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Mated to the Alpha and His Beta

Chapter 450
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Chapter 450 Lanie The celebrations weren't over, and they wouldn't be for a long time. But | was bone-tired and ready for squiet twith my children and my mates. A hot shower. A warm, soft bed.

We weren't going to stay here in Brightsky. As wonderful a place as it was, it still wasn’t home. And while there might always be a need for sto seek sanctuary behind its gates, we, the wolves of Constantine, no longer needed it.

The High Council's utter destruction had left a void in the world of wolves. There'd been talk of having Xander step in to fill at least sof it, but he wasn’t sure he wanted to. Definitely not alone, and the idea of co-Alphas was new and strange. He and Mason had talked about it long into the past few nights, but | wasn’t sure what they would decide. Whatever it was, Zane and | would support them.

For now, | was happy enough that our little pack was going to have stalone before we hit the road at the end of the week. Malachi had asked us to stay at least that long to finish out all the celebrations and give all the Brightsky residents a chance to thank us. He had other reasons, too. Gifts to present to us, including the transfer of large sums of money that would do a lot to help rebuilding Constantine. So, even though | was itching to get on the road, I'd agreed that we would stay a little longer.

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| couldn’t hide my yawn, though. My grandfather caught it, even when I hid it behind my hand. He leaned over toand spoke in a low voice | could still hear over the sounds of the music, singing, and dancing.

“You don’t have to sit here all night. | can tell you'd rather be alone with your mates. And they alone with you, | rather suspect.” He chuckled. “You wolves don’t have the stamina of us vampires. We can party all night.” “But we can party in the sunshine,” | told him without malice.

He guffawed. “True, true. Ah, granddaughter. Are you sure | can’t convince you to stay here? I'm going to miss you. There's still so much you have to learn.” “You're welcto visit us any tyou want to in Constantine. I'll be busy helping repair and rebuild, but | guess | could make stfor my Ancient grandfather.” | leaned against him for a second before sitting up straight again in my chair. “If | can tear my mates away from the buffet, I'm going to take them back to our quarters. We've been running on fumes for days. They need their rest.” “You are truly a genuine Luna.” Malachi shook his head gently. “Your care, concern, and consideration are beyond compare. Even if you can’t manage all your talents...All right! Apologies!” He ducked away from my playful swat.

| kissed his cheek before | wove my way through the crowd toward my three mates. Each had piled their plates high with food, but they were starting to slow down. Even their massive appetites were being sated, and | knew what that meant. Soon they'd be hungry for something other than food.

The thought madegrin. | was definitely looking forward to having stalone with my three men.

Alone, in our own home, the one we would spend our tbuilding together.

For a moment, | pressed both hands to my belly. Maybe there would be more pups. Maybe, | thought as | caught sight of Stella across the room, there might even be grandpups.

| could only shake my head with laughter at the thought of it. Me, a grandmother? It would hardly be the strangest thing our family had weathered.

Stella sawlooking and waved forto join her. | pushed through the crowd of people dancing and singing to get to her. She grinned and hugged me.

“Having fun, little star?” “Everyone is so happy,” she said. “It's fillingup with all of their joy. It's almost overwhelming...but I love it.” “They're grateful to you,” | told her as people swirled around us, smiling and gesturing their gratitude.

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Stella ducked her head. “I know. But all | did was...” “All you did was save them all. And probably the world as we know it,” | told her firmly. “No false modesty, little star. Without you, none of us would still be here. You deserve to take pride in that.” “Umm, Stella? | was wondering, hoping, | mean, if you'd maybe like to dance with me?” We both turned to see a handsyoung warlock. He blushed, but boldly held out his hand to her. After a moment, she did.

“Go on,” | told her. “Your fathers and | will be waiting for you back at the apartment. Enjoy tonight. Tomorrow, we head back to Constantine.” | watched her walk away with her admirer and sent a mind link to my mates that I'd be waiting for them at home. In bed. Naked.

They all chimed in at once to say they were hot on my heels.

“Mother!” | turned as Stella ran to hug me.

“I won't be out late. | want to get an early start tomorrow. | can’t wait to get to Constantine. | think it’s where I'll finally be able to discover my true purpose as a Celestial.” “All in good time, little star,” | told her. “Everything will happen exactly as it's meant to.” All of us would find our purpose.

We were finally going home...for good.