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Melinda President Fox’s Love

Chapter 140
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Chapter 140 Her New Skill

+15 Bonus

Pamela pointed to an empty seat not far away and said, “Miss Monica, can’t you sit over there? Samuel

and I want to sit next to Daddy.”

“Of course.” Monica quickly stood up. “My mistake. I didn’t think it through.” How could I argue with the

children? Especially when Miss Fox adores them. I should adore them too. After all, I’m going to be

their stepmother.

Just then, Samuel called out to his sister. “Pamela, come sit here. I’ll hold you,” he said.

Stanley reached out and lifted Pamela onto the chair.

“Thank you, Daddy. The little girl, who was dressed in a Lolita dress, looked especially cute.

As Stanley carried her, Samuel sat down on the other side of him. The lunch atmosphere was not very

pleasant for Monica because of the presence of the two children.

“Daddy, I want some candy,” Pamela said adorably. “Can you get us some?”

Samuel interjected, “Daddy said he would give us stars and the moon, so he will definitely buy it for us.

Right, Daddy?”

Hearing that, Stanley reached out and hugged the children’s small shoulders, his voice as deep as the

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ocean. “What kind of candy do you want? Of course, I’ll buy it for you.”

Then Samuel and Pamela made some requests and vividly described what they wanted.

Immediately, Stanley dialed a number. “Help me deliver some candies to Repulse Bay. They should be

pink, heart-shaped candies with a mix of strawberry and chocolate flavors, wrapped in glutinous rice


He was patient and full of love when it came to his children. Watching that from the side made Monica


Lunch was over half an hour later, but Monica felt like she had been chewing on wax the whole time

since Stanley didn’t even spare her a glance. She could even imagine the joyful scenes that used to

happen every day in Emerald Harbor.

Just then, a candy delivery truck arrived at Repulse Bay.

“Wow!” Stanley led the excited children out of the living room.

Meanwhile, Monica stood by the floor-to-ceiling window, watching the loving scene of the father and his

children in envy as each moment pierced her heart.xo.com fast update

He hasn’t been with the children for six years, yet they are still so close. This is probably what people

mean by blood. being thicker than water.

In the pharmaceutical research lab upstairs, Melinda slammed the apparatus in her hand on the table,

startling Taylor. He looked at the masked woman and asked, “What’s wrong with you? Are you jealous

too?” She seems odd.

Seeing her take a deep breath, he sighed. “What are you guys doing? You should have a proper



Chapter 140 Her New Skill

conversation with him.”

+15 Bonus

“Why are they taking so long to finish their meal? Can his lousy stomach even handle the food?” she

asked angrily while gritting her teeth.

At this moment, Taylor noticed the apparatus she had just slammed on the table. “What’s in here?” He

picked it up and looked at it. It’s clearly not for treating burns.

Instead of answering his question, she started cleaning up the workstation.

“Is it for treating stomach problems?” He looked at her in surprise.

When she heard his question, she avoided his gaze, tacitly confirming it.

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At once, he laughed. “You’re really something to have the time to think about him.”

“Don’t we still have time? Also, it will take some time for the second bottle of medicine to be ready. I

just don’t want to be idle. Don’t overthink things.”

Yet, the truth was evident to anyone with eyes.

“What are you two whispering about?” Suddenly, a low, husky male voice came from behind, startling

Melinda. However, she didn’t turn around.

After Stanley walked toward her, he swiftly turned and stood by her side. He then leaned back, allowing

him to see her face directly. “The mask looks good on you. What’s with your voice, though? Are you a

voiceover artist?”

“It’s nothing. I just like playing around with my voice sometimes.” She remained calm without turning


Shockingly, she said that in a male voice! Not only did it surprise Taylor, but even Stanley was caught

off guard. I didn’t know she had such skills!

“Please keep your distance from me, Mr. Fox. Here, I am Chloe.” Melinda lowered her voice. “Don’t

ruin. my plan. I’m confident that I can appease your mother within ten days.”

“Wow, you’re quite eager to make money,” he answered teasingly. “I thought you came alone. I didn’t

expect you to bring an apprentice.”

“Why should you care whom I bring? As l