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Mated to the Alpha and His Beta

Chapter 488
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Chapter 488 Stella The day had taken a long tto pass. I'd spent it exploring the mansion. Then, I'd taken the twins into town for ice cream. They'd have to start school soon, and I had to admit that I didn't envy them having to do that...even if I did wish, just a little, that I'd had the chance.

Thinking about my mom's sadness that there seemed to be a distance between her and her mom, and also her sister, I vowed that I wasn't going to let my relationship with my siblings get any further apart.

Back at home, I popped in on my Dad, Abba, and Papa, but they were totally occupied with pack business. Unlike my mom, they didn't seem interested in hovering over me, but I figured that could change fast enough if they thought they had any reason to worry. I definitely didn't want that. Abba snagged my sleeve as I was leaving their office.

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"How's it going?” he asked, pitching his voice low and glancing back at Dad and Papa, who were bent over the desk, looking at skind of files. "With the...you know." "Oh, I, um...I'm sure it'll be great, Abba. I'm going to try it out later this afternoon when I go shopping. I need snew outfits." He laughed, shaking his head, then drewcloser to kiss my temple. "Good for you. Have fun, honey. Letknow how it goes." "I will," I promised.

It wasn't a lie. Not really. I could go shopping wearing Elleah's face, if I wanted to.

*** "You need to go shopping," Selena toldwith a roll of her eyes. "I'm not going out with you looking like that." She waved at my long, navy skirt and matching flowery blouse. She pointed specifically at my navy ballet flats. I looked down at them.

"They're comfortable. And I just got them!" "You look like you teach preschool,” Selena said. “Not the look we're going for. Change your face and let's go." Shopping with my aunt was way more fun than it had been with my mom and the grouchy twins. Or maybe it was shopping as Elleah and not as Stella. Elleah's golden hair and gray-blue eyes were a perfect match for an ice-blue silk camisole that Selena insisted I pair with black leather pants and a matching black leather jacket. She added heavy soled black boots that laced up tight to the ankle. Then, she stepped back with an approving nod.

"Still comfy, but not so dainty," she said. "You look like a real badass." I blushed at my reflection. "I feel silly. All that black leather. It's not me." "Of course, it's not you," she said with a laugh. "But it is Elleah Whitehaven." We paid for the clothes and I left wearing them. Outside of the store, Selena looked serious. "You sure this is cool? The...you know." She waved her hand up and down along my body and twiddled her fingers in my face.

I watched a couple of people pass us on the sidewalk. They gavea curious glance but that was because I was a stranger, not because I was Stella Constantine. They kept going. I waited until they'd passed.

"Abba said it was the best option. I trust him." "Okay, well, you can trust me. You look great. The guys will go crazy for you." "I'm not sure I want anyone going crazy for me," I said in alarm. I made sure nobody was overhearing us when I leaned closer to her. "I thought the whole point of us going out to someplace different was that we weren't going to have anyone going crazy!" Visit englishto read full content.

Selena rolled her eyes again. "I just don't want anyone trying to humpto death while I'm trying to dance and have a good time. Kwant to have fun, not fight off men who can't control themselves. The only tI want a guy to be out of control is when I decide I'm into him. And listen, I'm not ready to be mated yet, so that's not going to happen for a long time.” Please read the original content at novelenglish.net.

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"Why don't you want to be mated yet?” I asked curiously as we walked along the sidewalk.

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"You think I want to end up like my sister? She's barely twenty and hasthree kids. Not to mention three mates Selena shuddered. "One dude seems like a pain in the ass to deal with, much less three.” Please read the original content at novelenglish.net.

"My mom loves my fathers!" Selena let out a snorting guffaw. "I'm sure she does, but the whole idea of that is, like, no thanks." My expression must've shown my feelings, because Selena sobered up.

"Oh," she said. "You want...?" Visit englishto read full content.

I shook myself and lifted my chin. I put an extra surge of confidence into my stride. Stella? Elleah? Whatever а face I was wearing, I was still the sinside, right? Please read the original content at novelenglish.net.

"Let's just go dancing," I said.