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Mated to the Alpha and His Beta

Chapter 481
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Chapter 481 Stella | slept late the next morning. By the t| got up, morning sun was slanting brightly through the window of my attic room. | watched the dust motes dancing in the beams for a long time. If | concentrated, | could see right inside them, like each was a tiny little plall on their own. | imagined each one filled with civilizations, rising and falling. Maybe on one of them, a tiny Celestial, all alone in her bed, was looking at the dust motes in her own sunbeam...

“Gah.” | sat up, shaking off those feelings. | was about to get lost in my mind. Maybe so deep | wouldn't be able to get out.

Anyway, my stomach was rumbling. It seemed impossible that | could be hungry with my heart so heavy, but...no matter how many supernatural talents | could use, | was still in this body, and apparently, this body needed to eat on a regular basis.

Id left my clothes from the night before in a pile on the floor. They stank of sweat and spilled beer, with the faintest hint of the other odors that had filled The Silver Crescent. | wrinkled my nose but tossed them into the hamper. | wasn't sure what to do about washing them.

Here was another thing | was having to learn about skipping from childhood right to adulthood—was | going to have to do my own laundry? | showered quickly, brushed my teeth, and dressed in a pair of flowered leggings with a long tunic top. | paired this outfit with the sballet flats from the night before. The mirror told| looked cute, but | didn’t feel it. | looked tired.

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Not feeling like putting on makeup, | used a little bit of energy to pink up my cheeks and darken my eyelashes. Nothing too obvious, but at least | didn’t look hungover anymore. | didn’t want to have to explain to my parents why my face was so haggard and drawn.

| could smell something good wafting from the kitchen as | went downstairs. | followed my nose along the corridors, past closed doors, pausing to peek into any rooms with open ones. | could've dug into the minds of the various staff members passingon their way to their duties, or even into my Dad’s or Papa's, but | was trying not to overextend myself. Using powers on people without their knowledge felt icky, but especially when it wasn’t for their benefit, but only for mine.

Was | ever going to figure out how all of this was supposed to work? Shaking my head, | peered into an open room that featured floor-to-ceiling bookshelves. It also had a nice fireplace, no fire lit now, and a set of cozy looking armchairs facing it. Tall windows let in a lot of light, but sheer curtains diffused it, making it soft. | stepped inside to take a closer look and let out a slow breath.

It was the library from inside my head. Right down to the scrolled woodwork on the arms of the chairs and the floor lamp with the stained-glass shade. With my mouth open in wonder, | went to the shelves and studied the books. | ran my finger along the spines.

The books here were different, anyway. Which made sense, since in my head, the books were a construct I'd imagined as a way of helping to catalog and coordinate the myriad of supernatural powers | could access. Here, they were just books. s, non- fiction, even a few photo albums.

Intrigued, | pulled an album off the shelf and flipped through it. | recognized my grandma Gabriela right away, even though she looked so much younger. She was smiling, happy, her arm linked through a man’s. That must be my grandfather, Orion. | studied him closely. He didn’t look evil.

Frowning, | flipped through more pages. Pictures of my Daddy when he was a pup madegiggle. | could see myself in those pictures. | traced the lines of his face for a moment, imagining what it might have been like if I'd been born a normal pup.

Strangely, the photos comfortedin a way the Moon Goddess’s words from the night before hadn't quite managed. | might stumble through social encounters, but these pictures and the resemblance | shared with my father showedthat | did belong here in Constantine. It was my lineage. My home.

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Oh, shit. Sorry. Didn't know anyone was in here

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| turned at the rasping female voice and saw Aunt Selena in the doorway.

She carried a carafe that Sinellediike coffee and an empty mug.Dark sunglasses covered her eyes, and her hair was wet like she'd cright out of the shower. She wore a plain T-shirt and a pair of fuzzy pajama bottoms emblazoned with cartoon characters, along with a matching set of bunny slippers. Please read the original content at novelenglish.net.

“I was trying to hide from my sister,” she said.

Quickly, moved around her to close the door. | locked it .Turned back .

“Yeah,” | said. too.”