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Mated to the Alpha and His Beta

Chapter 459
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Chapter 459 Xander I'd called for the entire pack to congregate here, but | hadn't thought so many would be able to make it. As it turned out, pack members had traveled hard and fast to get here. They were still pouring into the square, hanging out of the window of storefronts, and lined up along rooftops.

| shaded my eyes to look out at the crowd from my place on the small stage Maxim and Monroe had arranged to have built. With my brother on one side, Zane on the other, and my High Guards behind, we waited for the crowd to settle, but they weren't. The tensions were high and rising. Nobody was getting rowdy, but they could go that way, if we weren't careful about what we said...or how we said it.

My father had often addressed the pack like a beneficent king, but one who definitely expected you to kiss his ring or find yourself facing a not-so benevolent ruler. | didn’t want to approach any of this the way he had. It was going to be hard enough to hold onto the good memories | had for my dad without trying to behave in his bad ways.

“They're getting restless,” Zane thought to me. “Even if they're not all settled, you should probably start to address them. | can sense a growing dissatisfaction, sfear, a lot of curiosity.” | looked at him with one brow quirked. “Could you always do that?” “I think Stella lentsof her empath talents,” Zane sent through the mind link.

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| didn’t have tto consider this or dwell on what that might mean for my Beta, or even if there was a chance that our daughter had done the sfor any of the rest of us. The crowd was swelling, pressing up toward the base of the stage. Their murmuring voices were rising, and | could catch bits and pieces of what they were saying. Sof it was regular excited chatter, but there was also sundertones of discontent.

“Let’s get started,” | said aloud so Maxim and Monroe could both hear me, too. | switched on the mic Maxim had tucked into the color of my Henley. | saw Mason do the same. | faced the crowd. “Greetings, Pack Constantine!” My father would never have used technology to address a meeting like this. He'd have expected his voice to boom out over the restless crowd and that they all would simply shut up and listen at rapt attention. Hell, he probably would've had guards stationed throughout the crowd to haul off anyone who wasn’t listening.

“I am not my father,” | said to them all. | kept my voice as slow and steady as | could. | let my eyes sweep the crowd, making contact with several people here and there. | looked upward to son the roof, too. | wanted them all to feel like | was looking at them as individuals. “So let's just start off with that, okay? I'm Alpha Xander Constantine, and I'm here today to let you know that...well, from here on out, things are going to get better.” | wasn’t prepared for the thunderous applause. It was so loud it reverberated through my mic and almost caused a squeal of feedback before it softened. My heart thudded as emotions swept over me. | caught Zane’s eye. He was channeling sof the crowd's feelings so I could get in touch with them.

“Thanks,” | sent to him.

To the crowd, | said, “As I'm sure you all know, the High Council has been disbanded. Destroyed, actually. And | know sof you have concerns about that, what it means for our pack overall, as well as for the families of those council members. So first, | want to let you know that anyone who'd like to discuss it can make an appointment withor my co-Alpha. My brother, Mason.” Silence.

Then, the rustle of voices.

| didn’t give them time to start shouting. | held up my hands, and the crowd obeyed.

I know the rumors have preceded us, so | want to set all of your minds at ease. My brother Mason is also a son of Orion, and when our father died, Mason inherited Alpha powers. Some as me. | know this isn't how it usually works, but this is how it works for us.

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So if you have concerns about that, you can also make an appointment to see us. We're here for you, the entire pack.”

| could hear questions being shouted, but Zane pulsed feelings toward me.

Mostly acceptance, tinged with confusion and a lot of hope. There were a few bits of discontent, but it was outweighed by the positive.

Where's the Luna?” A single voice rose, joined soon by a bunch of others. " Show us the Luna Gabriela. Prove she's alive! | heard she was killed to hide the truth about her » aa mate!”