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Married at First Sight (Serenity and Zachary)

Chapter 3176
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Duncan would like Liberty because he had been with her for a long time, was gradually attracted to her, and gradually fell in love with her.

He was not suitable for falling in love at first sight; he was only suitable for lasting love.

Ainsley believed she was superior to Liberty and believed she could persuade Duncan to choose her over Liberty if given the opportunity.

By the time the two of them had settled the business matters, it was time for dinner.

Ainsley took the initiative to invite Duncan to have dinner together.

Duncan declined Ainsley’s invitation. He said, “I have difficulty moving now. Unless | have dinner with my friends, | have to go to the company cafeteria.” “Well, Mr. Lewis, when you recover, | will treat you to dinner.” Ainsley couldn't force herself, fearing that being too deliberate would arouse Duncan’s resentment. She was also worried that Duncan would see through her thoughts and immediately draw a clear line with her, which would be more gain than loss.

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Duncan rarely interacted with unmarried young women.

Even if there are women among the bosses who cooperate with Lewis & Co., the youngest are middle-aged like her, and most of them are at the level of grandmothers.

If she hadn't supported her husband’s family and had a son, Duncan might not have personally been responsible for cooperating with her company.

In Duncan's eyes, Ainsley was the daughter-in-law of her husband's family and a married woman. Even if her husband dies, as long as she does not remarry or leave her husband's family, in the eyes of outsiders, she is still the daughter-in-law of her husband's family, a separate individual.

It was difficult for Duncan to have any thoughts about her.

“Ms. Girard, I'll ask the secretary to send you off.” Duncan didn’t get up to see Ainsley off. He had difficulty moving. No matter who comes, he rarely stands up. Everyone can understand him.

Ainsley smiled, shook hands with Duncan, and said, “Mr. Lewis, it's a pleasure to work with you.” “A pleasure to work with.” Duncan told his secretary to come in, and he escorted Ainsley and her secretary out.

The secretary escorted Ainsley and the two to the first floor until they left in the car. The secretary was about to go back to resume his duties. When he turned around and walked not far, he saw Duncan coming out in a wheelchair.

It was time to get off.

The secretary continued to walk behind Duncan, pushing him forward.

Duncan always had two meals in the company’s cafeteria, and his secretary naturally followed him. He was too embarrassed to go out to have a big meal alone.

“Mr. Lewis, Ms. Girard is beautifully dressed today. Could it be that she is in love? She usually wears professional suits.” Although Duncan's secretary was male, he also had a gossipy side. He pushed Duncan out of the office building and walked to the company canteen. On the way, he couldn't help but gossip with Duncan.

Duncan said, “Really? Did she dress up deliberately today? | didn’t notice this. Oh, | remembered that when she came yesterday, she was wearing a women’s suit and did not have long hair. Today she has long hair.” Visit english.net to read full content.

q PC Amusingly, the secretary said, “Ms.

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Girard has always had long hair, but she usually ties it into a bun at then back of her head Jada) Shedinot oi) hid hblnto a bun; she just let her hair down. You said that she was so excited overnight. She can go from short hair to long hair in a matter of , q q q seconds. It's not like wearing a wig.

Just put it on her head, and she can . ” get any hairstyle.” Please read the original content at english.net.

Visit english.net to read full content.

yu p Duncan laughed and said, “I don't pay attention to these. She and | are just talking about projects ik bysingss) Klicibik HAY ionship or not is her private matter. If there is gossip, just listen to it. If there is no 3 ) q gossip, let's not create gossip to q aq ’ q avoid ruining people's reputations.

Please read the original content at english.net.

Visit english.net to read full content.

. , Ms. Girard’s husband has been away , for several years. It's not easy for her to live in a house with Sion. Lp i passin BR) ake care of the company. We should not gossip about her or make fun of her until there is no factual basis. Right and ” wrong, he became a rumor maker.

Please read the original content at english.net.