmanuel danced away, a phantom eluding his grasp. With a single leg, Emmanuel delivered a kick that reverberated through Nigel's skull, knocking out teeth and shattering resolve! Pain exploded, and Nigel's surrender was inevitable. "I surrender! I surrender!" His voice cracked, desperation echoing. "I lose!! lose!" 6/9 13:01 Tue, 4 Jun Chapter 1617 Nigels Defent The crowd watched, silent witnesses to his downfall.

€.72% 72% Emmanuel poised for another strike, but Nigel waved his hands in fear, retreating. Words tumbled from his toothless mouth, unintelligible. Whether it was a plea for mercy or defiance, no one could tell.

Emmanuel's final kick sent Nigel sprawling, a broken figure arena m a broken figure on then floor. Nigel looked undeniably pitiful and tragic after being beaten up by Emmanuel. The situation mirrored the famous poet, Gemma Mann's quote "How utterly tragic!" Emmanuel's brow furrowed as he strained to understand Nigel's words. “I apologize," he said, scratching his head. I didn't quite catch what you said earlier.

His sincerity was evident.

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He was a reasonable man who adhered to the rules of combat. Surely, when an opponent surrendered, he wouldn't Further, right? 7/19 13:01 Tue, 4 June Chapter 1617 Nigel's Defeat Despite he was obviously dying, Nigel still got up in a daze and knelt in front of Emmanuel to beg for mercy. He thought Emmanuel was coming over to attack him further.

Even if he cannot hear clearly, surely, he can understand, right? The thought played in Nigel's mind as he thought even if his voice wavered, surely Emmanuel could understand. He deemed Emmanuel did it on purpose.

"I surrender!" Nigel rasped, the words a plea for mercy. "I quit!" Bullying an elderly person. What a lack of martial virtue! Nigel quickly knelt and groveled as a sign of begging for mercy. He then rolled off the arena. His old bones protested, and he feared another beating from Emmanuel.

Amidst the charged atmosphere, Shane's laughter cut through the tension

like a blade. "Haha, this is the Finch family's expert!" he jeered.

The kind of master they have determines the kind of pet dog they raise!" Chapter 1617 Nigel's Defeat His words were merciless, a calculated strike at their pride.

72% The Finch family, once boastful, now faced their own hubris. How many times had they flaunted their expertise before this match? Bernett and Hannah, thrust into the spotlight, wore expressions that mirrored their inner turmoil. Their expressions were seen half pale, half dark. It was evident that they were so embarrassed and they wished to vanish into the arena floor.

What a predicament! The crowd held its collective breath, witnessing the fall from grace. And then, like a phantom, Dylan rose from his seat.

"Mr. Finch, see you!" he murmured, no hesitation in his voice. His exit was swift, these. His exit a retreat from the impending storm. Dominic followed suit, slipping into the night's embrace.