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Melinda President Fox’s Love

Chapter 99
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Chapter 99 The First Step of Mervin’s Plan

“His Weakness?” Monica was stunned, wondering if Stanley actually had any weakness at all.

“His weakness is Melinda. Mervin trusted his own judgment.

Nevertheless, the man’s words pained Monica’s heart like a blade, yet she decided to pull herself

together and asked. “Did you get close to Melinda to piss him off?”

“That’s none of your concern, so stay out of my way.” Mervin appeared to have a plan in mind.

Monica laughed it off, taking five seconds to digest the news. “I don’t hope they get together in the end,

but what’s in it for you?”

“Pain. Seeing him in pain makes me happy,” Mervin answered directly. “If he dates you, I’ll do

everything in my power to take you away from him.” He gave the lady a mysterious look as soon as he

finished his words. At the same time, Monica stopped in her tracks, appearing speechless at the same


“Stay out of my way, Monica.” Mervin still had some respect for Monica. “I only exist to make him feel

pain. It’s the only purpose I serve in my life.”

You’re sick, Mervin.”

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“Maybe.” Mervin grunted bitterly. “But that’s all thanks to the Fox Family.” He finished his sentence and

walked away, leaving Monica behind as she watched him slowly disappear from sight.

Then, a scary idea suddenly crossed Monica’s mind, reminding her of what Mervin could do to Melinda.

if Mervin slept with Melinda, would Stanley still want to be with her? If word about this gets out to the

press, the Fox Family is going to suffer from its damaged reputation. By then, Melinda will no longer be

able to win Mrs. Fox’s approval anymore, will she? At the thought of that, Monica began to think that

Mervin’s existence might not. only be meant to cause Stanley pain but also to help her.

Meanwhile, after Stanley and Melinda returned to Emerald Harbor, she was taken upstairs by the

children. Then, the butler walked up to Stanley and told him that Jenxo.com fast updatenifer had

come and stayed there overnight. “She stayed here last night?” Stanley was surprised.

The butler nodded. “Yeah, she slept with the kids in their room.”

“Was there any noteworthy conflict?”

“Nope, Mrs. Fox seemed to like the children a lot. Although she might appear to have a dislike for them

at first, she was eventually softened by them. In fact, she even appeared reluctant to leave at one point

this morning.”

“I see. If something like this happens again, let me know at once. My mom is emotionally unstable,

which makes it unsuitable for her to get along with children for too long,” Stanley said.

“Yes, Sir.”

Ten days later, Mervin was seen with a group of children under a tree in Sunnyvale. “Hey, Billy! You

need a lighter color for this. It isn’t going to look nice with a darker color.”

“Dillion, this leaf would look better if it was smaller, but yours looks fine too.”

“Easy. We have all day ahead of us, so don’t worry. Is there anyone else who ran out of paint? I could

mix the color you want.”

Mervin was in casual wear, holding a paint tray as he walked around the children. It turned out that it

was his tenth day teaching the children’s art class. After all, Melinda still owed the children ten days of

art class as she had never returned again after being taken away by Stanley. However, those ten days

that Mervin spent in Sunnyvale were the happiest moments he had ever had in his life, as the smile on

his face was the brightest. Having spent an immense amount of time with the children, he seemed to

have been enlightened by many different epiphanies in life.

“Look at my painting. Mervin. Do you think I should draw a frog there to make it look better?”

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Mervin walked up to his student and took a closer look at the latter’s painting. “You should draw your

ideas. from your inspirations and creativity. So, just add whatever you want to your painting.”

“Got it.” Mervin also went on to provide intensive classes for the children, successfully building a strong

bond between himself and them. Also, his relationship with Jaxon was not as strained as before

because he had no choice but to stay in the wooden house for the past ten days.

On the tenth day, the children came to the wooden house to say goodbye to Mervin. When Jaxon was

done packing Mervin’s clothes for him, he asked a question with a heavy heart. “Will you be back?”

“What’s wrong?” Mervin sat under the tree, folding his arms while giving Jaxon a mysterious look. “You

miss me?” Much to Mervin’s surprise, Jaxon looked away and avoided his gaze, his cheeks blushing in


“When is your mentor coming?”

“She is on the way, I think, but I know she’ll come for sure today.”

“Oh. Mervin seemed to be up to something. “I guess I’ll make a move soon before her husband sees

me, or I’m going to be in huge trouble.”

He then took his luggage from Jaxon’s hand and said, “Let’s go! Don’t miss me.” Not long after Mervin

was gone, Melinda returned to the wooden house without Stanley but by her driver’s ride.

“Ms. Melinda,” Jaxon said, “Mervin just left.”