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Melinda President Fox’s Love

Chapter 116
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Chapter 116 Him in Showbiz?

In Repulse Bay, a vintage villa shimmered under the sunlight. The elegant surroundings of the yard

were gently caressed by a soft breeze, causing flower petals to sway.

Stephanie, with two braids, brewed a pot of premium English Breakfast and came out to see Jennifer

on the couch, sewing something by hand. After she gently placed the tea set down, she asked, “What

are you doing, Miss Fox?”

The woman who had a half-face mask replied in an unusually gentle voice, “I’m making something for

Samuel and Pamela. What do you think?”

At this moment, Stephanie was so surprised that she remained stunned for a few seconds. Every stitch

and thread is sewn by Miss Fox herself.

After taking care of Jennifer for so many years, it was the first time she had seen such a gentle and

caring side of her toward others. So, she felt relieved and genuinely happy from the bottom of her


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“As their grandmother, I wanted to give them a special gift.” Jennifer lowered her eyes and continued

sewing with a smile. “I’ve been thinking for a long time before deciding to give them this. This satin

fabric was a piece of altar cloth from Eldham Church. Wearing small sachets made. of this fabric can

give them protection.”

Stephanie’s smile brightened. “Young Master Samuel and Young Miss Pamela will surely love it.”

“I hope so.” Jennifer was filled with anticipation for tomorrow’s meeting.

As Stephanie poured her a cup of tea, she sweetly said, “Miss Fox, tomorrow I’ll make your favorite

flower-pressed shortbread cookies for them. We still have plenty of dried flowers from last year.”

“That’s great.” Jennifer raised her gaze. “Thank you so much.”

“No need to thank me.” Stephanie was delighted. “It’s my job.”

“I like those two children.” Jennifer was straightforward. “But it doesn’t mxo.com fast updateean I

accept Melinda. She is not worthy of Stanley.”

Stephanie knew that only Monica was the most suitable daughter-in-law in Jennifer’s heart.

On the other hand, in Emerald Harbor, a call came to Melinda’s phone.

She answered and heard the other person say, “I found it, boss. The number has been sent to your


“Okay, thank you.”

After ending the call, she dialed the number sent through WhatsApp. In a moment, the other

person picked up. “Mervin, it’s Melinda.” She sat in a wicker chair on the terrace.

“What’s up?”

It’s his voice. She asked, “Your club closed down? What club was it?”

“How did you know?” Just as he asked, he knew the answer himself, chuckling at his own question. “I

wanted to close that club a long time ago.”

“Mervin…” She felt sorry. “Was it because of me? Were you forced to do it?”

“It’s alright. Regardless of the reason, I think it’s a good thing. His tone was relaxed, displaying an

indifferent attitude. “I plan to enter showbiz. What do you think I will do? Do you think I can be famous

with my face?”

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Yet, she thought he was joking. “I’m sorry.”

“No need to apologize. I mean it.” He seemed to be in a good mood. “I told you; I wanted to close it a

long time ago. That’s the truth.”

However, Stanley said it was Mervin’s dream.

At 3.00PM, an RV drove out from Brainly Kindergarten. Samuel and Pamela sat in the back seat, with a

delicate fruit platter and snacks on the coffee table.

“Daddy is amazing! He manages such a big company, and he does it so well. He’s my role model.”

Pamela also said, “When I grow up, I want to marry a man like Daddy. Someone tall, handsome, and


“What is Daddy doing now? Will he be disturbed if we go to the company like this?”

“I don’t think so. Daddy will be very happy.”

The children munched on fruits and chatted as the RV headed to the Fox Group. They planned to give

Stanley a surprise attack.

Yet, little did they know what awaited them.
