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Melinda President Fox’s Love

Chapter 97
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Chapter 97 I Have One Thing to Beg You For

The car came to a stop, and the window rolled down. When Monica saw Jennifer’s car parked in the

yard. she couldn’t believe her eyes.

Did Mrs. For spend the night here?

Just then. Jennifer and the two kids came out of the house, and her face, half covered by a mask,


into a rare smile.

Monica watched as she helped the children down the steps. Only when the driver opened the car door

that she reluctantly let go of the children’s hands.

The kids waved her goodbye.

“Bye-bye, Grandma!”

“Grandma, please come and play with us more often!”

“We really like you!”

“We finally have a grandma!”

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Monica thought she was hallucinating! No, this couldn’t be happening!

When she saw Jennifer get in the car, she quickly drove away before Jennifer’s car ptilled out. Her

head was buzzing as she gripped the steering wheel, unable to contain her sense of disappointment in

her heart!

The scene she had just witnessed was like a nightmare entangling her mind.

She felt her blood pressure skyrocketing! Abruptly, she slammed on the brakes and pulled over on the

side of the road. Monica leaned her head on the steering wheel, trying to suppress the emotions

surging inside of her.

Mrs. Fox lied to me…xo.com fast update

In a quaint guest house in the neighboring town, Melinda stretched lazily and opened her eyes to find

herself nestled in his arms. A pang of embarrassment flushed over her. Oh, My God! How did I end up

sprawling like an octopus?

“Yesterday was the most meaningful day of my life.” Stanley’s deep, seductive voice resonated in her


Melinda was taken aback. He’s awake?

She then quickly moved away from him. “I see.”

“So, what do you want to know?” Stanley found that he had no restraint left in front of her.

Melinda looked at him and wondered if he would tell her everything she wanted to know. However, she

didn’t dwell on it, as she knew that she didn’t want to miss this opportunity.

“I promised to help your mother with her burn injury, but after dealing with her twice, I feel that she’s

more emotionally wounded than physically,” she replied bluntly.

“I agree.”

“I need to know more about the fire incident and its causes. I searched online but found no media

coverage. Such a big incident must have left traces. Are you all deliberately covering it up because of

some unusual reasons behind it?”

Stanley remained silent, unwilling to answer her question.

“If you trust me, please tell me.” Melinda implored.

A long silence ensued in the room because it was a memory Stanley had long sealed away.

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Melinda spoke sincerely. Im not forcing you to answer right away. I know we haven’t established.

complete trust between us. We only got involved because of our unexpected children. Either way, I am

the mother of Samuel and Pamela, and for the sake of their love toward you, I won’t do anything to hurt

you. I owe the children too much already, and I won’t want them to be disappointed.”

Stanley believed her words. But there were too many things involved in the fire-things that the Fox

family refused to mention, a shameful past.

It was a wound engraved in his mother’s heart, and also the pain left in Stanley’s heart.

“I’ll think about this,” he said after careful consideration with a low tone. “I have one thing to beg you for,


Beg? The word weighed heavily on his tongue.

Has Stanley ever begged anyone?

“Tell me, and I’ll see if I can agree.” Melinda held her breath, unsure of what kind of request he would


After a moment of silence, he replied, “Stay away from Mervin Laurent in the future.”

Melinda was slightly surprised, then tentatively asked, “Who is he? What’s your relationship with him?”